Ghost Sickness

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"Got anything?"
"Besides a broken clock? No."
"Meet me outside."
"Come on, Dean."
"It's... Uh.... Dark." He looked pitiful.
"I know. I'm scared of the dark too. We'll do it together." When he didn't budge, I grabbed his arm and half dragged him out. His hand slipped into mine and tightened. Before continuing, I shot him a sympathetic look.
Sam was leaning against the car, and stood upright when we came close. He looked down at our hands. "What the hell?"
I gave him a look, and he shut up. "Well, let's go."
Dean let go of my hand. Thankfully, because it was starting to loose feeling.
We drove to the bar, and across the street, there was a far taller building. We parked in front of the bar and ran across the street. We turned around to find Dean still on the other side, heading towards the damn crosswalk.
"Oh my God." Sam groaned.
"We've got to get rid of this thing." I agreed.
"Hell yes. You stay down here with Dean and I'll go up and scare the hell out of this ghost."
"Okay. I'll try to hurry him."
He nodded and disappeared through the doorway.
Impatiently, I waited for Dean. "You have a gun?"
Sighing, I handed him one.
He looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm not holding that thing."
"Why?" I inquired, trying and failing to keep the exasperation out of my voice.
"It could go off."
I rolled my eyes. "Okay." I adjusted it to where I could hold it. "Let's go, then."
"Wait, where's Sammy?"
"Upstairs. Let's go."
Reluctantly, he followed me up.
There was a noise from behind a door. I glanced at Dean, then turned the handle and pushed the door open. With a screech, an owl flew out. Dean screamed. I stared at him, willing myself not to shoot him. Good thing I didn't give him a gun.
"That was... That was scary." He laughed sheepishly.
Rolling my eyes, I pushed past him and kept walking. He stepped on my heels multiple times, and I resisted the urge to turn around and punch him.
When we got to the roof, Sam had the ghost of a man cornered at the edge of the building. When Dean saw, he yelled and took off running back downstairs. At Dean's yell, the ghost startled and stumbled backwards, falling over the edge, his mouth open in a silent scream. I joined Sam at the edge and watched as the ghost faded out of existence.
"Good job." Sam said.
"You killed the ghost."
"You didn't kill Dean." He laughed. "Dean." He said suddenly, eyes wide. He took off down the stairs after Dean.
I stood on the edge for a minute, fantasizing about what it would feel like to fall off. Eventually, I stepped back off of the ledge and went back down. They were at the car. Sam was laughing, and Dean was threatening to punch him.
I took that to mean that he was fine, and began laughing as well.
"Shut up." Dean commanded.
"You can't punch me." I smiled sweetly.
"Wanna bet?"He cocked an eyebrow.
"Do it, then." I said. He won't.
"Get in the car." He said roughly, then got in the car.
Sam opened the door for me, and I glared. "Just let me." He said. "I get your independence or whatever, but one normalcy isn't bad."
Sighing inwardly, I got inside. I guess I can give him that. "Thanks." I said.


Sorry this one's rather short. I don't have much time today. But yeah. If you guys think I suck, please tell me 😂 Okay, byee
~Charlie George

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