Ch 24: Reunited

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Chapter 24: Reunited

"Smith? Sarah?" Sam said as they approached

"Glad we found you just in time." Smith said as he held out his hand to lift up Sam

Sam took his hand and got up off his back and on his feet

"How'd you guys get here? And why are they here?" Sam said as he pointed at Rob's dead body

"Yeah we got the documents for the machine and we teleport to your teleported location and followed the foot prints that the group made and followed his footsteps here." Sarah said as she looked around of the place

"That's good and all, but how'd you build the machine and know how to use it?" Sam asked

"We had help from Zodolf" Smith said

Sam paused as he hasn't heard that name in a while

"My brother?" Sam said

"Yeah if we didn't have him we wouldn't be here saving your ass." Smith said jokingly

"That's good that he's helping, but how are we going to get back?" Sam asked

"Well we can't right now, but your brother is working on a way to do that as we speak." Smith said

Sam looked around and then realized about Bluey

"Oh shit" Sam said as he ran at a tree which confused Smith and Sarah

"Sam where are you going?" Sarah said as she and Smith followed behind

Sam ran up to Bluey who was unconscious as she got hit on the head as she gotten thrown into the tree

Sam went down to check if she was breathing which she wasn't

"Fuck" Sam said as he grabbed her and held her into his arms

"Sam what the hell is that?" Smith said as he didn't know what he's looking at

"I'll tell you later now follow me!" Sam said as he ran into the woods to the campsite and they both followed

Sam was running as fast as his legs can take him as he didn't want Bluey to die

"P.I combat stamina now!" Sam thought

*Activating Combat Stamina* the voice said

Sam ran even faster as the voice said that which shocked Sarah and Smith as they never seen him run that fast before

"How the hell is he running that fast!" Smith said as he was running out of breath

"I don't know just keep your eyes on him!" Sarah said while they try to keep up with Sam

Meanwhile at the campsite Bandit was getting worried as he didn't hear Bluey or seen her in a while so he started to call out for her until Sam all of a sudden barge through some bushes with Bluey in his arms and raced past Bandit

Sam made it to the car and slowly set Bluey on the ground and tried to open the trunk, but it's locked

"Bandit open it!" Sam yelled as Bandit was still confused on what's he's doing, but he quickly threw his keys to Sam which he caught and unlocked the trunk

"Come on... Come on where is it!" Sam said frantically as he was searched the trunk for something

"What's going on?" Bandit asked Sam as he looked at Bluey

"She's not breathing I'm looking for something to fix her...Yes got it!" Sam said as he found his super serum and went to Bluey

He injected the serum into her side and hoped it would work on her after awhile she's still not responding and or breathing which made Sam inject more of the serum into her

"Come on" Sam said under his breath as he keeps a close eye on her

Then after the third injection she regained her breath and opened her eyes and sat up

"Oh thank God your okay" Sam said as he hugged her as well as Bandit

"What happened?" Bluey asked

"I'll tell you later right now just rest a bit" Sam said

"Okay" she said as Bandit picked her up and carried her inside the tent to rest

Sam looked down at the syringe and that he used a full serum and threw the syringe in his digital inventory and looked over at some bushes that were moving

Sarah and Smith emerge from the bushes out of breath and both slowly walked over to Sam

"How the hell do you run so fast?" Smith said as he was trying to catch his breath

"I don't know... practice I guess." Sam in a sarcastic tone

"Alright then" Smith said as he sat on the ground

Bandit came out of the tent which caught Smith's attention and shocked Smith and he aimed his rifle at him

"Don't shoot!" Sam said as he pushed the barrel down of the rifle

"Sam the hell is that thing!?" Smith said as Sarah stand behind him as she was scared of what that thing is

"They are friendly they helped me when I found myself here." Sam said as he let go of the barrel

"Sam who are they?" Bandit said

"It talks!?" Smith said in shock

"Yes you'll learn about them more later on right now they are friendly so don't shoot them" Sam said as he sat next to Smith

"Guys this is Bandit, Bandit this is Smith and this is Sarah" Sam said as he pointed out the two respectively

"Oh nice to meet you guys are you friends of Sam?" Bandit said with a smile as he held out his hand for a shake which they were hesitant about, but gave in and shaked hands

"Well we're are his crew after all" Sarah said which surprised Bandit

"Crew like in what a band or something" Bandit said

"No like in combat we fight together" Smith said

"Oh I see now" Bandit said as he noticed the rifles and the suits the two are wearing

"Speaking of combat where's your combat gear?" Smith asked Sam

"My power ran out so I left it at there place" Sam said

"Oh alright I do have a spare core for your suit I can give ya" Smith said

"Nice give it to me when we get there" Sam said

The four talked for awhile around the fire as Chilli and Bingo walked up to them and they introduced the two to them and they got along specially Bingo with Sarah and they all eventually went to sleep as the heelers went to their tent the three laid next to the fire pit and the night was upon them and they slept

[End of Chapter 24]

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