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I woke up at 8:30.
"I brought breakfast." Sam said, shoving Dean awake and gesturing to the table.
I took a bite out of my pancake. McDonalds. I love their pancakes...
"Do ya-you guys really like McDonalds, or....?"
Funneling food into his mouth, Dean shrugged.
Aw. They looked adorable in their suits. And pretty sophisticated, despite, you know, their lack thereof.
"Wow." Sam said. "You look..."
"Shut up." I said. "This is the south. A Baptist church in the south. Southern Baptists are judgmental." I slid on my jacket over my long sleeve dress. I sincerely hope I don't have to kick ass in this thing.
"So, what's our story?" Dean asked, tossing me the keys. Sam looked at him like he was crazy, but said nothing.
"Aren't people going to wonder why their sweet little angel's running around with us heathens?"
I hadn't thought of that. Normally, I was pretty invisible, but that was when I wasn't accompanied by the likes of Sam and Dean Winchester. They're bound to have somebody's attention. "Oh. Right."
"Road trip?" Sam suggested.
I nodded.
When we walked in, I immediately spotted the youth pastor and several people who had been in youth with me. Guess they hadn't gotten too very far. But then again, most people don't. I saw some kids who I hadn't seen in years who were now in youth. One of them saw me and ran off. Either to tell her mamma or because she's shy and attractive older men stress her out. She's the preacher's daughter, so probably the first.
And then I saw my friend. Blinking hard, I gestured in her direction. God, I'm so emotional. Sam and Dean followed me over to her. Sam picked up a picture frame and inspected it, as if he wasn't accustomed to going into churches when not on a case. Dean looked at himself in a mirror and smoothed his hair back. "It's a church, you won't get laid." I hissed, grabbing his arm and half pulling him away, just as my friend turned around.
"Lexie?" She asked incredulously.
"Hey." I said awkwardly, releasing Dean.
"Where have you been?" She exclaimed, hugging me.
"Road trip." I said, hugging her back.
"With who?"
Whom. I pointed at Dean. "Him and his brother."
"Are you her husband?"
God. "Boyfriend." I said. "We.... yeah. Boyfriend." I winced inwardly. Dean hid a smile.
"I'm the boyfriend." He said, putting his arm around me.
I tried to appear not pissed off. "Yeah." I said through gritted teeth. I reached up and pinched his cheek-hard. "He's a real sweetheart." I gave him a look.
"Aw." Elizabeth grinned. Great.
Sam wandered over. "This is Sam." I said quickly.
Sam reached out and shook her hand. "Hello."
"Boyfriend's brother?" Elizabeth asked.
"Uh, yeah." Sam said, revealing only a moment of surprise.
"This is Dean." I said, forcing him to release me to shake her hand so that he didn't seem like an asshole.
She greeted him with a big smile. "Elizabeth." She grinned at me and practically squealed. "I knew it!"
"You always said you'd never date or get married, and now you're going on road trips with your boyfriend. Ha!"
"And his brother." I added. "Don't forget the brother."
She didn't seem to notice my anger. "Is this road trip almost over?"
"Not quite. We just stopped in for a visit." I smiled. "All Dean's idea. He just really wanted to meet my mom." He started this, and he'll pay for it.
"Aw! Isn't that sweet?"
A tap on my shoulder. I turned around, half expecting a demon. But this is a church. I'm safe here. Hopefully.
"Your hair!" I cried. Last time I'd seen him, it was black. Now it's back to his natural blonde. But.... Just...
He laughed and I threw my arms around him. "How are you?" I asked. Well, demanded.
"I'm good." He smiled, hugging me tightly. "How are you?"
"I'm splendid, thanks."
"Still with the splendid, I see."
"Sorry." I said unapologetically. I let him go when Dean cleared his throat. He has no right to give me hell about it. It's his fault. "This is Dean. And his brother, Sam." I said.
"He's her boyfriend!" Elizabeth grinned.
"Boyfriend, huh." He said flatly.
I hadn't ever technically gone out with Evan. He tried so hard for so long, but I kept shooting him down. I still feel badly about that, hence me not mentioning that Dean is supposedly my boyfriend.
As we sat down, Dean leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Does this mean I get to touch your ass and make out with you behind the building?" He smirked.
"This is a church, Dean." I hissed in his ear. "Have some respect. And try it and we'll see how that works out for you." I smiled sweetly and patted his arm.
"I know some angels. They're pretty much all dicks."
"That's not right, Dean. That's.... wrong. Shut up and listen."
The sermon was really good. It was about temptation. Too bad my sister missed it. He talked about whores.
That was mean.
Oh well.
"Do you guys wanna go out to eat with us?" Liz asked.
"No, we can't, sorry. Dean promised my mom we'd eat with her. He's all about making a good impression." I smiled brightly.
"Aw, okay. Tell her we said hey and that we miss them."
"I will. Bye. It was great seeing you." I hugged her. I've missed her so much.
"You too." She hugged me back, smiled, and left.
"Hey, Lexie? Can I have a moment?" Evan asked.
"Sure." I said. I turned to Dean. "Dean, honey, why don't you pull the car around."
He gave me a fake smile. "Anything for you, babe."
Three cheers for sweet revenge.
Evan led me a little ways away. "How are things?"
"Good. You?"
"Good." He said. "When'd you meet Dean?" He leaned casually against the wall.
"A while ago." As in a few days.
"What's he like?"
"Oh, he's lovely." I grinned. It was an evil grin, but apparently Evan didn't realize. "He enjoys long walks on the beach at sunset and romance novels."
"So in other words, he's actually the exact opposite and you're just mad at him?"
"How'd you know?"
"I recognize that smirk."
I laughed. "But really, he's adorable. He's really sweet. And he's always trying to take care of Sammy and it's really cute."
"But is he good to you?"
"You don't even know."
His eyes widened.
"No no no!"
He laughed. "Thank God."
"Shut up."
"Does he know?"
"Know what?"
"I think you know." He said quietly.
"No, he doesn't, and I'd like to keep it that way."
"He'll find out eventually."
"Not unless I have sex with him, which I will never do." Heyy look at that. Honesty in the midst of lies.
"Didn't need to know that."
He smiled. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too. Hey, I have to go. It was great seeing you again."
"You make it sound like it won't happen again." He hugged me.
Yeah. Well... it might not. "Sorry. I don't mean it to sound like that." I hugged him back.
"It's okay." He smiled. "I love you." He said into my hair.
"I love you too." I dragged myself away and went to Sam and Dean.
Evan seemed skeptical. Either that or he still hasn't deemed me a lost cause. I slipped my hand into Dean's as we walked towards the car. "Now open the door for me and be a gentleman." I smiled.
He opened the door. "You're getting a kick out of this, aren't you?"
"Oh, yes I am."
"That your ex?"
"No." I said. "Just a friend."

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