Ch 2: The Time has Come

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Chapter 2: The Time has Come

The alarm rang as it's time to start the mission Sam woke up got into the shower and got dressed in his nano suit and headed down to the armory to grab his gear but someone stood at the doorway of the armory and Sam did not like what he's getting into.

"Rob what are you doing standing at the doorway?" Sam questioned Rob.

"Oh you know just standing." Rob said with sarcasm.

"Rob I need to get my gear and so do you." Sam said.

"I already have my gear it's at the pod already to go" Rob replied.

"Then like I said why are you standing at the doorway." Sam replied with a bit of anger in his voice.

"You don't need to worry about me just go around." Rob said with a chuckle.

Sam grabbed Rob by the collar and slammed him into the frame of the doorway and yelled.

"Listen to me you moron! I'm tired of your jokes I'm your captain and you need to respect me and my vessel because I'm this close into sending you back to Earth!" Sam said as he places his two fingers close together to show how close he really is.

Sam let go of Rob and yelled at him again.

"Now if you keep this up your not coming on the mission and you'll lose your pay! Now get out of the way and to the pod immediately!" Sam shouted at Rob.

Rob got the message pretty clear and moved out of the way and headed to the pod Rob has been a joker ever since he was hired to the crew he once scared a new recruit with a firecracker underneath a toilet seat and broke the toilet in the process let's just say Sam got mad.

Sam finally got into the armory and grabbed his stealth suit specially built for him by the U.G it's an all black nano suit with titanium plating with an orange trim around the wrist and neak and a black helmet with orange glow around the eyes and with two gray stripes in the middle of the forehead that goes to the back of the head and the word Sam on the side of the helmet in gray letters.

Sam then grabbed his Ion pistol and grabbed two extra charges with one already in the weapon and headed to the heavily protected part of the armory and grabbed the explosive to detonate at the core of the station.

Sam headed to the pod where Rob, Sarah, and Smith were waiting.

"What took you so long?" Sarah questioned Sam.

Sam just pointed at Rob and he put his hands up and noded.

"Alright are you guys ready?" Sam asked the group and they all put their thumbs up and noded.

They all gotten into the pod and set off to the station under the radar and infiltrate the station without any notice.

They all exited the pod where Sam said the plan.

"Alright Sarah and Smith you take the bomb to the core and set it up for an hour without getting noticed." Sam said with Sarah and Smith noded and took the bomb from Sam.

"Rob you and I are going to find Res and kill him." Sam said and Rob gave a thumbs up and went behind Sam.

They all activated their active camo and split up to their objectives.

Sarah and Smith dodged three groups of soldiers of the T.E.G and they eventually got to the core and planted the bomb and set the timer for an hour.

"Hope they get Res before this goes off." Smith commented.

"I'm sure they got him let's group up with them." Sarah replied and Smith nods and they went to group up.

Sam and Rob finally made it to the room where Res is at Res was working on the documents of the machine and he was almost done writing down the formula for the technology, but heard his door opening he sprung up and grabbed his pistol and started to fire Sam dodged the blast and then returned fire Res went out the back door towards the machine and Sam and Rob gave chase.

Res ran onto a catwalk over the machine and went to a panel and started to activate the machine and then he gotten shot in the hand and he yelled in pain.

"It's over Res there's no were to go" Sam said to Res as he clenching his hand.

Res gave a single to Rob and Rob kicked Sam at the back of the knee and knocked him off the side of the catwalk Sam is holding on.

"Rob! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Sam shouted as he hung on.

Rob went over to Res and got him on his feet and asked.

"Where's my payment?" Rob asked.

"Here" Res gave him a card with the payment on it.

"Good man" Rob said as he pulled his gun.

"Wait wa-" Res said as he got shot in the head by Rob.

"Ya know Sam I've always liked you, you were always fun to mess with, but your time is up thanks for the ride while it lasted." Rob said to Sam as he kicked his hands of the catwalk.

"Oh you motherf-" Sam yelled as he fell into the machine, but Sarah and Smith saw what happened.

"Traitor!" Sarah yelled as she fired at Rob.

Rob returned fire hitting Smith in the chest and Sarah in the arm and ran to the escape pods on the station.

Sarah got up and went to the body of Res and grabbed the documents and she looked at the coordinates and she went to Smith and picked him up and they started to head to the pod to return to the ship.

They got into the pod and flew out just in the nic of time as they flew the core blew up and the station was destroyed and they flew there way back onto the ship.

They docked the pod and they were getting transferred to the medical bay for their wounds Sarah was scared about Smith he gotten hit pretty bad she just hoped that he pulls through as she laid on the medical bed as medical was tending to her arm.

Hours went by and Sarah was getting more worried by the minute a doctor came to her with some news about Smith.

"Smith is he going to be fine?" Sarah questioned the doctor.

"He's going to be fine although we're down a super serum though." The doctor replied

Sarah laid back onto the bed relived that he's going to be fine.

The doctor gave her some medicine to help her arm heal and walked out.

Sarah just looked at the ceiling and keep repeating the coordinates in her head.

"Blueyverse Blueyverse Blueyverse what is even that actually?" Sarah thought as she wrote it down on a note book.

She closed her notebook and fell asleep after she took her medication.

[END of Chapter 2]

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