Ocean-Blue Eyes

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I heard soft noises coming from the baby monitor, and as if a clock operated him, Jamie woke up at the same time he always does. I put on a shirt and walked barefoot on the soft carpet of my penthouse in Manhattan towards the nursery. It was still dark outside, as October had arrived, and I was looking forward to the winter snow this year. Tommy is going to be three years old soon, and he will enjoy outdoor winter activities much more this time than the year before.

I opened the door and walked to the crib. "Look at you, already awake. You are like a little clock, are you not? You are always on time."

Little Jamie squealed with happiness and moved his bonded body by the sleep sack, showing how pleased he was to see me. His happy rumbles and face were always the highlight of my mornings when he spent time with me. Jamie was such a happy child, they both were. When Tommy was four months old, he was just like Jamie and has been an early riser ever since.

I changed Jamie and fed him, making him sleepy. He would nap until we needed to leave, allowing me to answer important emails and get Tommy sorted for the morning before the drive to Greenwich.

That was always our routine on Monday mornings. The long weekend was over, and they should return to their healthy schedule in Riverside until Friday morning. Over there, the air was fresher and the grass greener, making it the right place for my two boys to be raised.

By the time Tommy woke up, I had already done the important work, which would buy me time until I needed to return to the office, which was chaotic after I had left on Thursday evening.

Tommy walked into my study, always knowing where to find me in the morning. I scanned his sleepy face and his messy blonde hair. He smiled at me and lifted his arms for a hug. I welcomed him into my arms. "Hello there, buddy. Did you sleep well?"

He nodded his head in my chest and answered in his sleepy voice. "Yes, Daddy."

Despite not being an adult who could understand his situation, Tommy was an exceptionally intelligent boy for his age. He recognised that Monday had arrived and what this day would bring him. After all, that was the new routine since his baby brother's arrival four months ago.

He knew he would have to count two nights of sleep until he saw me again for dinner and another two before sleeping in the same house as me for three nights in a row. "Come, buddy, we must get ready to go to Granny's." I felt his small arms pressing hard against my back after he heard my words, but he said nothing or threw a tantrum. He never did.

The poor boy only nodded, got up from my lap and walked back to his room to change his pyjamas. Every Monday, he did that, showing how he had given in to defeat and understood he did not have a say in the matter. His life changed, and he would never be like the friends that he would soon make in school because the woman he was supposed to call Mama was a selfish bitch and did not even have the decency to look into his eyes. Instead, she left us behind at the hospital the day after his birth with a simple note. Only to return 23 months later for a week, seduce his stupid father and get pregnant again to do the same thing to his baby brother nine months later.

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