Get on Board With it

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My phone buzzed, and it was a text from Olly. "You've been summoned." I frowned, not understanding what he meant, and another message came. "To the office."

When I got to Dad's firm, his secretary said they were in Dad's office. When I pushed the door, I found Olly and Mum seated on the dark leather sofa. And the angry man with a face that could kill thousands sitting on his powerful chair behind his large desk.

I rolled my eyes. What could be the problem now?

"I can see we have a family meeting here, but why here and not at home? I mean. You even dragged your wife to the city, something you never do."

"Jake!!!" Mum warned me and the way she did I could see even she was upset about whatever this was.

I looked at Olly for help and he shook his head. What was going on?

Dad leaned forward in his chair and spoke. "We are here, Jacob because it's a contract matter and nothing better than to discuss it at a lawyer's office."

I walked to his bar cart. Sure, I would need something strong to get through whatever this is.

Father was not happy that I was not begging him to tell me what the problem was this time. Then he lost it and hammed his desk hard with his fist. Not sure how he did not have broken his father's mahogany desk that came from England yet.

"You married the girl, Jacob. How could you be so foolish?" He spat out angrily.

I set my jaw and looked at Olly. No! He would not rat me out like a dirty street rat. My brother would never do that.

Dad snorted. "Don't need to look to your accomplice, because he's in as much trouble as you are."

Oh God, now he would take everything out on Olly, too. There was no way to deny it. He is a powerful lawyer. I am sure he called Nevada himself and found out even the time on the stamp on our marriage certificate.

I narrowed my eyes at Dad. "Olly isn't my accomplice, Father. He went there unwillingly, just to make sure I wouldn't do anything stupid. If the problem here is your precious firm. Little bro made sure everything was covered."

Mum sat with her hands on her lap all ladylike, but I saw she, too, was upset about the marriage. "Jake, your father is right about this. How could you get married without us there? I am your mother."

I sat back on the sofa across from them, drink in hand. "It's called eloped Mum. I was pretty sure in your mind Alison, and I were already married and celebrating our fourth anniversary, so I did not see the point of sending out invitations for a wedding."

"Jacob!!!!" The angry man groaned from his seat.

I glared at him. "Jacob what, Father? She put me in this situation. Mum can't complain about anything now. We all wanted to go to France, did we not? Well, Alison needed a passport under the Stewart name, so I took her to Vegas and married her. Problem solved!!!"

I waved my hand around. "I don't need any bullshit now. Because I didn't want this situation, but I learned to live with it, and nobody asked what I wanted then. Now I am doing what I want with it."

Dad got a folder and put it on the table. "Now that you played house for a while. Oliver will get your divorce going. You can even take from the fund I gave you if you don't want to take from your money. Give her a nice cushion of money and a house far away from us for her to play with her next husband."

I sipped my drink. "This money is no longer mine. I already gave it to my boys."

Father sighed impatiently, rubbing his forehead. "Doesn't matter Jake. Money was never an issue for this family, and I will happily pay anything from the settlement to see this girl out of our lives once and for all."

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