Ch 16: The Play

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Chapter 16: The Play

Sam woke up to a familiar face staring at him until he woke up and it was Bluey and she stood there waiting for Sam to walk up

"Good morning Sam" She said excitedly

"Oh hey kiddo what's the rush" Sam said as he went to rub his eyes

"Today is the day of my play remember" she said

"Oh yeah I remember now that's today" He said as he sat up

"Are you going to come with us?" She said

"Hmm let me think for a bit" He said as he stood up and went to his armor and check the power of it's ability

"Hmm 15% is all that I have" he thought to himself as he's still thinking about going to her play

"Screw it I got enough to make it" he thought and then gave a response

"Yeah I can go just talk to your parents about me coming along" Sam said as he put on his armor

"Hooray!" She said as she ran out to tell her parents

Sam later walked out of his room and walked to the family room were he hears Chilli talking to Bandit about him and he stood at the doorway listening

"I don't think it's a good idea to bring him along." Chilli said

"What's the harm to bring him he's just going to turn invisible so no one will see him." Bandit replied

"Yeah but what happens if he is seen what do you think will happen" She said as Bandit put his hand on hers

"Babe don't worry about it and besides if he's seen they won't trace him back to us so we're fine." He said

"Oh so that's what you think about me huh?" Sam thought as he fully entered the room playing dumb

"Hey guys what time is the play?" Sam asked

"Oh hey Sam the play is in 2 hours so take your time." Bandit said as he stood up

"Alright I'll just assess some of my gear and I'll be ready" Sam said while Bandit gave him a nod

Sam went to his room and looked into his box of supplies and he grabbed an extra energy bar and double check if he needed anything else

"P.I what's my inventory?" Sam thought

*Your inventory consist of 2 energy bars 1 survival knife 1 water filter and finally 1 super serum* The AI stated

"Alright that should be fine wish I had some energy cells right about now" Sam thought as he walked out of his room

An hour went by and the heelers and Sam went to the car and started the drive to Bluey's school

"So your the princess in this story correct" Sam asked Bluey

"Yup" she replied

"So what's her story? Why is she going on an adventure to find something" he said

Bluey giggled at Sam's question's and spoke

"You'll have to watch and find out" She said

"Fine I'll have to wait for the show then" Sam said as he rubbed his neck as he's to tall for the back and he's uncomfortable

They pulled up to the school and Sam activated his camo and followed Bluey out the car and he saw the stage out at the side of the school and Sam found some bushes and hid there and waited for the play to start

Sam stayed quiet as he saw many parents with their kids, but he saw a dog that is familiar and that was McKenzie and he was wearing something a knight would wear and Sam thought it was ironic for McKenzie a knight who would save the princess

After some time later the play started and music started to play while a narrator started to speak

"There once was a village that was successful and in that village was a king and queen with a brave princess..." The narrator said

Sam looked at the stage to see Bluey walk out onto the stage in her costume and the narrator continues to tell the story

"This princess was so brave she went off to the woods alone for an adventure to find a magical stick that can summon..." The narrator said

Sam saw Bluey walking in place while the background moved to simulate movement in which made Sam impressed about how clover that is

The narrator continues with the story and a dog with a tree costume came on stage

"The princess came to the magical tree for guidance to find the magical stick and the princess spoke to the tree in hopes that the tree will tell her the way to find this stick" the narrator said

"Oh snic- I mean magical tree can you tell me the way to find the magical stick." Bluey said to the tree

Sam didn't notice that his armor ran out of power and that turn off his camo and he could be seen by some dogs

"Oh to find the magical stick you must go to the- wait what's that over there?" The dog said while pointing at Sam who's in the bushes at the back of the crowd

Every dog turned to see Sam who's in the bush and some got confused on who he is some got scared and until one dog stood up and said something

"I don't know what that is, but I say we capture it" The dog said while some agreed with the dog

Sam saw three dogs started to run at him

"Shit" Sam said as he stood up and started to sprint to the woods in hopes he can lose them with the environment

Bluey who was on the stage still walked off stage and went to her parents and asked

"Will he be okay" Bluey said while her ears are down

"Yeah I think he will be okay" Bandit said as he picked her up and held her while looking at Chilli and she had a look of I don't know what will happen next

[End of Chapter 16]

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