His Secretary

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"It's the most amazing thing I have ever seen, Jake. Could we come here again?" Alison had shed a few tears during the presentation.

"Not for this play. Perhaps another one, Alison." I just hoped Alison would leave my life before the next ballet opening arrived.

Like any other mother, Alison showed Savannah several pictures of the boys on her phone and told her everything about them. Well, that was the only thing happening in her life—that and therapy, but of course, she would not talk about that there.

I could not say if Savannah wanted to be friends with Alison or if her being extra lovely to Alison meant she wanted something from her. Savannah's face changed slightly when Olly mentioned Alison had memory loss and remembered nothing beyond weeks ago.

Alison only met Olly a handful of times and never exchanged more than a few words with him. If Savannah wanted insights, she would get little from Alison.

We headed to the lobby for drinks before driving back to Riverside, and Matt walked towards us. It surprised me, and I could not think of a reason for him to be there this evening. He hated ballet.

"Well. That's a place where I would never catch you dead, Matt. What are you doing here?" I asked as soon as he approached.

He looked back, and I saw a tall blonde with wavy hair talking to another group. This was another first for Matt, who preferred brunettes.

Matt rubbed his palms together. "Oh, boy!!!" He looked back again. "I'm here with her. What don't we do for new experiences? The dominatrix over there will show me a good time. Gosh, I can't wait to try new things this evening."

I widen my eyes at him, telling him to shut up. Alison is beside me and looks confused, not understanding what he is saying. "Matt!!" I snap.

I moved my head to the side, and he finally understood what I was trying to say. "Hey, Alison. I was so excited that I did not see you there." He kissed her in greeting and, laughing, returned to his date.

After Olly and Savannah returned from the bar, our group lingered briefly. We bid our farewells once Alison and Savannah exchanged numbers. But when we got outside, it was raining cats and dogs, and getting my car would take a while.

Unfortunately, an annoying voice that I should have shut up ages ago came behind me with suggestions I did not need.

"Why don't you two stay at your penthouse tonight, Jake? With all this rain, driving back wouldn't be safe." Matt lifted an eyebrow, smirked, and continued. "Besides, it would be good for you two to spend time alone without small children."

My mother was committed to making Alison my real wife, and Matt to make her my lover.

"Your penthouse????" Alison asked, looking at me. Her face went from confused to worried.

Oh, great!!! I rolled my eyes internally. Alison already thought I was having an affair with my secretary. Now, she will assume I own a fucking-pad in New York.


As soon as we entered the penthouse, Alison took her heels off and sighed, relieved. The automatic lights lit our path as we walked to the bedroom.

I stepped inside my closet and got her a change of clothes. Alison followed me but said nothing when she noticed there were only my things inside. She just moved her head around the closet, taking everything in.

I gave her my shirt and looked down at her feet. It must have been her first time wearing heels, and they looked painful. "Would you like me to run you a bath? It might be good for your feet," I said.

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