Entry 71- All secrets known

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Once back at the Marriott, Tori and Sean are smitten as we dismount our bikes. I'm on the back of Tori's bike, while Shon has his own. He met us at the clinic, he's always around Tori and probably because I think he loves her. She admitted to me she had fallen head over heels with him and she doesn't think he feels the same, but COME ON....He has been acting like a lovesick puppy around her. She doesn't see it, but everyone who is around them does.

We see Chrissie smoking outside with loverboy Chris, and they smile at seeing us. I head over to them and Chrissie gives me a knowing look. "How did it go?" she asks, taking a final puff on her cigarette and flinging it to the floor before stomping on it.

"Good! I'm feeling better that's for sure. You guys good?" I reply.

"Yeah, we....had fun" Chris smiles knowingly to Chrissie, who smiles back in a flirty tone with him.

"GET IT!" I say, with a giggle. "The rest of the guys in their rooms?"

"Yeah, those guys.......even Jerry" Chrissie replies.

"Really? With Maryann? Oh wait I just realised something...." I say, the thought hitting me as I realise Maryann is flavour of the day for Mr. Cantrell.

"Maryann? I wondered who that was with him....so he's moved on or....?" Chrissie asks.

"I've no idea, I caught them in the bathroom stall at Green River....doing...well you can guess. Now I'm thinking I don't have a room to stay in..." I say.

"Hmmmm, I'm sure Layne will put you up..." Chris winks.

I laugh and nod, "He probably will....but I feel bad unloading everything on to Layne, when I was meant to be here with Cantrell."

"Honestly Bess, Layne won't mind, I'm sure he'd love it." Chrissie smiles.

"It's fine, I'll go get my own room...if there aren't any, I'll sleep on the tour bus." I say, trying to seem as independent as I can. Proving that I don't need any of the band to look after me.

"Or...knock on Layne's door...." Chrissie continues to tease.

I shake my head and laugh, and head into the lobby and to the reception.

"One moment please." The receptionist says as she speaks on the phone.

I nod and smile, then once she has finished her call she greets me.

"How can I help you?" she asks.

"Hi, do you have a room spare for tonight?" I ask, nervously expecting a 'We are all booked up.'

The receptionist goes through her book and sees a couple of rooms that are free.

"Actually yes, a few slots have opened up today, we've had a couple of cancellations too, so it frees up some rooms." the woman smiles.

"Amazing, If you can book me into one that would be awesome." I smile.

She takes my details and I pay the cost, before she gives me some papers about the room and the hotel, and a room key.

I then realise my luggage will be in Jerry's room, where I put it before I went to the clinic with Tori. Great. I'm gonna have to go up there and knock on the door while him and Maryann are probably bumping uglies.

When I head up to my room, I realise it is the room straight opposite Jerry's. Fuck my life. FUCK MY LIFE! I'm gonna need earplugs.

I knock on his door and not long after, it opens and Maryann is standing there in nothing but her bra and panties.

DIRT: the grunge diaries - Bessie's diaryWhere stories live. Discover now