Entry 49 - Again and Again

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I find myself with my back against the tiles of the shower cubical, Jerry between my legs and his lips traversing my decolletage. Not an uncommon occurrence, but definitely one we both enjoy. He's pissed off at me and I can tell by the way he is touching at me and kissing me, almost biting me in frustration, everything is rough and he wastes no time sliding his length inside my intimacy, as I wrap my legs around his waist, and he fucks me against the shower tiles.

His thrusts are hasty and quick as he pounds my pussy, deep and almost like he's making a statement as my body moves with his. 

"Oh my god....Jerry...." I say loudly, as that oh so good feeling between my legs makes me weak and practically melting into Jerry as I am at his mercy.

"Shut...the fuck up" he replies in an angry tone. 

Not gonna lie when I say these angry tones are making me wetter by the second, I'm basically his cum whore at this point. I would let him come anywhere as he speaks to me with such a degrading yet stern manner.

"Cum inside me....please...." I beg.

Who would of thought, the loving I get when Jerry is happy is good, but not as orgasm inducing as when he tells me to 'shut the fuck up'. There must be something wrong with me, I would do anything he says when he's like this.

"You didn't want it last time I did." he replies, continuing to plough the fuck out of me.

"Well I'm gonna take the morning after pill tomorrow, so why the fuck not?" I respond.

My back feels bruised from the pounding, but holy shit, the pain I feel on my back, is counteracted by my fast approaching climax.

"Such a fucking whore....not gonna call me Stone again? Layne?" he says in his pissed off way, I think part of it is playing along to get me off, the other part is completely serious.

"No......ah...fuck Jer.....I'm gonna cum....please let me cum?" I say, gripping onto Jerry's back, eyes closed as I enjoy the pleasure of our rendezvous.

He pulls out and removes my legs from his waist, almost throwing them off in disgust. I lower my legs to the ground and look at him as he wets his hair under the shower.

"I was so close....why did you stop?" I ask, a little glum that he didn't let me finish.

He continues washing his hair, and smooths it down with his hands, the water running down his body, dripping down his face as he stares at me with frustration.

"You ain't getting it that easy...." he says simply.

I take a deep breath and shake my head. "Fine, if you're gonna be that way, I'll leave."

I go to open the door, turning my back to him, until he grabs my arm and pulls me back to him.

"I can't fucking quit you." he says, pulling me in to him close and just like that, our lips meet and our tongues dance together, as the water falls down our hot and eager bodies. He grabs my ass firmly, while one hand slides into my hair by the back of my neck, as our kiss is a little more meaningful now and more full on.

I enjoy his touch, I enjoy the way he makes me feel when we become intimate with each other, however I still don't love him, and I have no idea why that is. This isn't love, it's lust, and an appreciation for our bodies, he's a friend, a friend with benefits, but that's all Jerry will be to me and I think he knows that.

"Turn around and bend over." He says to me after pulling out of our steamy kiss.

"I never thought I'd hear it today, Cantrell." I smirk and happily comply.

Before I can't do as he asks, I turn around, and he pulls me back to him, his hand around my neck, his erection poking me in the back. He says into my ear with a gentle but stern tone "If you don't shut that smart mouth, I'm gonna have to put it to better use."

"Yes Daddy." I say, knowing that gets him off.

"Now do as I say whore....bend over." he replies.

He removes his hand from my neck and I do indeed bend over for him, jutting my ass out so he can spank and grab it however he chooses.

"Such a bad girl....such a fucking perfect body....this ass..." he states as he almost inspects me. "Play with your pussy, babe." 

I move my hand to my intimacy, moving my fingers between my folds to my swollen clit and rub in circular, repetitive motions. God, it feels amazing. I moan at my touch to my pussy, and I can just tell Jerry is rubbing his length from behind as he watches me, getting off at my little masturbation session.

"Shit....so fucking hot." he says, before he spanks my ass firmly with his other hand.

"Make me cum before I do..." I say, my breathing staggered, moaning from the overwhelming stimulation that is feeling so intense and so damn good.

The next thing I know, Jerry guides himself into my pussy and grabs my hips, pulling me onto his thick and girthy member and I gasp at the sudden yet intense introduction of his cock to my wet hole.

He begins to thrust hard into me, my hands lean onto the tiles to keep me standing  and upright.

"Jerry....Oh....my.....FUCK!" I scream with such pleasure as my climax hits me, from my core, travelling throughout my hot and sensitive body, as Jerry continues to pound me.

My pussy drips with my own juices, and contracts around Jerry's hard length.

"Babe....I'm gonna fill you....you want that huh, slut?" Jerry says, as he continues to fuck me, his words staggered as his breathing is jagged, growls escaping him as he becomes feral at the sight of me cumming.

"Yes Daddy...please..." I respond. "Cum inside."

He speeds up once more, before slowing down, his movements out of sync as he nears his climax.

"Shit.....Babe.....I'm....I'm cumming...." he says, before I feel his cock throb and release inside me, my pussy milking him for all he's worth. Now he's at my mercy, weak as his ejaculate fills me to the brim. 

Jerry pulls out and I feel his semen drip down my thigh, as I stand upright now.

After we clean ourselves in the shower, we lay on the bed for the evening, both naked and enjoying the company with each other.

Jerry lights a cigarette and offers me one, which I accept. I hold the tobacco stick between my lips and he lights the end with a lighter. I take a deep draw and remove the cigarette between my index and middle finger, from my mouth and blow the smoke to the side.

"That was fucking amazing." Jerry says, as he smokes, laying on his back.

I'm leaning on my elbow, laying on my side, enjoying the company.

"Like always" I smile, taking another draw of my cigarette.

"Sucks it can't be anymore than this, but I guess I gotta accept it." Jerry says.

I nod. "Yeah, it's fun though..." I smirk.

"Damn fucking straight." he replies before we kiss delicately.

After we enjoy a couple more cigarettes and a hit of Coke, I get up and get dressed, finding out a floral mini dress and my Louboutin heels from my suitcase.

"You dressing up? Where ya going?" Jerry asks, still naked and sitting on the end on the bed.

"You are gonna take me to dinner, so get dressed Rooster Jr." I smile.

"While you're dressed up and I have nothing but denim and a shirt to make myself look decent?" he grins at my suggestion.

"You're a rock star, no one gives a shit what you wear....the girl on your arm however, everyone and their mother will be judging." I reply.

"Actually, I am hungry as fuck so dinner sounds great." Jerry says, getting up and spanking my ass for the third time.

"More of that tonight Cantrell" I wink.

Jerry laughs before getting dressed, and then we head out to find somewhere to eat.

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