Entry 164 - Broken

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A week on and we now find ourselves in Memphis, for the next part of Alice in Chains' tour with Ozzy Osbourne.

Tori is there with Sean after her modelling gig she did in New York. I'm so proud of my bestie. She really is living her best life and she has a man who loves her unconditionally, the same way she feels about him.

I mainly spent my time with Layne and Mike, although much to the dissatisfaction of Jerry. Me and Layne fucked several more times and one of those times again with Starr, who was eyeing me like I was the most succulent cut of Ribeye steak he's ever seen.

We play a few games to ease the boredom of the bus ride, the journey being a long one and poker being...ahem....on the cards.

Jerry is currently talking to two blondes on the bus, neither of which are me, but the girls seem nice. He's looking over at me in the corner of his eye to see my reaction every time he says something scandalous to the women, trying to make me jealous I'm guessing. I'm not jealous. I don't love Jerry, but I enjoy our rendezvous' and our friendship, although he can be a dick about it. He will probably sleep with those women tonight, while Layne barebacks me again in the other room.

In fact, right now, mine and Layne's hands are together, our fingers interlinking as I sit on his lap.

I miss Stone.

These guys are great and they definitely keep things interesting, however I have a different feeling when I think of the rhythm guitarist of Pearl Jam. I get butterflies in my stomach, I feel like this is all new (which it is for me), and I practically drool at anything he says. He's intelligent, talented, sweet, yet we've never actually spent any time together, aside from our phone calls. I know he's wanted to be with me since he saw me, but I didn't know until Tori told me all this information, kinda recently.

We get to the next hotel and I decide to get my own room again, despite the fact me and Jerry were supposed to be sharing one for the entirety of the trip, we clearly can't stay 'Groupie Faithful' if that's even a thing. He's fucking other women, I'm fucking other guys, but some how we'll probably end up screwing each other again. As crazy as it sounds, Jerry may not be boyfriend material for me, but he's the best fuck I've had so far in my time of being a groupie. The way he traverses my body, he knows every single touch I desire, every movement that gets me off and every position that makes me climax like no one else can. We have a chemistry, and he might 'love' Me or confuse that chemistry for such, but I take it for what it is, fun, beautiful, consensual bliss.

I get off the bus Layne following on his crutches, Mike helping him down the steps while Layne holds onto him, his arm around his shoulders. I hold the crutches while Layne Makes it off the bus, and give them to him when hos feet are stable on the ground.

"Thanks babe" he smiles, taking the crutches from me.
Jerry is walking ahead, his arms around the waists of both the blondes from the bus.

"Looks like Can't Tell Cantrell is gonna get his end wet." Starr laughs. "I had the one on the left...."

"Okaaaay?" I chuckle slightly.

"She violently shakes when she's cum..."

"OKAAAY!" I say interrupting his gross description and giving way too much information.

"She ain't a squirter like you though....Damn...." He says looking down at his clearly visible erection.

"Jesus Christ." I say, face palming as I hear Layne snicker.

"Put it away man!" Layne jokes with Starr.

"I can't help we have hot as fuck women hanging around." Starr replies, with the tact of a goldfish on dry land.

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