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"Wait, where the hell is Lexie?" Sam demanded after looking in the car.
Dean turned around. "Son of a bitch." He jumped off the hood of the Impala and walked around the back. Lexie's bag was gone, as was she, but there was a piece of paper in her seat. He grabbed it through the window.
I love you both so, so much, but I did have to go. Don't try to find me; I'll kick your asses. But yeah. Sorry. ~ Love, Lexie ❤️
Dean handed the note over to his brother who responded with muttered profanities. Sam swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "You okay?" Dean asked.
"We have to find her."
Dean nodded and got in the car.

"There's a Pierce the Veil concert tomorrow." Dean said as he sat at a table looking at the computer.
Sam kept calling her, taking on a gentle tone every time. He wouldn't eat or sleep until she was back in his protection. Dean supposed that's what real love was: loving someone so much that you can barely function without them. "Well, let's go then." Sam snapped.
Dean wanted to point out that he was supposed to be the belligerent one, but decided that that would only fuel the fire. "Go wait in the car." He said instead.
Huffily, Sam left the room. "If you're not out in five, I'm leaving you." He slammed the door on the way out.
Jokes on him, Dean thought, I have the keys. He got out his phone, calling Lexie as he tracked her phone. She wasn't going to any Pierce the Veil concert. "Heyy, Lex. How are you? Uh, Sammy's pretty torn up about you leaving... Frankly, so am I. Just... Please call. You don't have to come home, but could you please just let us know you're okay? And don't do anything stupid. See you, kiddo. Remember that we love you, no matter what? We're family, remember?" And he joined Sam in the car.

"You look, I'm gonna go back to the motel." Dean said.
"You aren't helping?" Sam demanded.
"You don't want to find her?"
"Yeah, I do. I just... Don't feel good."
"Fine. I'll be there later."
"Bye, Sammy."
Sam got out his phone as he got out of the car, shooting a nasty look at Dean.
Dean, however, didn't go back to the motel. He drove for another half hour to a different concert.

Lexie was crying. It pissed Dean off, and he wanted to punch everyone around her. He didn't know why she was crying, but he wanted to stop it. It took all he could not to grab her and carry her out.
The guy singing said to put their arms around the people next to them, and that provided him with the perfect opportunity to let her know he was there. He elbowed his way through the crowd and slid his arm around her.
Looking annoyed, she turned to him. "What are you doing here?" She hissed.
"Bitch." He said, pulling her into a hug. He got some dirty looks from others in the crowd, but he didn't care.
Someone touched his shoulder. "Hey, man. You probably shouldn't..."
"It's my sister," he told the guy, and the guy went back to his concert.
"You shouldn't talk like that. Not here." She whispered, hugging him back. "What are you doing here?"
"Came to find you."
"Dean, I..."
"Please. Come back. Please."
This girl in front of them turned around to look at them. "God Almighty, girl. He's begging."
"He's not my boyfriend." Lexie told her.
"He should be." She grinned, then turned back around.
"Come on, Lex. Please?"
"Fine. Where's Sammy?"
"Pierce the Veil concert. He thinks I'm at the motel."
"Then why are you here?"
"To find you."
"How'd you know I was here?"
"You would expect us to look for you there."
She hugged him. "I love you."
"I know." He grinned. "You wanna stay for the rest of it, or...?" He was hoping she'd say no.
"Yes please." She said, and he couldn't refuse her.
"I'll wait in the car," he said, kissing her head.
"Aren't you going to get Sammy?"
"No. His reaction wouldn't be appropriate."
"I don't want to go back."
"I'll stay with you," he smiled, rolling his eyes.
"See you."
"No, stay here. Just don't talk or touch me. Or look at me."
"Gotcha," he grinned.

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