Seeking Affection

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The place was already full when we got to my parents', and I was relieved. Dressed like Bonnie, Mum greeted us and hugged Alison warmly, squishing an awakened Jamie in the middle.

"Where is your Clyde?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

Mum laughed heartily and looked behind her. I saw Dad, dressed as a Clyde, walking toward us with a serious expression. "Alison, this is William, my loving husband and Jake's father."

Alison smiled warmly at Dad and hugged him. I braced for it, knowing things could go wrong this evening.

"Excuse me, Alison. I need to welcome my guests. If you don't mind, I will take the boy with me." Without waiting for Alison's response, he snatched Jamie from her arms, and she did not have time to move back like she had with me earlier. Dad had not seen the boys for a month, and I would not blame his actions.

Our eyes met before he left, and he walked away, shaking his head. At least he put his lawyer's pants on before the party and called her by her name. Mum must have given him an earful after I left.

Mum smiled at a confused Alison and patted her arm. "Don't worry about him, darling. William is still jet-lagged from Europe. He's a little grumpy today. Isn't that right, Jake?"

I gave Mum an intense look. "Of course, Mother."

"Where is Tommy?" She asked, fixing my tie.

"He went with Olly to the kitchen. Tommy wanted to show Mary his Halloween costume." I was glad my brother took Tommy away to show the kitchen maid his costume because I was not sure what Alison would have done if Father had taken both boys without glancing at her face.

"Mary will be happy to see him like that. She misses you at his age as much as I do."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Are we sentimental this evening, Mother? It's Halloween and not Thanksgiving."

She shook her head, laughing, and looked at Alison. "Come, dear, leave Jake to mingle with the men. I've some people I would like to introduce you to." Great, more people that we would be lying to.

Alison let Mum drag her without a word but kept staring at me over her shoulder till she could no longer see me. Did she want to be hanging on my arm the whole night like a trophy wife? That would not happen.

I headed to the bar. Even though I had not been drinking since Alison had come home with us, I needed a stiff drink to escape this nightmare.

"Hello, Barney Rubble. I thought you didn't drink anymore because of the wife." I followed the voice on my left and found Matt dressed as Tom Cruise on Top Gun. His coy smile plastered on his lips.

I lifted my whiskey glass, showing it to him. "Trust me. Today, I desperately need one."

He got the same drink as me from the bartender. "Guess what? Teddy Philips is looking for you?"

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