80 years Dissolution of the Comintern

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"The Communist International had not ceased to exist and it will not cease to exist"

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"The Communist International had not ceased to exist and it will not cease to exist"

(Lenin ).

The dissolution of the Comintern was a historically lasting defeat for the world proletariat and the world revolution, was a victory of the international forces of the Anti-Comintern, was a decisive factor in the historical growth of modern revisionism.

 The dissolution of the Comintern can be justified by nothing and no one, for the Communist International is the only party that can lead the world proletariat to world communism.
For this reason alone, the dissolution of the Comintern was the worst betrayal of proletarian internationalism, of the world socialist revolution, of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
- The dissolution of the Comintern was a stab in the back of our highest ideal - world communism.
- The dissolution of the Comintern did not serve the abolition of class society, but its maintenance by "peaceful coexistence" of two world camps.
- Any "justification" of a dissolution of the Comintern can mean nothing other than justifying the prolongation of the rule of the imperialist world. This means denying the possibility of the transition to world socialism and world communism. This is incompatible with the principles of Stalinism-Hoxhaism.
Finally, the dissolution of the Comintern was a declaration of war against the revolutionary doctrines of the 5 classics of Marxism-Leninism, which always stood up for the proletarian international.

10 reasons


the dissolution of the Comintern

[  excerpt of the General-Line of the Comintern (SH) ]


The existence of a Communist International is neither dependent on the ups and downs of capitalism, nor dependent on the ups and downs of inner party struggles. It is always and in any case absolutely indespensable for the fulfillment of the revolutionary mission of the world proletariat. Consequently, it is never allowed to cancel its existence, neither in times of capitalist crises, nor during fascism, nor in times of imperialist wars, etc, nor during inner crises.
Precisely in particularly most difficult and harsh conditions of the class struggle, in situations and periods in which the world proletariat and the peoples have the worst to suffer under the yoke of capitalism (such as under Nazism and World War II), precisely then is the Communist International indispensable, precisely then is such a dissolution close to a crime. Precisely in 1943, when tens of millions of masses bleeded to death, were murdered, starved and died of thirst, it is impossible to dissolve the Comintern and to leave the world proletariat and the peoples to their fate. Especially in the most extreme conditions, the leadership of the Communist International is needed for the revolutionary liberation of the world proletariat and the peoples - namely to smash down and end the brutal, bloody rule of the world bourgeoisie.
Maintaining the Communist International (respectively its fastest reconstruction in case of its liquidation), is absolutely a historical necessity. All the tactical considerations are absolutely subordinated. The principled question of the existence of the Communist International is not to be mixed up with the tactical questions of the Communist International. Decisions whether the Comintern lives or dies, only for the purpose of a temporary advantage (or to avoid an intermediate disadvantage), and the sacrificing of principles in the interests for a moment - are downright opportunist decisions. Nobody can deny or annul this truth by the accusation of "dogmatism".

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