Ch 20: Turned Nightmare

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Chapter 20: Turned Nightmare

Sam looked at the last door which was red and walked over and opened it which was the same like the last five doors he walked inside the light and a flash of light appeared

Sam found himself what seems to be a hallway in a hospital he turned around to see a window he looked out and seems he's on the 6th floor

He later turned back to see down the hallway and saw that there's a right branch off at the middle of the hall he's in, but he looked down further and saw an officer guarding a door

"Why is that officer guarding that door?" Sam thought as he walked closer to the right turn

The officer was talking on his radio then all sudden the door they were guarding bursts open knocking the officer to the ground and then a red heeler jumped on the officer and started ripping them apart

"What the fuck!?" Sam said as he gotten scared as he saw the heelers ripping the officer apart like they were nothing they were screaming until the dog bit down on their neck and the screaming stopped

Sam backed up in instinct and didn't notice a gurney at the side of the hall and knocked into causing a sound in which made the dog look to it's right to see Sam standing there

Sam noticed that face of the dog is familiar to him which was Chilli she was staring at Sam with a craze look in her eyes and that her teeth were busted up and broken and she had blood all over her mouth and looked like she hasn't eaten in months and her color was faded

It seems like forever in a staring contest and then Chilli jumped off the body of the officer and started running at Sam with great speed

"Chilli wait!" Sam yelled as he put his arms out ready to defend himself

Soon as Chilli gotten close to Sam and loud bang was heard and Chilli got slammed into the wall

"Jesus!" Sam yelled as he saw another officer with a shotgun had shot her body causing her to fly into the wall

Chilli slowly got up and charged the officer with the shotgun they fired four times, but only slowed her down then the officer tried pulling out their pistol, but Chilli jumped on them and knocked the gun out of their hand

They tried pushed Chilli off of them, but she broke their arm causing them to scream as they tried to defend themselves as Chilli went to go bite them on the neck five bangs rang out and she dropped on top of the officer which pushed her off

Sam looked around the corner and saw a dog which was a German shepherd wearing a doctor's coat and next to them he saw Bandit with the officer's pistol and he was shaking as he just shot his wife in order to protect an officer

Chilli gargled the word Bandit as she finally died next to the officer and which broke Bandit as he started to hyperventilating and then fell onto the floor and just like that a bright flash happened and Sam found himself in the chair once again

"Holy shit what happened to her what caused her to go feral like that?" Sam questioned as he put his elbows on his knees and his hands on his head thinking about the encounter he had

Sam took his time thinking before he stood up

"Now what there's no door to go through" Sam said as he walked over to were the 6 doors were and he looked back behind the chair he was sitting in saw another door

"Alright that wasn't there before" Sam thought as he went to the door which was black

Sam did the same thing before opened the door and a bright light flew out and he went in a flash of light happened

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