Entry 6 - Drop the Leash

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WARNING 18 + Readers only - Strong Sexual Content


The party was a fun one....I say that, however I'm very well aware I spent most of it in bed with Mr Cantrell, pretty much as soon as I got there, until the morning. We must have done the deed in 7 rounds over the evening, occasionally taking breaks and then back to bang-central. When I tell you he had me in every position, I mean it. He's huge down there too, so I found it hard to walk the next day, due to the pussy pounding I was given, which I very much enjoyed.

A couple days on and I'm still feeling the after effects of Jerry's cock. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I do find it hard to walk after the Cantrell-Cum-Fest.

Today I have arranged to meet Dave Abbruzzese, at the apartment. Tori is out on her bike right now and Chrissie is at her class, so I have the place to myself for a few hours. That and Tori is probably on top of Sean Kinney as we speak...who knows. Me and Dave actually saw each other yesterday, hooking up in the shower after Tori had decided to crash on my bed. I don't mind, Tori is kind of a tear away and I love her for it, but I have learnt in all my time being a groupie, that you gotta have a plan B if plan A doesn't work out. 

Even though I'm still in a little pain from the pleasure a few days back, I can't wait to see Dave again. He's a caring lover, unlike Jerry, who is amazing at sex, but it's all about the take with him. Once he's done, he ups and leaves or tells me I need to shower because of the ejaculation HE unloaded onto me. Dave cares, and is a giver. He's sensual and makes sure I get pleasure before he gets any....he's extremely sweet and kind.

Me and Dave have spent days together at a time, and although he is a very considerate lover, he will throw a kink in there sometimes. A few weeks ago, we fucked on the kitchen counter quietly while Tori and Chrissie were watching re-runs of 'The Golden Girls' in the next room. They knew nothing about our spontaneous endeavour, but I had to resist the urge to scream out during my ecstasy with Dave, leading me to cover my mouth with my hand. It was so fucking good, I came in succession.

Currently, I am dressed in a denim mini skirt and a black halter neck top, that displays my ample bosoms nicely. My blonde locks are loosely curled and I have a slick of red across my lips.

The doorbell rings and I get up to answer it, seeing Dave standing there through the peep hole. He is holding some flowers which is so positively sweet, one of the only guys that I've been with that actually treats me like that. I open the door and greet him, and his eyes show admiration for me, his cute smile telling me how happy he is that we are spending the day together.

Dave Abbruzzese has always been kinda shy, but it's endearing, and you would never tell when he's bouncing you up and down on his cock and telling you that you're "A bad girl". 

"Hey Bess." he smiles, holding out the flowers to me.

"These are so sweet Dave....thank you so much." I take the bouquet of flowers and bring them to my nose, smelling the fresh scent. "Come in" I say, standing aside to let him enter.

"They're the best ones I saw. Remind me of you." he replies.

After he walks in the door, I close the door behind and head to the kitchen to place the bouquet into a vase, which I ask Dave to hand me from the top cupboard, and fill it with fresh water. I place the flowers in it and neatly arrange them. The fact that it's Chrissie's vase is another matter entirely. She won't mind....I think.

"They are beautiful..." I say, admiring them as I move them to the window sill.

"Like I said, reminds me of someone" he winks, walking closer to me. 

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