Three's Company - Entry 121

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WARNING! 18+ READERS ONLY! Strong sexual content/Smut warning


After our dance, which had tongues wagging, me, Tori, Chrissie and our new red head friend Sarah went to the VIP section of the club that the Alice guys had entry to. Jerry was naturally pissed off at the fact Sarah was laughing with us, when she was the person he was trying to piss me off with by flirting with her. He should know by now that I don't give a fuck who he beds or flirts with.

After a while and a long make out session, Chrissie and Chris headed back to their hotel room, leaving me, Tori and Sarah as the girls within the Alice guys' company. Sarah already seemed to get an idea of what Jerry was doing as he kept staring at me with a scowl on his face. Around this time, Layne managed to get me and Tori to kiss each other seductively, and I would be lying if I said the guys weren't turned on, especially Layne and Mike. Jerry was not impressed and removed Tori quite literally. I told him he was an asshole and him and Sean got into an argument. I'm not sure what happened after that as I walked out to get some fresh air, with Layne joining me shortly after and smoking with me as we waited for a cab back to the hotel. Mike walked outside just before the cab got there and asked if I was okay, Layne knowing too well the answer. I was pissed off at Jerry. He thinks he's this alpha and a god among men, but he is just a hot head who will let you know if he is pissed off. It's obvious at this point.

"Cantrell is an ass, he pissed me off so I had to leave." I say to Mike who nods.

"We're going back to the hotel....gonna try and make her feel better" Layne winked, while Mike nodded and smiled.

"Mind if I come with you? I'm done here." Mike asked, looking at me and Layne with a knowing look.

"Sure." I say. I know what he means and Layne smirks. I know Layne doesn't mind if his buddy joins in on our fuck-fest, in fact I think he likes the idea of seeing me fuck someone else while he gets off. 

I've never fucked Mike before, so this experience with him will be new to me. I don't know what makes him tick, but he seems easy to please. I mean I gave him a blow and a hand job in the restroom, but sex? I guess I'll find out what he's like.

The cab pulls up and we all get in, and tell the driver our destination.

Once we are back at the hotel, we act normal as we head up to my room and at the door, I find out my room key from my bag and let us all in.

I walk in first and turn the lights on, before putting my bag on the side table.

Layne hobbles in on his crutches and sits on a chair, while Mike walks in and takes his jacket off.

" should we do this?" I ask with a saucy smile.

"I think you and Mike should him what you can do babe." Layne says, lighting a cigarette as we get in.

Mike walks over to me as my eyes meet his. He wants me, I can tell by the way he looks at me and how he walks towards me. Layne wants me to pleasure his friend while he watches and I am incredibly turned on. 

"Are you okay with know.....?" Mike asks, "Touching you?".

I nod and bite my lip as our bodies move closer together, "It's like you forgot what we did at the beginning of the night." I giggle, alluding to the satisfaction I gave him.

He laughs and his eyes scan my body. "That was fucking hot."

He moves his hand behind my neck and gently pulls me closer to him for a kiss. I know he kisses amazing, as I said before, he is on par with Jeff Ament for kisser of the year. Our lips meet and we kiss delicately, before he pulls back and smiles and moves in to kiss me more passionately. His tongue breaches my lips and mine dances with his as we make out. His hand ends up on the small of my back, until it moves further onto my ass.

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