Ch 17: Adrenaline

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Chapter 17: Adrenaline

Sam was running through brush and branches trying to get away from three dogs that came after him he didn't know what they'll do to him, but he's not going to find out he can hear their footsteps behind him

"P.I combat stamina!" Sam yelled to his AI

*Activated combat stamina* the AI said

While the AI said those words Sam grinded his teeth as he felt a rush of energy course through his veins as he started to run faster and it felt like everything is slow to him as he vault over a down tree with insane speeds that are almost unhuman

Sam heard the footsteps get quieter and quieter and he saw a hollow log and ran to the log and dove inside to hide

While Sam was catching his breath he heard the footsteps of the dogs get louder than before he could think they were stopped outside the log which made Sam hold his breath

"Dang we lost it" one dog said while catching their breath

"That thing is fast whatever it was" a second dog said

"What was even that thing" the third dog said

"I don't know, but whatever it is it doesn't like us" the second dog said

"Well I mean we did try to catch it" the third dog said

"Yeah maybe it wasn't the smartest trying to catch a unknown creature, heck it could kill us easily and we wouldn't even know" the first dog said

"Well whatever it was it's gone now, let's head back" the second dog said

"Should we report about this?" The third dog said

"And what it'll become like bigfoot, and besides they'll think we're crazy" the second dog said

"I mean the whole crowd saw it, they'll have to believe it" the first dog said

"I mean it's up to ya to report it not me I'm heading home with my kid away from here" the second dog said

"Yeah we need to close down this school we don't know if that thing would eat kids" the third dog said

"Well it just observed us it didn't take a kid they were all accounted for" the first dog said

"Well it doesn't matter I don't want my kid near that thing that's a risk that I don't want" the second dog said

"Yeah your right let's go back and warn the others about it" the third dog said

After that conversation they walked away from the area and Sam finally breathe in while crawling out of the log

Sam looked around and saw a lake in the distance, but it seems no one is there at the moment he went to the lake and pulled out his filter and took a drink

"Ahh that's good, I need to head to their house, area is not safe to be" Sam said to himself

"P.I active Combat mode HUD" Sam said

*Activating Combat Heads Up Display* the AI said as things were digitalizing on Sam's vision

Sam could see his lung capacity, his body to see injuries if he had some and lastly a compass at the top of his vision with a mark to the south

"I need to head south to their house" Sam said to himself as he stood up from the side of the lake and started walking

An hour of walking he stumbles across a road which didn't help him as he wanted to stay hidden he looked up to the sun and estimated that the time is around 6pm in which would help Sam as it would get dark soon

He walked down in the ditch of the road to keep out of site if a car would pass and then he heard a car in the distance and quickly dove into the ditch to hide

Sam hoping the car would pass, but it turned into the opposite the car stopped at the side of the road on top of him and Sam with quick thinking covered himself in leafs in hopes to camouflage himself

"Hang on bruv I need to piss real quick" a dog said as the door of the car shut

Sam hoped that the dog went to the other side to do their business, but then Sam felt something warm on the back of his neck

"ooooh that's the stuff" the dog said

Sam was laying there getting pissed on, but he stayed silent

"Ah oof agh!" The dog said

"You alright?" The dog said from the car

"I think I'm passing a kidney stone give me a moment!" The dog said while trying to piss out the stone

Then like that the stone launched and hit Sam at the back of the head and he wanted to scream so badly, but held it in

"Alright let's hit the road again" the dog said as they went to the car

As they pulled out on to the road again and after a bit Sam finally got his time

"OHH MOTHERFUCKER AHHH" Sam freaked as he try to wipe off the urine with the leafs he used as camouflage, but no avail

Sam was angry about getting pissed on, but he needed to keep heading south and now with urine over his back and neck headed back on his journey to get to the heelers home

Sam after another hour of walking finally came across a town that he had no knowledge of, but it's heading south and he needed to get to his mark he decided to wait for night to head into the town to get to the house

He found a bush and sat on the ground and waited for the sun to fall to continue, but now he has to wait with the smell of urine

"This fucking sucks" Sam said to himself

[End of Chapter 17]

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