Dreams Come True

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I had been contemplating sleeping on the couch, but when Dean saw me hesitating he pushed me towards the bed, which I responded to childishly-I tripped him.
I laid back down a safe distance away from Sammy, which he responded to by rolling over and draping his arm across my waist. "Where have you guys been?" He murmured.
"Just outside." I whispered. "Go to bed, love."
"Why are you guys hiding things from me?"
"We're not." Dean answered gruffly.
"You two are always talking quietly and sneaking out." Sam said in a normal tone.
"I went outside." I said. "I don't know what he was doing."
"Look," Dean said, "I have not slept in over twenty-four hours and I'm exhausted. Shut up and sleep."
"I didn't ask you to follow me." I said defensively.
"Why the hell did you?" Sam demanded.
"I needed to talk to her. God, Sammy. Do you think that lowly of me?"
"Guys." I sighed.
"Well, you do have a reputation."
"You think I would hook up with your girlfriend?" Dean asked, offended.
"You think I would hook up with anybody?" I asked, also offended.
"Good point." Sam agreed.
"She said that if I keep bringing up her virginity she will." Dean said.
Shit. "I won't." I assured him.
"You never said you don't want to." I could imagine him smirking in the darkness.
"Pretty sure that's the whole reason I haven't, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes, despite the fact no one could see me. That reason among others, at least.
"Go to bed." Dean said.
"Sam." I said. "Get off me."
I heard Dean stifling a laugh as Sam said dramatically, "But I'm very upset."
"Cut the shit or I cut your throat."
He rolled away.

We got in the car the next morning with a long drive ahead of us. We stopped at a gas station, and Sam and I went inside while Dean got gas. He said to see if they had pie. What gas station has pie?
"So," Sammy said as we walked, "Is something going on between you and Dean?"
"Guess again." I said. "I couldn't handle that. Neither could he, probably. In case you haven't noticed, we're kind of incompatible, for the most part, especially when it comes to relationships."
"Oh my God, Lexie!" A voice called.
I turned around.
"For an antisocial person, you know a lot of people." Sam said.
"He commented on my shirt and kept talking." I explained "Hey, Austin. What are you doing here?" He lives in Arizona.
"My band took off." He grinned. "We're on a tour." He bounded up to us, giving me a bear hug.
They must have changed the name. Last time I checked, it was "Fucking Cockblocks".
"Band?" Sam asked, glancing sideways at me.
"Yeah." Austin grinned, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Oh, we changed the name. It's Guardian Angels now."
"Oh, that's good!" I smiled. Be careful what you wish for.
Austin paused, unsure whether or not to be offended.
"Oh, this is Austin Grace. Austin, this is Sam Winchester."
"Hey, man. Nice to meet you." Austin grinned, holding out his hand to shake. I see he's learned manners too.
"Uh, you too." Sam shook his hand.
"Hey, you should come to the show tonight."
"Maybe." I said. "We're kind of in a hurry." What with people dying and all.
"Want me to ask Dean?" Sam asked, even as he inched closer, putting his arm around me.
"I'll go too, if you'll just wait a minute."
"Okay." He said.
I pushed his arm off, giving him a look. "So... How are you.. Doing?"
In response, he took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.
"And you?"
I gestured to Sam.
"That's good."
"Your-" Fans.
"I know. Worried as hell."
"So-" You need to stop.
"I know. But I'm-" A dick.
"Yeah. That's-" Quite the predicament.
"Yep. What-" Do I do?
"Well-" Rehab?
"Hell no."
"That's-" What I thought.
"Austin..." You need to get help.
"I know. But-" I don't want to.
"Shut up. You-" Need to.
"I can do it-" Myself.
"Obviously not."
"I'll go talk to Dean about the concert." Sam edged past us and out the door.
Austin laughed. "I think we-" Scared your boyfriend.
"Looks like it." I smiled.
"I hope-" You can come.
"Still-" Screamo?
"How do we know-" We're talking about the same thing?
"We don't."
"I'll-" Assume we are.
I smiled. This is exactly what I love about Austin. I hardly have to talk.
He spoke again. "Why are you-" Running around with two men?
"Long story." Why does everyone ask me that?
"I've got time."
"Yeah, but I don't."
"Why are you always-" So secretive?
"Also-" A long story.
"Damn you."
"Don't even."
He gave me a weird look. "Anyways. Do you think-" They'll let you come?
"I-" Don't know.
"We're in a hurry."
"He said yes." Sam interrupted, coming back over. "But we have to get him some pie."
"There's a-" Restaurant down the street. Austin said.
"Gratias ago Deo." I said. "What's-" The restaurant?
"Granny's. And what the fuck, man?"
No flinching. We're good. "Nothing. I-" Have to go.
"See you tonight. Come backstage. I'll put your name on the list."
"Okay. Thanks." I hugged him again.
"Tell-" The boys I said hey.
"I will."
When we got in the car, Sam told me to look up 1 Corinthians 7:5.
"Do not deprive each other of sexual relations-" I began.
"Stop there."
"But," I said, "In verses seven and eight, he says he wishes we all were single and it's best to stay unmarried, but we'll pretend that says single. Do you want me to continue this path?"
"No." He mumbled.
I opened the Bible to Song of Solomon and handed it to him. "Read the whole book."
"Oh my God." He said.
"Right?" I smiled as he handed it back to me. My phone vibrated with a text from Austin asking what my friends' names were.

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