Chapter 49

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"Im sorry for taking my anger out on you" he whispered

"Im not asking you to apologize Manik, I just want to know what's going on in your head"

"Everything was already stressing me out, seeing you with aryaman, thinking I would never have the one person I love in my life, I thought I would lose you. That mixed with seeing veebha trying to distract me and get me kicked off the hockey team using a child is unreal. is she even pregnant? Or is she just playing? and all this jsut to have whoever she likes on the other team win is beyond my head"

he was so frustrated

"You can't stoop to her level just like she can't be at your level. If she wants to use cheap tricks and stunts then let her. We only need to confirm if you are the father of the child she may be carrying and if you are we go ahead from there" he nodded moving his hands in front of me

I chuckled a little getting up from the chair and held onto his arms as he softly wraps them around me sitting me down on his lap

"I am sorry for saying those words, I am sorry for saying you cry and making it seem like your tears mhm are bad. What I meant to say was I can't see you crying, it hurts when you cry and I could be ballistically pissed off and all that anger would be gone as soon as I see your tears. I didn't mean for it to sounds so harsh and come out like that. I am very sorry for my words, I really am. I'm sorry Nandini" he whispered

"Its okay, but please don't ever say that to me like that again"

"I promise I won't, I mhm there is just a lot in my head and that's not an excuse. Mhm im sorry nandini"

"No need to apologize, are you okay?" I ask wrapping my hand around his neck rubbing gently

"I am trying to be" his eyes close as his forehead rests on my shoulder

"Whats wrong?"

"Lots, mhm if she is pregnant, what am I going to do?"

"You become a father in 3 months and that is fun, yes many responsibilities but fun too"

"How is it fun?" he asked

"You and I can play with a little baby and we have a little baby to hang out with" I smile

"You would be with me even if I am a father"

"Absolutely, why wouldn't I? Manik I love you, and its not your fault, her fault or the little human's. It happened in a past relationship and I have no problems and neither should you"

"How are you so mature but tiny at the same time" he asks kissing my cheek

"Hey I appreciate the compliment but you cannot call me tiny" I tell him

"Oh my dear, I get to call you tiny because you are tiny" he says

"Compared to you yes but not to teddy" I say pointing at the bunny

"Thank you for understanding me, thank you for not lashing out when I was lashing out. Thank you for sticking by me and dealing with me, thank you" he whispers pressing a few kissing on my jaw

"Thank you for coming as soon as I called, it mhm I couldn't sleep and I had nightmares without you" I whispered

He pulls me closer, it felt safe and warm in his arms.

"Im sorry"

"Im sorry too, but I promise never again. No matter how hard it will be to tell the truth I will always" I promise him

"I promise too" he kisses my cheek

i hum pulling him closer, I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Ahh manik come on you gotta stop doing that" I said yelling as he got up with me in his arms

"Thank you for giving me food and the coffee" he whispered laying me on the bed

"Your welcome"

He went and shut his door locking it, which he never does.

"You ate right?" He asked

"Yeah, not the cupcake though" I say

"Well here is your cupcake" he says grabbing it from the mini fridge he has in his room

I sat up with a grin seeing a vanilla cupcake, I mean come on, I am a sucker for a few things, cupcakes, Manik, coke, noodles, junk food.

"Thank you" I whisper grabbing it

As I finished the cupcake Manik was on the phone with his mom or dad, I couldn't tell.

"Fine, ill see if I can" he says cutting the call

"grumpy old man" I whisper looking at him as I shake my head playfully

"Okay first of all im not old and no im not grumpy" he scoffs falling on me making me gasp a little

"Im sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked getting off me right away

"No, no. come back" I said

He sighs laying down on top of me, his face rested on my shoulder as he shifted half his weight off me.

"Everything is happening at the same time and it's messing with my head. i can't seem to process anything. Nothing is making sense at all, it's like the universe is giving me all the shit in the world all at once"

"Maybe but you know what?"

He hums, eyes closed. I moved a little turning to face him

"You an handle it plus im right here to help, bhai is here too" I caress his cheeks

he hums again, he was sleepy, he looked sleepy but he refused to close this eyes for some reason

"Why don't you sleep?" I ask

"No,mhm I have to go to the gym then the ring to practice a bit and then I have to find a god damn fucking coat"

"Swear jar please"

"I will later" he mumbles

"Coat for what?"

"for this cupid idiotic party I have to go to"

"Back home" I ask being afraid

"No, here. My parents have some business stuff and they need me there. Can you please come with me?" He asks

"Do I have to dress up?" I ask

"Mhm a little"

"Ill think about it, how about I say yes and you come with me tom night?"

"tom night? Where?"

"Mhm that cannot be disclosed at the moment but yes I would like you to free your night tom and come with me if it's possible" I caress the back of his neck

"Of course, is it right after my game"

"Yes please, would you be okay with driving us"

"Yes love"

We laid there for a little bit just looking at each other, I love seeing how expressive his eyes are, its like a pool of emotions. His emotions aren't like mine, he holds them in like his life depends on it

"Come on big guy, time to hit the gym" I say

He chuckles a bit kissing my nose

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" He asked

"No sir, I was wondering if I could come with you"

"You want to workout with me?" He asked

"No, not work out. I am going to bring in some homework"

"Sounds good

I grabbed some homework and Manik grabbed his hockey practice gear bag along with his gym bag. We went to the gym first and then to the hockey ring, he practiced for a little bit.

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