Chapter 16

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Mela's POV:

I'm surprised she's still trying to fight, though she's not very good at it. They've done a lot to her, it's actually gotten boring. Prim reminded me that she doesn't remember what she's done. She's pathetic. She was probably the strongest known Golden Guard, and yet here she is, laying in her own blood and fluids like a pathetic little guinea pig.
I stared at her from above, the room she's in has a hidden observation deck above it. She can't see me, I can see her though.

She cries every night, it's annoying.
Either that or she sings some weird song about being ok or something. Prim has tried over and over to invade her mind again, but he says he doesn't get far before he nearly drowns from the rough waves her mind consists of. My blood boiled each time she begged for freedom. Threatening us with death, saying her family will kill us all when they get here and see what we've done. I don't believe her. We know who her parent is, the old Bard Coven Head. They got puppetted by Belos, fucking stupid. Her fiance is Belos' nephew, the Golden Guard before her. He's a powerless idiot who won't stand a chance against the pawns.

My parents would be ashamed of what I've done, but I don't give a shit. Prim's family gave me this oportunity, and Titan knows I'm gonna take it. 
My parent's were innocent... they were wild, and aparently that warranted Belos sending his Golden Child to kill them, and myself. Luckily I managed to escape thanks to Prim... I owe him everything.

"You still think we should wait to kill her? Her 'family' is taking a while... I'm tired of nearly drowning in her mind, Melanie" Prim smiled, his caring voice making me breath in and out calmly, turning to the handsome blonde fucker who swept me off my feet, literally.
"You don't have to go back in that mess of a mind... I'll give her oh so 'caring' family another 24 hours before we get rid of the Golden Brat.. my patience has limits too, Preminger" I smiled, standing taller and kissing him, biting his bottom lip.

"Y'know watching the pawns play with Goldie has given me some ideas for us~" I teased, whispering in his ear as he chuckled and picked me up. 
"My parents are wondering when you and I will give them an heir to their liniage" I smirked at this, kissing him again before we took one last look at our captive and leaving to have some fun.


Mipha's POV:

I watched them leave.
They think I can't see them watching me up there. It was nearly night, there was a clock in their observation deck that I could see, and over the last 3 weeks I've managed to figure out when it was night and when it was day based on when people came and went.
I winced, my entire body was weak and in pain. Every bone in my body felt like it was made of thin glass, cracking and chipping with each movement.
I army crawled to a panel that looked different than the rest of the walls. I managed to figure out it was an air vent from what I could see thanks to my bad eye sight, and what I felt when I ran my fingers along it.

I shivered, coughing and trying to get my voice to cooperate, before laying my head next to the vent and breathing out.

"You're ok... you're alright... I'll never, ever, leave your side~... I will stay... and I will fight... with you~..." I sang, my voice cracking and wavering as my throat felt like it was being ripped apart.

It's a long shot... but all this time... I've hoped that maybe if I keep singing in this vent every night... maybe... maybe the vent leads outside, and someone will hear me. I know my family is looking for me.

I know there's many searching for me. And if even one of them hears my song. The song my mom made specifically for me- that they'll find me.

The first few days... I thought I'd show mercy, not let everyone kill Mela and Prim. Just let them kill the pawns that assault me every day.
But now... I feel nothing.
I know the moment my family sees what's become of me, they'll go on a rampage, spill blood.
3 weeks ago I would've stopped them.

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