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Being at the place with Alison was not fun or a walk in the park. The peaceful retreat in Westport was lovely and so were the professionals there, but the surrounding air was gloomy. Attending therapy with Alison and hearing all the dark thoughts she faced every day inside her mind was shit.

I would have been sucked into the rabbit hole, just like her, had I not had my feet firmly on the ground. I was grateful for my upbringing and not having any major issues of my own. My intention was to assist her, not complicate matters.

There, everything came crashing even harder over her. Reality hit her hard in the face. Alison got really sick, not even being able to keep food down, and I had never been so scared for someone in my life as I was in the first few days. Some days Alison did not want me around her much, pushing me away and others she clutched to me like I was her lifeboat.

And while alone, I kept imagining how things would have been worse if I had not brought Alison with me after waking up from the coma. She would have remained in the mental institution forever if I had not been patient with her condition and had deserted her.

Every night that I had to hold her tight into my arms in bed reassuring her we were fine, and I would not leave her, I hated Gracie. I hated her for having destroyed Alison's happiness just because she could.

Even when she left us behind for the second time. I did not hate her like I had in the last two weeks. Gracie was fucking poisoning and now I was glad she left us. I would not want her any closer to my boys. They did not deserve it.

We had been there for a little over two weeks now, and Alison was packing our bags. I sat on the chair near the window, watching her. Just like before, she did not let me help her. Everything had to be her way, and she was back to be my butler.

Doctor White assured me the worst had passed and now was the time to leave. Alison returning to her routine with the children would allow her to use her interaction with them to piece everything together. And I could not agree more with him. She was missing school, the reason for us to have not flown out to England. Not to mention Tommy's birthday and Halloween approaching soon.

Funny enough, we were returning to Riverside on the same day that I took her there for the first time.

When I parked the Range Rover outside the Manor, I turned off the engine and lovingly looked at her. I squeezed Alison's hand, and she took a deep breath. "Remember what I said. Nobody is going anywhere. You're my wife and they are your children. Nothing has changed."

I opened the door for Alison after she obediently nodded. Martin surprised me by opening the door to find everyone, including Dad, there for lunch.

He was holding Jamie, who squirmed in his arms, trying to get out to run to Alison just like Tommy did. Both boys screamed 'Mama' so loud, excitedly, happy to see her after so long.

Alison bent down and squished the boys against her chest and, just like the first time she was here. Tears of joy streamed down her face. Their love would rub off on her and soon the broken pieces were going to be glued together.

After lunch, Alison walked outside with Mum to play with the boys, and I strolled to Dad's office to have a moment to myself.

Dad walked in, offering me a glass of whiskey. I took it from him, and he sat beside me in the other armchair by the fire. For a few minutes, he stayed quiet, only sipping his drink, but concern was written all over his face. Was he worried Alison would hurt the children? Doctor White had reassured me countless times that there was no chance Alison would do it.

"You should take her to England." He looked at me. "It helped your mother to cope after your grandmother's passing. It might do the same for your wife."

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