Entry 65 - Heaven Inside You

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After a while I go back inside with Layne. He's stupid horny and I can tell by the way he keeps looking at me and by the way he flashes that cheeky smile at me. By this time, Maryann has gone back inside and I can tell she's itching to get a piece of Jerry. The way her eyes light up when anyone mentions his name is telling, and can you imagine? A woman who loves Jerry as much as he claims to love me? All I would say to her is to be careful and to hold her own, for Jerry can be manipulative and possessive.

"You see the way that chick was getting giddy over Can't Tell Cantrell? Jesus....were you ever like that?" Layne smirks, finishing his lucky strike.

I laugh and shake my head. "No....I never felt anything but lust for him. I know the type of guy he is and he's not really my type. I like guys that care, guys that will look after me, guys that make me laugh. Someone who will treat me like I matter. Not like I'm just the next notch on a bed post."

Layne nods and takes one of my hands into his, pulling me into him for an embrace. My arms wrap around his neck and my hands link behind and his arms wrap around my torso and his hands on the small of my back, while his crutches hang round his wrists. It feels nice. I don't often get the chance to hug properly not since my last time with Dave alone, but it's nice. It's warming and it makes me feel better when everything seems confusing and difficult.

"You are so much more than a fucking notch on a bed post. I admire you. It's not love, but it's respect and I care about you. I appreciate you. Understand the groupie lifestyle. If I'm completely honest .... Maybe a relationship would work for you. What about Gossard? I know you dig him...and he's a good guy." Layne says all while still embracing me.

I nod.

"I think I might call him again....I'm missing his voice...." I reply as we slowly step out of the hug.

"Is it true you had phone sex with old Goosey?" Layne smirks, that cheeky grin once again.

I bite my lip. "Maybe" I say.

"Damn....thinking about you fingering yourself is getting me hard...." He replies. "Wanna find a restroom? Or we could go back to the bus...."

"You know what? The tour bus sounds best....I'm just gonna go inside and use the bathroom. Wait for me there?" I say.

Layne nods. "Always...." He smiles.

I walk back inside and find the nearest rest room and do my business before I hear slight commotion coming from one of the stalls. There are muffled screams and I get concerned. I approach the cubicle and notice it's unlocked but pulled to.

"Hey....are you okay in there?" I ask and get no response.

I knock and the grunts still continue.

I push the door slightly and I see Maryann up against the cubical wall with a hand over her mouth. I open the door wider and see Jerry between her legs, Maryann's dress hiked up with Jerry's pants around his ankles as he thrusts into her like he does with me.

"Fuck....so tight...." Jerry says, with Maryann's legs wrapped around his body.

They both turn their heads to see me and I smile slightly, shaking my head.

Jerry releases his hand from Maryann's mouth and looks like he's feeling guilty.

"Don't stop...." She says as they look back to each other. Jerry continues to thrust into her and their pleasurable moans fill the restroom.

I go to wash my hands before I leave and I'm kinda in disbelief. I've caught Jerry with other women before, it's not a surprise, but since he told me he loves me this is the first time I've seen him slam into another woman. I don't even care, I'm more pissed off to be honest because he always hates it when I sleep with other guys....then it's okay if he does it with other women.

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