Chapter 16

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I scooped her up in my arms with he blanket still on her, she cuddles closer to my chest making me smile. I carried her to her room and placed her on her bed.

I grabbed the light from her lap which she was playing with and plugged that in turning the lights off.

I leaned down and kissed her head a few times, she is so sweet, such a pretty girl.

"Its hard to stay away from you but I know this isn't something we can have, at least not now but I promise that I will be here, I will be around to keep you safe" I whispered kissing her head

Closing her door slightly I walked to my room, its so hard to pretend I don't feel something for her but I can't ruin things, not with cabir or even her jsut because of my stupid heart

The next few month was hectic, I didn't see nandini much except for in the mornings when she would yell at me to put some ice on my knuckles and in the night when I would get back from practice.

I met her friend navya who seems chill and nice so thats good because I didn't want her to have the wrong friends or be in the wrong crowd I suppose.

It is currently 11 pm and cabir had gone out to grab some last minute things for nandini's birthday which is in an hour officially. I am so god dman excited, i am so happy for her.

She is turning 18, and cabir told me she has never really celebrated her birthday because things at home weren't too good but she is here now which means we celebrate her birthday

"Manik" I heard her little whisper

Shit man, she isn't supposed to be up right now, she is supposed to be sleeping so we can surprise her in an hour

"Yes shortcake" I answered from my room

She came in with puffy eyes, holding her blanket in her hands, she actually kept the light blanket I covered her with a month back and sleeps with it every single day

"Whats wrong little one" I couldn't help but whisper seeing her puffy eyes

"I had a nightmare" she whispers walking to me

She lays down beside me curling up against my body like she has every single day this month. Yup, she tends to fall a sleep around me and then I place her in her room before going to sleep in mine

"Wanna share?" I asked caressing her hair

She shook her head closing her eyes, I shut the lights and she cuddles closer making me smile

A few minutes later she was fast a sleep, I finally realized the breath I didnt know I was holding in.

'Come out and help me set things up' cabir texted me

'Give me a second, nandini is sleep next to me'


'She had a nightmare' I replied

I dimmed the lights instead of them being completely off and kissed her head

"A little early I know but I wanted to wish you first, happy birthday love" I whispered kissing her cheek softly making her smile

The tiniest smile on her face making me smile, she recognizes my touch even in her sleep, one month and this girl has me thinking a lot about love, about life, about my feelings, something no one could do before

Kissing her forehead one more time I went outside to find cabir trying to decorate making me chuckle

"You don't know shit dude" I mumble

"Help please" he whines making me chuckle

We both decorated the living room with tons of balloons, confetti, more balloons, a banner that said happy birthday, a cake, candles  and the whole thing.

"You wanna go wake her up, its' 11:55" I asked


He walked into my room and I heard whining making me chuckle. A couple minutes later she came out with cabir behind her covering her eyes with his hands

"No peaking pumpkin"

"Bhai im sleepy" she mumbles

"I know but"

"Ahh oh my god, is that a rat" she screamed when her foot touched the ballon that was on the floor

"No Jesus calm down"

"no no its a rat, manikkk" she screamed

"Im right here, its not a rat" I assure chuckling

"You promise, mani it feels like a rat, eww"

"Haha its not shortcake, I promise its not a rat"

she nodded as she continued walking

'Wait' I mouthed to cabir showing him it's 11:59

I nodded as soon as it was 12, he moved his hands as we both stood beisde her

"Happy birthday pumpkin" he mumbles

"Happy birthday shortcake" I whispered

She looked shocked for a second until she looked around and saw all the decor

"My birthday" she asked

we both nodded making her giggle

"Its my birthday hehehe" she screamed jumping in cabin's arms

"My pumpkin is an adult now" he mumbles

"Hehhe thank you bhai, this si beautiful"

"Well manik helped too, do you wanna cut the cake" he asked

"Oreo cake" she asked

"Yes" I whispered

She clapped her hands running to the cake, cabir put a candle on it that said 18.

"Can I blow it out" she asked

"Yes come on" cabir siad

She blew the candle out closing her eyes as she made a wish, my heart wished she wished for me and just me but I know thats not going to happen.

We sang her happy birthday and then she cut the cake feeding the first bite to cabir and then a bite to me. Even though we are supposed to be on a diet neither one of us cared enough haha

"Happy birthday nandini" he siad to her kissing her head

"Thank you bhai, thank you so much" she whispered

she played around with the balloons for a bit until she pouted a little making me follow her eyes to see cabir a sleep. We actually had a very intense practice today because we have a game soon so he must be tired

"Sleepy sleepy" she said pointing at him

"he is a sleepy baby isnt' he?" I asked and she nodded giggling

"Cabir" I said shaking him a little

He hummed

"Go sleep" I said

He opened his eyes adn frowned a little

"Shit I fell a sleep, im so sorry nandini" he said

"Hehe bhai it's okay, im sleep too. Lets sleep plus its my birthday tommorow too well technically today cause its midnight but ya"

"Happy birthday pumpkin, and sleep well" he said kissing her head

"Thank you bhai, goodnight" she mumbles

"Go sleep, ill clean up here" I told him to which he smiled

"Goodnight my love" he siad kissing my cheek making me smack him

"Idiot, go, goodnight"

"Night night kids" he said making us both chuckle

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