Entry 78 - Come on When I Get Off

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After my call with Stone, I take a shower and freshen up, before I throw on a strapless vest and some denim hot pants, paired with some peep toe espadrilles. I curl my hair ever so loosely that the curls become somewhat lazy waves and I apply some make up, going for a natural base with black mascara and a slick of lipgloss and a tiny amount of blush to give some colour to my face.

I grab my purse and head down to the hotel bar, where I half expect to see everyone, however it is strangely quiet. I only worry for my friend, Tori, who is upset and angry with Sean for him playing her like a fool. I can't speak for their relationship, however, I know after the fellatio incident, Tori feels clowned, betrayed and hurt. I hope she's okay.

I sit at a stool at the bar and order a margarita. The barman is quite cute if I'm honest. He's no Stone, but he's still cute. Aaaand there I go, fawning over Stone once more...I can't seem to get my mind off of him. Our second sexual encounter over the phone was even better than the last, and I think I'm falling. Hard. I've never felt this invested in someone, or felt the butterflies for anyone like I do with him. The bonus is that he seems to like me in the same way. I can't wait to get back to Seattle and actually spend time with him, be exclusive with him, but until then I will continue to enjoy myself while on tour with the Alice in Chains camp. 

I continue to enjoy my cocktail and I chill, which is definitely needed after a whirlwind few days. Jerry is now bumping uglies with Maryann (poor girl), until he gets bored and finds the next woman. I don't know what draws me and him together, although we have a spark when we meet, like a chemistry that is off the charts. Especially when we get down to the sex, he feels great, he knows what gets me going and every movement that gets me off and I am the same with him. I'm just along for this Alice in Chains ride, each day is a new one and anything could happen. That's half the fun of it. He says he loves me, but I don't love him, but can he actually say that after fucking Maryann? I'm very doubtful.

Suddenly I notice someone sitting next to me at the bar, I don't look, but I recognise the voice. 

"A bud and whatever the lady would like" he says.

I look over and see someone I definitely wasn't expecting.


"Hey pretty lady..." 

David Abbruzzese, is here...in Denver, and I'm actually so happy to see him.

"Oh my god!" I say as we embrace. 

"Someone's happy to see me..." he smirks as we continue our extended hug.

"It's amazing to see you! What brings Mr Abbruzzese to Denver?" I ask as we sit close together, but now coming out of our embrace.

"I knew Denver was your next stop, I found out from a mutual roadie for PJ and Alice, I asked him where the next stop was and he told me." Dave admits, as the barman serves him his beer. "Thanks man" he says to the bartender.

"So...are you stalking me Dave?" I ask, jokingly and I smirk. He knows I'm playing and he digs it.

"If missing you counts as stalking, then maybe I am..." he laughs. 

"You missed me huh? Well I missed you..." I reply, my face closer to his, as I begin to whisper into his ear, "I missed the way you fuck me."

Dave's smile widens and he chuckles as he lights a cigarette. "Is that an invite, Miss Brett?"

"It could be if you're good." I wink. 

Dave offers me a cigarette and lights it for me as I balance it between my lips.

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