Entry 188 - Broken Pieces

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A few days have passed and I've been with Mike a couple more times since the last time I wrote about. I have been with Jerry once in those two days, and he still hasn't figured out that me and Starr have been fucking on the down low.

To be honest, a lot has happened and right now I can hear banging coming from Tori and Sean's room. Not a normal, horny couple banging, but things being thrown against walls and smashing kind of banging. I worry as I know it's coming from my friend's room, and although I'm in my bathrobe about to run a bath and have a somewhat relaxing evening after all the debauchery I've indulged in, I know that's gonna be impossible now. I rush out of my room and see Jerry emerge from his, with both of the blondes he's been with, looking outward to see what the commotion is.

Jerry looks at me in some relief, as if he thought the noise was coming from my room.

"You know what that is?" He asks me and I shake my head, completely lost as to what's happening.

"No clue, but I think it's coming from Tori's room." I reply.

"Get back inside, I'll be back soon, babes." Jerry says to the blondes, who's name I'm still not sure on, before he closes the door and walks with me to Tori's room.

"You're having fun then?" I smirk.

"It's alright." He chuckles.

"Man whore", I joke with him, making him laugh.

It seems to be when we've been away from each other for a couple of days, then we get along a heck of a lot better than when we are fucking each others brains out.

"Hey! I take that title very seriously." He mockingly replies, making me giggle in the process.

We walk to Tori's hotel door and notice it's open and Sean sitting on the end of the bed with his head in his hands. I look around and see no sign of my friend, just a fucked up hotel room with broken items everywhere, including Tori's favourite perfume, which is in pieces on the floor.

"Sean...where is Tori?" I ask, sternly.

"I don't fucking know." He mumbles.

I see blood on his hands and I'm not sure whether it was from the broken glass scattered around, or my worst fear, that he made my friend bleed.

"What did you do?" I say, half worried, half angry.

"Hey babe, it's okay, calm down." Jerry says to me.

"No Jerry! If he's done something to her, I swear to god..." I reply snappily.

Jerry walks over to Sean and sits beside him on the bed.
"Sean, what is all this man? What happened?"

I run into the bathroom, half expecting to see Tori in the bathtub or sitting up against a wall with a bloodied nose, but nothing. All I can say, is thank fuck I put  my Docs on before I left my room, there is glass everywhere, and one wrong step, would cut a bare foot up instantly.

I walk out of the bathroom and see than Sean looks pretty guilty, whatever he did and he's clearly drunk and high on something.

I take a deep breath and realise I know nothing about the situation and that maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Sean. I walk over to him and rub his back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you, I'm just worried about her." I say to him as he pushes my hand away.

"Yeah well you ain't the only one." He says, slurring his speech.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"He's fine, just an asshole like usual." Jerry smirks. I think he must have had small talk with him whilst I was in the bathroom.

"What happened? You guys fight?" I question, wondering where Tori could be.

"What the fuck is this? 21 questions?" Sean says with sarcasm.

I roll my eyes and Jerry can tell that Sean's refusal to answer my questions is frustrating the hell out of me. He gets up and walks with me towards the door.

"He got paranoid Tori was with someone else, trashed the hotel room and frightened her from what it sounds like." Jerry explains to me.

"Oh for fuck sake." I reply. "I'm gonna go find her. She'll either be with Chrissie or Barbarann."

"Stay with Sean? Make sure he don't trash anymore hotel rooms or himself?" I say, like me and Jerry are the understanding parents in all of this. Now I know how Chrissie feels.

"Yeah, I was gonna." Jerry nods.

He takes my hand and rubs the top of it with his thumb in a soothing gesture. Why is he being so calm and reassuring? This is total un-Jerry-like behaviour. Probably because he's been having a threesome with the two blondes for the past two days.

"Good luck, babe."

He lets go of my hand and I head off out into the hotel corridor, where I try to find Chrissie to see in Tori has gone to her room.

I knock on the door as I approach. I noticed the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door handle, but that might just be for some peace and quiet.

No answer, I knock again.

"Chrissie, it's Bess. Have you seen Tori?" I call from outside.

"One second!" I hear her respond.

I hear the door unlock and Chrissie peeks her head through the opening in the door.

"Bess....the sign..." She gestures to the door handle.

"I'm sorrrrry! It's just, something has happened with Tori and I can't find her. First thought was that she could be with you." I explain.

"Baby, everything okay?" I hear Chris call, before he appears behind Chrissie, butt naked and not a care in the world.

"It's fine Chris, Bessie was just looking for Tori." Chrissie says to him.

"Oh hi Bess!" Chris smiles, in all his naked glory. DAMN his manhood is HUGE. I can't look away....help.

"Uh, hi Chris..." I say, trying to look away.

"Chris, put some pants on!" Chrissie says and shoos him away. "Sorry about that..."

"No...it was...um... something...." I say, quite impressed. "I'm gonna go to Barbie and Zakk's room, I know they are friendly with her so she must be with them."

"So what happened?" Chrissie asks.

"I don't know. Me and Jerry found Sean in their hotel room, the whole place smashed up, with Sean's hands bloody. Tori's favourite perfume bottle was smashed on the floor too." I explain.

"Oh shit. What the fuck did he do? I never thought he'd be violent." Chrissie says, now worried the same way I am.

"I don't know. I don't think he hurt her physically, but he probably scared her. He was throwing shit, which is what alerted me to it." I reply.

"Well I'll freshen up and meet you at Barbie's room. I'll be like 10 minutes." Chrissie says.

"Sure, we just gotta be there for Tori, you know how sensitive things like this make her." I say.

I make my way to Barbie and Zakk's room and knock on the door, and a few moments later, Zakk opens it.

"Hey Bess, here for Tori?" He asks.

"Yeah, she's here?!" I respond.

Zakk nods and lets me in and I see my friend laying on the bed, hugging her 'I ❤️ Bethlehem' camel plushie, while Barbie sits with her.

"Tori!" I say running over to hug my pal, her tears saturating the back of my bathrobe as I embrace her.

"Tell me what happened."

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