Chapter 6

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Sorry for the late uploads.
I've got the biggest case of writer's block ever. 
I'll keep trying to break it, but it's slow progress so far.
Sorry gang.

Happy Reading~

Hunter's POV:

"Ow! Argh- ngh! F-Fuck!" I seethed, snipping off the branches that had grown on me overnight. I've been mutilating myself for three weeks! Covered in bandages I convinced everyone were because of knicks and cuts at work. Mipha is worried, I don't want to worry her... but what else can I do?

No book in the entirety of the Boiling Isles explains what's happening to me! I'm the last of my kind, the last of an extinct species... I've got no one and nothing to learn from. Is it Flapjack? Is his magic doing this to me? Or is this some normal Grimwalker thing? I don't know!

Point is I'm exhausted... and there's nothing I can do. Sure the branches are obviously palistrom wood, but the leaves are more feather like than normal palistrom leaves. The leaves are almond shaped and pink, these look like red feathers, furthering my assumption that this is because of Flapjack giving me his essence and magic.
Today was my birthday, and currently I'm waiting for Mipha to come visit. We're gonna go on a date, just us, without the palismen. 

I put another bandage over the area where I snipped another branch, tossing said twig into the garbage. There was a knock at the door, making me gasp and toss all my stuff into the drawer of my desk before the door opened, revealing my beautiful girlfriend.

"Happy Birthday Hunter!" She bounced on her heels, smiling ear to ear before running over and putting a red and blue wrapped gift box on my desk. She walked behind me, hugging me and kissing my head, making me sigh and look up to let her kiss my nose.
"Thank's Meephs, it's been a good day so far" I rolled my eyes, Mipha catching my sarcasm and frowning.

"Something wrong?"
"What do you want in the future... with us?" my question made her pause, before she started rubbing her arm, lost in thought.
"I think I want what a lot of witches want... to settle down and have a family. But we're too young for that!" She laughed it off, beginning to play with her hair.

"You could see us buying a house and living on our own?" she nodded, before pointing to the box on my desk.
"Open it" she smiled as I carefully undid the ribbon and unwrapped the box, lifting the lid and digging through the ungodly amount of tissue paper she always uses. 
I gasped, pulling out the plushed wolf from it's tissue bed and examined it. It was grey, super fluffy, and the most adorable and huge button eyes.

"Wow... Mipha..."
"I uh... made it myself... if you don't like it I could always try making something else... or if you want something store bought that's good two" I listened to her talk, processing the existence of the object in my hands.

"I'm gonna name him Chief Engineer O'Bailey... Mipha I love him! This is the best thing you could've gotten me, are you kidding?" I got up and wrapped her in a hug, it took about 10 seconds before she hugged me back.
Lately Mipha has had trouble showing affection, not sure why- even she's not sure why... it's just a small little phase she's having. Doesn't mean she loves me any less, just takes a little longer for her to process, and then act on her thoughts.
"I'm glad you like him" she gave me a gentle squeeze in her arms before we let go, letting me kiss her before she nodded her head towards the door, wanting to head out. I nodded, leaving O'Bailey on my desk and taking her hand as she led me outside and into the streets of Bonesborough. 

Mipha dragged me along before we got onto a hill. A hill we both knew well since it's the same hill outside the market that she and I went to on our first outing together over a year and a half ago. The day I met her we went to the market to buy some of her rubber pendants she chews on, then I took her for her first flight and we rested here before I eventually took her back to the castle. 
She had a picnic blanket down, before drawing a spell circle and making a picnic basket appear as she sat down, patting the spot next to her.

"This is wonderful, nice and calm" I nudged her once I sat down, making her laugh.
"You know I'm not big on the carnavals and stuff..."
"You liked the one in the human realm though?"
"That ones different, less soul gambling and death" we started laughing as she handed my favorite cheese and bologne sandwich. 
She ate one identical to mine, only difference was mine had mustard on it.
We spent the afternoon talking and eating, laughing together before we eventually started doing one of my favorite 'Mipha Activities': tracing clouds.

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