Entry 116 - The Girls Wanna Dance

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After my rendezvous with Mr Starr, I emerge from the restroom like I was just merely powdering my nose. I go to the bar and ask for another Tree Line cocktail, when I hear a giggle from just behind me. I know the voice, the sweet light tone of the laugh. My roomie, one of my best pals...Tori.

"Beautiful Bessie!" She squeals in excitement.

I turn around and hug her, a huge smile beaming across her face. She looks radiant, and I can't help but feel that Sean is the reason for this. I'm happy for my friend. To find someone who makes her laugh, makes her feel good and reassures her when she is self-conscious, and she has always been that way since I've known her, so he definitely helps her.

"Tori! Girl! You are glowing!" I reply. "Where's Sean?"

We move out of our embrace and Tori points over to where most of Alice in Chains are, minus Jerry, who I see across the room, flirting with some red head who really doesn't give a damn. I look back to the Alice guys and see Layne, Sean and Mike talking and laughing. Sean looks over to Tori and smiles, and man, he looks at her with so much admiration in his eyes and he looks like he has so much love for my bestie. I melt at how cute they are together.

When Mike and Layne look over to where Tori and I are standing, they see my friend and then check me out, both smiling at me. 

"Is Mike checking you out?" Tori asks.

I look at her and smirk and her eyes widen.

"BESSIEEEEEEEE!" She says with a kind of whine.... "Not horny Mike?" she asks with doe eyes. 

"It depends what you mean." I say mysteriously.

"Noooo Bessie! You might have Michael's crustaceans!" Tori pouts, almost worried for me.

I laugh, I know how worried my friend gets for me, and it's sweet, but I know what I'm doing. Mike was free of 'crustaceans', mainly because he was shaven and there wasn't a rash. If there were signs of crabs, I wouldn't have gone down on him.

"It's fine girl, he was fine. I went down on him, that's it." I respond. 

"If you're sure Bess." Tori half smiles. "He is digging you...." 

"Have you seen how Sean looks at you? He is in love with you Tori, I've seen that look from Dave and Jerry when they look at me. I'm so happy for you!" I say with a smile.

Tori smiles brightly. "I love him too. He makes me the happiest ever! He's a great father to my son too." She says, speaking about her cockatiel, Cock Soup.

She looks back to me and looks at my cocktail. "Ooooo what are you drinking?" she asks.

"Tree Line! Or a 'Denver Special'. It's so nice, lemon, cherry, whiskey, liquor....just about all the good stuff." I reply, and see Tori giggle when I say Cherry.

"I NEED one!" She says, before asking the bartender.

We go and sit with the guys after she has her beverage, and both Mike and Layne have saved a space next to them...leaving me with choices.

"I saved you a seat Bess." Layne winks with that always magnetic charm.

"Screw you Staley....I got one right here she can have." Mike laughs.

I notice Layne smile at him a knowing look, like he knows about me and Mike's oral session, and he probably does.

"I know where I'm sitting" Tori giggles as she sits on Sean's lap.

"Sorry this space was reserved for Jeraldine over there." Sean replies with such dead-pan delivery, directing his sights to Jerry, jokingly, before Tori perches on his lap and Sean's hands meet her waist. They share a kiss, leading Mike to say "Jesus, get a room....or a restroom stall." 

I sit next to Layne, just because I've been with him more than I have Mike and I trust him more, and he pulls me closer to him with his arm around my waist.

"So....Bess....who's dick is better?" Layne smirks.

"Between?" I ask.

"Me and Starr..." he responds.

"Well mine is bigger that's for sure..." Starr quips.

"A lady doesn't kiss and tell." I comment. That seems to be my catchphrase as of late. 

"Maybe we should test it with you." Layne smiles, rubbing my waist with his fingers. "I'm sure Mike wouldn't mind if you both fucked you in the same room...."

"Is that a hint at a threesome Mr Staley?" I ask.

"Damn straight it is." Mike responds, clearly up for the suggestion. 

"You want that babe?" Layne asks.

Sean and Tori break their kiss and Tori laughs.

"I'd watch it." Sean states. "With my lady of course...."

"You're all filthy." I say. "You know I love that..."

"You were right about that thing Bess does with her tongue, Layne. Damn. I thought I was gonna bust a nut as soon as I felt it..." Mike tells. Maybe too much information, but I don't care.

"What thing she does with her tongue?" Tori asks, like she wants to know the latest news.

Layne looks at her and then to me, before our lips meet. He pulls away and smiles at me, then looks back to Tori.

"Maybe you girls should kiss and find out..." Layne suggests.

After that, I see Chrissie approach the table with Chris and they are flustered. They have clearly fucked in the bathroom and I love that for them.

"GIRLS!" she calls. I feel like I haven't seen her in such a while, when in reality it's only been a day and a half since I last saw her.

Me and Tori get up and hug our friend, while Chris sits next to Starr.

"I really wanna dance!" Chrissie says as some AC DC comes on in the club.

"I will come with ya!" I respond.

"Oooooo I love dancing! I practice the tango with Cock Soup!" Tori says, while we all look at her in confusion.

"How do you?...." Chris asks, brandishing the same bewildered look as the rest of us.

"Oh, he flies around the lounge and I do the tango!" Tori somewhat explains.

I laugh along with Chrissie.

"You mean you practice the tango, while the bird does whatever?" Chrissie laughs.

"Yeah but he's dancing too! Just flying!" she smiles.

"Well shall we dance girls? The guys are waiting to see us do our thing...." I say, grabbing both their hands and dragging them to the dancefloor.

"We'll be baaaaaaack!" Tori says to the guys as we make our way over to dance.

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