Chapter 3

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She is so sweet but the way brusises covered her body made me angry so seeing how fucking pissed cabir was, it wasn't too far off my anger.

I walked to his room to see him on the phone

"Where the fuck is nandini alia" he asked

"In her room" she replied

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Ya, I was thinking I should bring her with me tom since I am going to living in dorms at your college you know" she said

"So if nandini is home why hasn't she been talking to me the past 3 days" he asked

"I don't know man, who cares. Anyways so im coming tomorrow and mom and dad are dropping me off if you want I can bring her along too" she said

How the hell does she not know where her sister is?

"You know what alia, thats so sweet. Yes bring her with you okay"

"Sounds good, see ya"

"Bye" he said cutting the call as he threw his phone

"Woahh calm down" I said walking inside

"Calm down? Manik you heard her right, she doens't know where the fuck her sister is"

"relax cabir"

"Relax my foot, you saw how weak she looked, she looks beat to death" he said

I took a deep breath becasue he wasn't wrong, she did and I don't wanna intrude in their family situation but nandini, she mhm I don't know. There is something about her that pulls me to her and thats messed up.

"Cabir the good thing is she is here showering right now and the bad is we have to figure out what happened but if you are gong to be angry she isn't gonna say much I think plus she needs you right now" I said

"I know I shouldn't have walked out a few minutes ago but Manik she fucking walked here man"

"I understand cabir, jsut for her be calm right now"

"I appreciate you trying to make her comfortable" he siad

"Oh fuck off with the formalities" I said making him chuckle

"You are okay if I keep her here" he asked

"Its her house too" I replied

"Thanks man"

"Your welcome since you are being so formal"

"Dude what the fuck was up with that cabir doesn't know how o cut chicken shit" he asked smacking me

"Well you don't plus she agreed"

"Mhmm hmm agreed, shut up. Where is she?"

"Showering, I gave her some of my clothes for now I hope thats okay"

"Why wouldn't it be?" He asked

"Well she is your sister and I"

"Manik listen I know you and I know her, she could sleep in your bed beside you and I wouldn't care. Manik you know how protective I am with her but you should also know that if in the future you and her become a thing I will kill you" he siad

"Excuse you" I mumbled

I don't know why but hearing him say that her and I couldn't be a thing was weirdly disturbing.

"Keep those pants on, she is my sister" he said

"I know, come on lets make food. Im starving"

he nodded following me out, we starting making some chicken salad when we heard soft little steps making us both turn.

Cabir started laughing as soon as he saw nandini while I just chuckled seeing how my clothes fit her. They were huge and not jsut a size or two bigger but god damn huge.

Her hair was wet as they were let loose on her shoulders, her face so innocent and pure, I smiled a little seeing the small tiny mole under her eyes and the one on her eyebrows

"Come here pumpkin" he said

She walked to him pouting

"Laughing at me" she asked

"Yes sweetie, these look so big on you"

"He is huge" she said looking at me

"Hey, I am not"

"He zombie" she said making me glare at her playfully causing hr to giggle as cabir rolled her selves up a little

"He is a zombie, a tall one" cabir said

"Ya well you two are devils" I said

"Bhai you devil" she said

"he is talking about you too"

"no I am nice, you always say I am angel" she siad

"He isn't wrong" I said turning to the chicken

"Nandini how did you get here" he asked as I served the salad and he served the garlic bread

"Mhm I walked" she replied while he fed her

"I know but when did you start walking" he asked

"Mhm 3 days ago" she said

"How did you even get here, I mean 3 days is a lot nandini"

"I followed the signs, remember you taught me"

"I remember but why didn't you jsut call me"

"Mumma took my phone, when I was walking here I tried to call you but I did't have money so no one let me use a phone"

What the hell man?

"Did you ask alia?" He asked

"Yes I did, you said na to ask her next time so I did but she mhm she said no" she replied

"I understand that but  pumpkin you cannot walk so much. Its been 3 days, do you know how worried I was getting for you?" her face fell hearing this

"I didn't know where else to go" she whispered

"No, that's not what I mean. You know I'm here and you know how much I love you Nandini but pumpkin when I don't get to you for 3 days, when I don't know anything about your whereabouts, it scares me"

"I know bhai, im sorry" she whispered

"What happened?" He asked gently as he fed her

"Mhm I just bhai, I cannot live there please. I know you have a life here, I know you have your friends, relationships mhm just your whole life but bhai I can't"

Her eyes full of tears, I couldn't eat anymore, not after seeing her cry. It was so fucking weird for me, so so weird.

i have been with one girl and I mean in a relationship but I have had flings with a couple just a couple kisses and thats all but never in my entire life hd I felt like this for anyone.

"Nandini sweetie you can stay with me forever and its sure Manik doesn't mind at all, right Manik" he asked

"Of course, ill tell you what nandini, cabir is a pain to live with so living with someone who can hit him without consequences is good for me" I said

She tilted her head a little and looked at cabir

"He is weird" she whispered

"I know, he is so stupid and weird but man is good at the things he does" chair said

"Ya like making chicken salads you asshole"

"No swearing" she whispered

"Right" I mumbled

She turned her head once she was done eating so cabir started eating and we were jsut talking about hockey and how the captain is a fucked up human but we made sure not to swear because nandini was listening

a part of me really wants to know what's going on with nandini but I know she is off limits so I need to focus on the words coming out of cabir's mouth instead of eyeing nandini's face

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