Chapter 17

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Trigger Warning for blood, violence, torture, and near death.

Prim's POV:

"What do you mean someone got inside?! How did they find us?!" Mela screamed at one of the pawns, they looked between each other, sweating bullets since Mela's temper is... really explosive.

"The uh... Golden Guard was singing...? Turns out they heard her through the vents and it led them right to the entra-AAAAAAAAHHHHH" I winced as Mela burnt him to a crisp, the other squeaking in fear as the burnt one fell to the ground and shook in agony, whimpering and trying to not scream. Mela hates it when the pawns scream.

Her breathing was heavy as she screamed in the other ones face, making them run away. 

"Mela..." I put my hand on her shoulder, this making her relax a little bit.
"Get those intruder's out. Whatever you have to do, do it. I'm gonna burn that brat to a fucking crisp and then I'll come help you" she snarled, about to walk away before I tightened my grip.

"Don't burn the Golden Guard, we need her alive, remember? Anyways- wait what is that sound?" I asked, both of us going silent as I heard whistling through the halls.

"It's the bard coven twat... kill them" I nodded, opening the door and walking down the halls, listening for the whistling as it started getting louder.


Raine's POV:

I kept whistling "Raine's Rhapsody", knowing it would attract one of the main people. Since they have Mipha they'll be expecting me and Hunter to show up since we're known connections to her. If one of the big bosses comes to me,  the other will go to watch Mipha. That leaves whoever else is left to wander. We only managed to learn about 2 big leaders of this organization while we fought our way inside, but these "pawn" people won't squeal any further details. I had a couple small throwing knives in my hand, fiddling with them before I heard footsteps. Heavier than the ones before it. 

I continued whistling before a man turned the corner and stopped. 

"You must be Preminger, those pawns said you'd show" I smirked, turning to him and keeping my hand out of sight. 
"They have no filter" he snarled, taking a step closer, his hands visable and showing no threat to me. Looks like he just wants to chat for now...

"You have something that belongs to me... I've come to get it back, if you don't mind"
"I'm not a fool, there's others"
"Sharp, the rumors do you quite the justice, Raine Whispers"
"Is it that obvious? I know I said you have something of mine but surely-"
"The hair is a dead giveaway, she's a carbon copy of you" he spat, taking another step towards me as I continued to lean on the wall.

"Well that's a relief to hear" I stood up, turning to face him, he gave me a puzzled look before spotting my hidden hand.
"Is it now?" I nodded, readying one of the knives between my fingers.

"Yeah, lately people have been saying she looks more like her MOTHER!" I shouted and threw the knife, stabbing him square in the shoulder and knocking him down.

"Bloody he- AGH!" He cried in pain as I stomped down onto his wrist, feeling him squirm beneath me. I knelt down, keeping most of my weight on my foot. I leaned down until our faces were inches apart.

"Now where is my daughter?" I sneared, Preminger shaking beneath me.


Mipha's POV:

"I h-heard my- AGH!" I screamed as Mela kicked me, the pawns around us quickly came and lifted me up, Mela summoning fire in her hand and beginning to slowly put the flames near my side. I started hyperventilating as I felt the heat get more and more intense, the pain ramping up.

"I'm gonna make you unrecognizable and miserable before your precious little "Nini" saves you" she snarled, putting the fire even closer before we heard a loud shriek, making us all stop and look to the door. It burst open, my blurry vision stopping me from seeing exactly who is was. But I'd know that head of grey hair and big wings anywhere.

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