Entry 151 -Long Gone Day

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"Oh shit." I say as I sit up, tangled with the guys in an embrace. Tori hides in Sean's arms and very well may I add. I know she is panicking beyond belief right now. It's  just me, Mike, Layne and Sean visible, looking like I've fucked all of them.

Mike gets up and pulls his pants back on and tries to make every excuse in the book as to why it's not his fault.

Layne is chill as anything and is under the covers smoking a cigarette, almost with a grin. He's not bothered, and oh how I wish we could all be like Layne.

"What Bess? Huh? Did you fuck all these guys? My entire fucking band?" Jerry asks with a hint of malice and defensiveness in his voice. I roll my eyes, tired of his petty rants and his possessive nature. Like dude, CALM THE FUCK DOWN!

"Jesus, Jerry..." I say almost in a whisper. Next thing I know he grabs my arm and pulls me off of the bed into a fireman's carry. 

"JERRY! Put me the fuck down!" I yell.

"Put her down right fucking now....and stop being a fucking jerk." Sean says, standing up for me, which is legit so sweet. Tori's guy has seen how much of an ass hat Jerry can be to me and thank fuck someone said something.

"Did he fuck you Bess?" He keeps asking that stupid fucking question. Now he's saying he should tell Tori....well man, she's in this room and she was the one that Sean fucked, not me. 

Tori makes her presence known, by appearing from the bedsheets, making sure her body is covered and flips Jerry the bird. He finally puts me down, finds my pile of clothes from the floor and shoves them into my hands.

"Get fucking dressed." He orders, a sour expression on my face to him.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I ask, snapping back at him.

"Whose idea was this?" He asks, seething.

"Not mine, it was hers." Starr says, pointing to Tori. Trying to clear his name of any kind of blame, although no one really started it, it just happened.

"Fucker." Sean sighs, clearly annoyed at his bumbling bandmate for blaming his lady. Mike, the guy who just creamed in my ass not too long ago, bareback and shaking with pleasure as he emptied his load into me, spreading my ass cheeks so he could see his seed drip from within me, blaming everyone but himself.

"It was me, So what?" Layne states like a King. He doesn't care, he's not even showing guilt. He knows he didn't do it, yet he is so used to Jerry being that way that he just wants him to stop talking at this point. He sticks up for all of us and taking the blame for my bestie. He is such a treasure.

Sean replies about how Jerry is jealous because he wasn't invited to the group sex and me and Tori giggle at his reply.

"I don't wanna be anywhere near Khair....and I don't want you fuckers screwing my girl." Jerry states.

"Your girl?" I laugh. "How many times do I tell you that I'm not your girl on a daily basis? Fuck you really are delusional."

"I'm so fucking done with all of you." He says through gritted teeth.

He storms towards the door and slams it shut, leaving. I know the next time he sees me he will apologise for his outburst like he always does.

"Are you okay, Bessie?" Tori asks.

I nod and smile faintly. "Yeah I'm okay. He's always like this. I'm sorry he's such a dick to everyone."

"Hey, don't apologise for Can't Tell Cantrell. If it wasn't you, it'd be someone else he would act like an ass for." Layne states, rolling himself another joint.

"I guess you're right." I reply.

"We are gonna head back to our room, are you gonna be okay?" Tori says, checking if I'm okay.

"Yeah I will be. Have fun guys." I smile to them.

Mr Starr leaves not long after them, and it's just me and Layne, who I straddle as he is smoking his joint.

He gives me a hit of the green, and I blow the smoke to the side.

"Mmm, your lips around that joint is giving me ideas, babe..." Layne smirks, his grin, lighting a fire from within me.

"Yeah....after all that? You want a round two?" I giggle, before our lips meet. We make out passionately, Layne's lips once again grazing my neck as his kisses and bites the delicate skin.

"The way you took both of us...babe, I am fucking impressed. Letting us both cum inside you....fuck it was hot. Your pussy felt like a vacuum, damn." Layne says, teasing me with his words.

"Oh and you know what a vacuum feels like huh?" I giggle, biting my lip, before we kiss again.

"Well if it's anything like your pussy and your mouth....then I should try it...." Layne replies, laughing into our kiss.

"Can you cum inside me again? I need to feel you....make me your cum slut, Staley." I say, my pussy throbbing from the intense sexual intercourse I engaged in with him and Mike, and full to the brim with his hot seed.

"If you're a good slut, then I'll cum anywhere you want." Layne states, putting out his joint into the ashtray beside him and then grabbing my ass cheeks in both his hands and squeezing them, spanking one cheek, getting me off like he knows how.

He hardens beneath me again, and I slide myself down onto his member, and move up and down on him and he stretches me out again, and my wet pussy engulfs his manhood.

"Shit, you're so fucking hot." Layne says, looking at me while my head is tilted back and my tits bounce with every repetitive movement on his shaft.

"Fuck me Layne!" I moan as I feel blissful.

"I'm so close baby" He says, his eyes staying on me as I continue to ride him.

After a little while, my orgasm reaches its height and I lose control. My movements become sloppy and my moans a little louder.

"I'm almost.....there....I...Layne!!!!" I scream, feeling me cream myself on Layne's pulsating length. My eyes roll into the back of my head and I cum. Hard.

"That's it Bess, fuck....shit....I'm cumming..." Layne says, before I feel his warmth coat the inside of my intimacy.

It feels so good. The combination of warm and wet, sending me to the edge, as I cum in succession.

"LAYNE!!!" I scream in pleasure.

He rests his forehead on my chest, as he rides out his wave of ecstasy.

We fall into a peaceful slumber after, hugging and appreciating each others bodies, just the both of us, entwined and relaxed.

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