Ch 21: Bad News

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Chapter 21: Bad News

There's a man sitting at a chair appears to be talking to someone on a phone

"What do you mean another two weeks!? We need this now damnit!" The Man shouted in the phone

"I just need more time to finalize the way back sir" the voice in the phone replied

"Well continue the work or your not getting paid with what we agreed to" The Man threatened

"I will I just need more time for that I got test subjects going in for someone" the voice replied

"What do you mean by someone?" The Man questioned

"It's my brother they believe that he's alive and they want to go there to see what they can find." The voice said

"Oh...I see well don't let that distract you from your work I'll call you again after you let them go in an I want an update" The Man said

"Yes sir I'll be near the phone when you call" the voice said

"Alright until then" The Man said as he ended the call

"What's that about boss?" Another man said

"You know when you went to that base of the T.E.G to kill Sam and gather information about the Machine" The Man said

"Yes I do remember that" The other man said

"Well you failed for both as two others grabbed the documents and gave them to Zodolf and what you bring back... Oh that's right NOTHING!" The Man shouted as he slammed his hand on the table

"Hey you told me to kill a man not to gather information about some dumb machine" the other man replied

"No I gave you clear instructions on kill Sam and grab documents and it appears that you failed to do that as well as he might still be alive" The Man said as he turned his chair to look out a window

"What that's impossible I pushed him into the machine and thought that'll be it dead and gone." The other man said

"Well that's great that you think for once, but it's wrong he's still with us somehow because we got two of his crew trying to retrieve him and we know why that's bad" The Man said

"Because you promised him something that you can't do?" The other man guessed

"No you imbecile it's because we gave him an AI that's way to powerful, he can basically hack into everything we got all because of his brother built it that way." The Man turned to look at the other

"Oh yeah that's not good" the other man said

"Yeah not good indeed, but his brother doesn't know that we know what he did so we are using his help to get the machine up and running and then we'll kill him" The Man said

"Oh I can kill him for you" the other man said

"No your going to fix what you cause, you're going into that machine to find and confirm Sam's death and if he's alive kill him, you'll going to have three teams of five with low end gear to fight him with." The Man said as he puffed on a cigar

"What why can't you give me some men with high end gear?" The other man complained

"You think I'll risk something expensive for an man who can't even do a job right?" The Man said

"Right now as Zodolf finished the machine so I'll not just melt you into mush" The Man said

"Alright I'll do it, but what's my payment for this?" The other man said

"Well for you Rob not being killed for you mess up" The Man said as he put a pistol on the table which made Rob scared

"Alright I'll get going to his lab" Rob said as he walked out the door

"Better get the job done Rob" The Man said as he looked out the window to see 5 big war ships

*Later at Zodolf's mansion*

Rob with 15 men went to the front door and rang the doorbell and Zodolf answered

"Oh I didn't expect you guys to come over to check on the machine so soon" Zodolf said as he was surprised

"No we are here to test out the machine" Rob said as he forced himself inside the mansion

"Oh well it's not able to teleport you back just yet uh come back in two weeks" Zodolf said as he was forced to get out of the way

"We don't have two this the way?" Rob said as he pointed to the elevator in which Zodolf nod

The group went down to the lab to see the machine ready to fire up and be used

"Do you know if contact we can contact you?" Rob said as he stood closer to the machine

"Why yes you can here" Zodolf said as he handed him a pad to contact with

"Alright fire it up for us, HEY rookie come test this" Rob said as he handed the pad to a guy who's new to the mission

"Why do I have to test it?" The man said

"Because I said so now do it you pussy" Rob said as he pushed him to the front of the machine

The machine open a portal which scared the rookie and made him second guess into going in, but then Rob pushed him into the portal and he was gone and then they all looked to the screen if he can contact them

After ten minutes nothing and in which made Zodolf considered about the pad he made, but then the screen turned on

"Your a fucking asshole Rob!" The rookie said through the screen which worked

"*Laughs* it works alright men let's go in" Rob said as he went into the portal and the men followed

They all were at the bottom of the cliff and they were checking their gear to see if they would work and they did

"Alright men we are here to find this one man" Rob said as he held out a picture of Sam

"We need to find him to see if he's dead or if he's alive need to kill him" Rob said as the men noded

"Alright you five your with me, you guys go to the North and you guys go to the south and my team will go East" Rob said to the group

"Alright let's roll out!" Rob shouted as he walked with his crew and they all dispersed

[End of Chapter 21]

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