Walking Dead

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When my eyes fluttered open, they landed on my sister. What the hell is she doing here? And why the hell did that son of a bitch tell her? And where the hell is that son of a bit hard anyways? "Where's Dean?" I demanded, sitting up.
There were IV's in my arm, so I pulled them out, to my sister's horror. "Oh my God, what are you doing?!" Alysa exclaimed, jumping up.
"Where the hell is Dean?" I demanded more sharply this time. I didn't want to talk to her.
"He went-"
"Hey, Lex." He said from the doorway. "I see you're ready to leave."
I turned to him and launched myself into his arms. "Are you okay?" I demanded.
"I'm fine." He said softly, hugging me back. "Are you?"
"Get me out of here."
"Why did you tell her?"
"She's your family."
"What's that thing Bobby always said? Oh right. 'Family don't end in blood.'" I pulled away, giving him a look.
"What am I, chopped liver?" Alysa cleared her throat.
I resisted the urge to say yes. When given a choice, I would choose Dean. I'd choose him over most anybody. It sounds bad, but it's true. I turned to my sister. Talking on the phone is okay, but nobody in their right mind would want us in the same room. "Hey." I said awkwardly.
"I'll wait outside." Dean turned to leave.
"I'm not through with you." I grabbed his arm, rooting him by my side.
"Hey." Alysa said.
"I'm fine. You can go now."
"What?" She cried, incredulous.
"What?" I asked, not seeing a problem with it.
"You just tried to-"
"I didn't mean to. It just happened. I'm fine."
"As your sister, it's my job to stay with you until I trust that everything's okay."
"As my sister, you should have been there when I actually wanted to die. You've never cared before, so please don't start now. Go back to Donna and let me be."
"I can't do that, Alexis."
"Alysa, you don't understand. From the day I met Dean, he gave a shit. I've known you for twenty years, and you just now started giving a shit. I don't want to be with you. You're my sister, and I love you, and I'm touched that you came and want to help, I really am. But I want to be with people I trust." Actually I just want her to screw off, but she's the kind of person who thinks there's an underlying emotion behind everything.
"Fine." She said. "Nice to see you too." She stormed out of the room. I see she hasn't changed much since she was six...
No more family connects. Good. "My family's different than yours, Dean. We don't have each other's backs; we hate each other."
"I'm sorry."
"No, it's good. I needed to do that a long time ago."
"You could've been nicer to her."
He said nothing.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Are you?"
"I didn't die, did I?"
"No. I have an alibi. I didn't sell my soul. I would have though."
"I'm sorry, Dean." I said quietly.
"Me too." His eyes drifted to my bandaged arm.
"Where's my jacket?" I asked uncomfortably.
"Trash. It's bloody." He held out one of his long sleeve shirts to me. With a thanks, I slid it over my shoulders and pulled it around me.
"I have to warn you about something." He said as we drove home. "What happened? I asked warily.
"Sammy's back."

Sam was sitting on the couch when we got back. I looked at Dean, and he nodded. He had told him.
Sam stood when we walked in. "Hey." He said.
"Hi." I glanced at Dean again, who nodded once more. He's Sam.
But he's not my Sam. My Sam would have been at the hospital, despite Dean telling him no. My Sam would have kissed me right then and told me he loved me, missed me, and to never, ever do that again. My Sam doesn't have empty, cold eyes.
"Dean, can I talk to you?"

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