Entry 182 - Again and Again

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After weeping, getting pissed off about Maryann sending that tape, and weeping some more, once I knew the cameras were gone in my room, me and Jerry ended up cuddling on the bed. He stroked my hair as my head rested on his chest, and I had one of my arms around him.

We talked about possible situations and things we could do to make sure Maryann got her just desserts, including calling the police. However, I dismissed the idea and wanted to actually speak to her instead to sort everything out.

"Babe, she violated your privacy and sent the tape to someone else. That is not fucking okay." Jerry states, lighting a cigarette as I sit upright, leaning against the headboard.

"I know, but she's going through shit too. It was revenge for seeing us together, and I understand sometimes we do things irrationally. I'm just so pissed that she sent it to Stone. The guy probably hates my guts, seeing as he thinks I sent it." I reply.

"Well what would you rather do?" Jerry asks me puffing on his cigarette, blowing the smoke to the side, and moving his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"I don't know. I just hate all this drama. Speaking to her is the best thing, but I don't know where the heck she is. This whole thing was so fucking stupid." I say, panicking internally.

"Hey....come here." Jerry says, bringing me in for a hug.

Right now, Jerry smells so good. He feels amazing and comforting to me. I just want him. Bad. I know it's my emotions playing with me, but as I've mentioned before, sex with Jerry is amazing and always makes me feel better.

We slowly leave the embrace, and I straddle him, leaving a delicate but lingering kiss on his lips. I feel his member grow from underneath me, and our kisses turning into lustful pecks as my hands take their place, either side of Jerry's face.

I pull myself away, realising this isn't the best decision with how I'm feeling. This is just a fuck because I need to feel something good after feeling awful for the past few days. I need to feel some joy and some pleasure and Jerry is comfortable, as bad as that sounds, and by my own admission I am using him. I know that, and that might be the reason he caught feelings for me in the first place. We have an undeniable chemistry, and although I enjoy fucking other guys, I have never felt the way I do when I'm with Jerry, the way he traverses my body, the way he touches my skin, the way he kisses me, like I am the end goal for him. Alas I don't love him. There are feelings for him, but not love. It's something that's hard for him to understand, because to him these feelings must be love, right? To me, I see him as a friend and frequent fuck buddy, but I could never be in a relationship with him.

"I'm sorry, I'm a mess..." I state, getting off of his lap and moving to my side of the bed.

"Babe....come on....you can't leave me hanging like that..." He smirks, and leans over to kiss me. I accept his kiss and we make out for a few minutes before his hands gradually move up my thighs and under my skirt, pulling my panties down, and finding my clit, rubbing it with a firmness and repetitiveness that gets me incredibly wet for him.

"Jerry..." I say, pulling away from the kiss "Stay with me tonight. I can't be alone right now. Please?"

He brushes some loose strands of hair out of my face and behind my ears and smiles at me, practically begging for his company. He kisses me again and chuckles "Bess, I'm not going anywhere."

I'm putty in his hands this evening and he knows it. He knows I don't have the strength to argue with him and that I just want companionship during this time of need. We kiss again and after we both shed our clothes, he kisses me from my lips down to my breasts, and down to my intimacy, where I am needy for him.

"So fucking beautiful." He says before going down on me and sucking my clit, which feels fucking amazing.

I feel his tongue lick between my folds and I whimper at the divine feeling. He inserts two fingers into my dripping pussy, while he continues to suck my clit, sending me into a frenzy. My legs decide they are gonna close, at the ridiculously sensitivity my sex is feeling right now, before Jerry opens my legs again and pins them down by my inner thighs.

"These stay open." He says, firmly, and I obey his words, although I find it so difficult during this Oh So delightful foreplay he is indulging me in.

After a while, I can tell Jerry just wants to be inside me, his cock painfully hard and throbbing for me.

"Fuck....I need to be inside you." He says, hovering above me, hands either side of me, flat on the mattress.

"Please, Jer...fuck me hard...I need it." I reply. "Please daddy." I tease.

I wrap my legs around his hips, and his huge manhood enters my tight, wet hole.

"Damn....this pussy.....fuck, Bess." He says, alerting me to how much he loves how I feel inside. I let out a barely audible 'Fuck' as he begins to thrust into me, my pussy accomodating him nicely.

Every thrust feels intense, like this is Jerry's way of getting out his frustrations, and to be honest, I'd rather he do this than lash out at the guys when he's pissy, or at my friend, Tori,  because she denied him more than once and because she got Stone and I talking. He saw that as a threat, because he doesn't want anyone else to have me, but I guess now he won't have to worry about Stone, after the tape incident. My heart aches.

We switch up positions after a while and I end up bouncing up and down on his length as I am now on top of him, my ass getting red from the slapping of skin on skin, but the pleasurable feeling of cock from beneath me. Jerry grabs my breasts as I ride him, and I can tell he is close to his climax, with that face I know so well, showing signs of orgasm approaching.

"That's it Bess, just like that babe..." He manages to say.

I tilt my head back and continue to ride him, my body slowing down and my movements sloppy as I near my orgasm. Suddenly I let out a breathy scream as I fully ride the wave of ecstasy. It feels so good, my pussy clenching around his rock solid member and my body shaking with euphoria.

"Get off babe, and open that pretty fucking mouth..." Jerry asks, more like orders, as politely as ever.

I move off his shaft and he gets me to kneel on the floor, while he stands and jerks himself off, while I fondle my breasts for his enjoyment.

"You gonna cum for me, big guy?" I say suggestively.

"Uhh god...." Jerry says, and just like that, my mouth open, he shoots his warm seed into the back of my throat.

I hear him growl as he empties himself inside my 'fucking pretty mouth', and I suck off his shaft, draining him from the remaining ejaculate. I swallow every last drop, and I come up to meet him after, embracing, before we cuddle back on the bed.

"Thank you." I say, eyes closed, resting on his chest once more.

"That was all you babe." He responds.

"No ...for staying with me tonight." I add.

"You're welcome Bess." He responds, before we both fall asleep.

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