78 years Hiroshima & Nagasaki

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The Atom bomb, a crime of the capitalists that hangs over all of humanity like the sword of Damocles

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The Atom bomb, a crime of the capitalists that hangs over all of humanity like the sword of Damocles

78 years ago the Americans dropped the first atomic bombs on Japan, thus ushering in a new stage of humanity. Before when the imperialists fought their wars millions would die but humanity as a whole would carry on, with the invention of the atom bomb the capitalists ensured that if one imperialist power or another lost a war they could take all of mankind down with them. It is said that at the time the first bomb was tested the scientists were worried that it may set the atmosphere on fire (i.e. make the earth uninhabitable) no socialist scientist would ever be allowed to complete such a project if it had even the theoretical potential to do such a thing and yet under the capitalists the go ahead was given and within the span of 10 years a rave had begun to see who could make a bomb that could kill all of humanity the fastest. How many stories have we heard from the time of the cold war when humanity came close to ending due to a technical error or a miscommunication should a weapon that can end all of humanity over a glitch even exist, the obvious answer is no, but as long as the capitalist system endures the threat remains that with a push of a button all that mankind has build will be wiped out in a flash and the survivors (if there are any) will be left to endure miserable conditions as the watch the light of humanity fade.
The only way to prevent this fate is through the world revolution led by the Comintern (SH) only with the victorious revolution can the threat of nuclear war be talked about only in the history books instead of on the news.
(For the theoretical effects of a full scale nuclear war the television films “Threads” gives the best look based on studies done at the time. Keeping in mind that this film is not communist in its character and is only being used to illustrate the danger of the bombs)

Additional article 
Today the capitalist world system presents us with two options 
Endless summer or nuclear winter 
We are stuck between destruction by environmental collapse or by the push of a button. We recall that the Soviet Union under Stalin campaigned tirelessly to have these weapons restricted or banned, and today? The capitalists have not only not gotten rid of their bombs but recently have started production on new parts for bombs. 

And what about the other major threat facing humanity, climate change? We recall that it was Enver Hoxha and the PLA that build in Albania a fully sustainable society he did away with the destructive “luxuries” of the capitalists (personal motorcars, over production of meat in factory-farms) Albania was entirely electrified by Hydro-electricity plants which do not produce any waste, unlike the “green” alternative nuclear energy  (today geo-thermal energy would probably be more practical for powering whole countries but such things did not exist in the times of Hoxha) Hoxha’s Albania was a land of greenery and clear air all of which was destroyed by the Revisionists and their fascist friends in 1985-1992 when great swathes of ancient forests were cut down and even the fruit trees that lined the streets of the cities were destroyed. Today it has been estimated that to sustain the lifestyle of the consumerist capitalist society would require another earth and a half. These “luxuries” which cost us our lives, the lives of all mankind must be done away with.
All the woes facing humanity today have but one parent, Capitalism.
Out with the bomb
Out with the capitalist “luxuries” 
To do both we must Crush capitalism and build socialism in its place
Join with the Comintern (SH) and we will sweep all things which endanger life on our planet into the past.
US-Section of the Comintern (SH)

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