Chapter 30

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Manik's pov

"How was last night?" I ask cabir as we walk in the house after the gym this morning

"Good, great, fucking fantastic" he grinned making me chuckle

"Whipped I see" I joke

"Indeed" he said

As we walk in the door, I mhm I couldn't help but notice how quiet the house was which is weird because it is currently 11 and nadnini should have been up by now

"Hey isn't it unusually quiet" I ask cabir

"Nandini isn't up yet?" Navya asked too who we picked up on our way back home from the gym

"That's weird man, she should have been up by now" he said as we cabir walked towards her room

"She is in mine" I say

"she slept there last night?" He asked

"Ya" I said

"And you slept beside her"


He nodded walking towards my room, as we all walk to my room, I heard her whimpering.

"Oh hell no, she is crying" I said as soon as we enter

"Where is she?" Cabir asked

"I don't know man, but I hear her"I said going to my bathroom but she wasn't there

As I come out of the bathroom, cabir was opening my closet. As soon as the doors opened her crying was louder and then she screamed

"Ahhhhhh noo pleaseee" she screamed running away from cabir and banging in my chest by accident

I held onto her looking down at her

"Hey, whats wrong sweet?" I ask softly seeing how terribly she was crying

"Help me, please" she cried as if she didn't know who I was

"Shh shhh, shortcake" I coo

She looks up and stares in my eyes, it was almost like she was trying, trying to recognize that it was me and not someone else. It took her a few minutes before she recognized me

"Ma-manik" she cried holding my t shirt in her tiny fists

"Shhh whats wrong? Are you okay?" I ask, worried out of my god damn mind

"Manik, he he" she cried, not making sense

"Who?" I ask

"Manik he he was here, he will, he" she cried

Ther is no way anyone can get here, they need a code, a god danm fingerprint. There is no way man but the way she as crying I couldn't help but wonder if someone got in here soemhow

I looked at cabir whose jaw was clenched so hard that it would break if he didn't relax.

"Cabir" I said

"Ya, ill check he security footage and walk around to see"he said walking out

"Navya, grab some water for him and clam him down. I can only handle one person at a time and he looked like he is losing his shit" I said

"I can't guarantee it will help but I can try it" she said

"Thank you" I mumble

I tried talking to nandini but she fainted, ya she fainted whihc freaked me out  so bad until cabir came in and said it was something that she deals with when she is scared

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