Chapter 58

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Nandini's pov

I caress up Manik's arm as we sat watching people mingle at this party but I like that im not overwhelmed at all anymore, becasue he gave me that comfort and love.

I lift my head off his shoulder and look at him, he turned his head to look in my eyes making me smile.

"I don't know if I said this but you look so handsome tonight, well every night but especially tonight"

He grins ear to ear, I love how beautiful and pure his smile is.

"You did but I love hearing it again" he says kissing my lips

"Manik, everyone will see" I say pulling back

"And? I don't care" he says pecking my lips again making me shake my head at him

"Proving a point" I ask

"No just letting you know I love you and I don't give a single fuck who watches"

"I love you more and lets not use so many swear words y?" I say

"Yeah" he breaths out

"You tell me to talk to you and then you don't talk to me, what is this behaviour mr malhotra" I tease a bit

"Ms dhawan aren't you getting a little playful with me" his voice screams playfulness

"Is that bad?" I ask

"No, not at all ms dhawan, I find it very sexy" he comments rubbing my lower back placing a kiss on my shoulder

There is thing, the thing that I feared, I used to fear actually. Sex, intimacy more than kissing or even kissing, holding hands, being nude or semi nude, teasing, etc. but with Manik I don't fear it at all.

With Manik I feel like I want to explore more, I am not afraid to kiss him, I am not afraid to run my hands on his bare chest, its intriguing, nice and I want more.

It doesn't make me feel dirty or gross when I am walking around in shorts and a sports bra.

"I love you" he says pulling me out of my thoughts

"I love you too mr malhotra" he chucked

"Why use my last name?" He asks

"Because I like it" I told him honestly

"Would you like it one day? Mhm nandini dhawan malhotra"

I actually liked the ring to it, It was nice, sweet, my name didn't sound innocent, it sounded bold for some reason or I may just be losing my mind

"Opinions on that?" He asks

"Yes, yup" I giggle leaning onto him

"We need to chat, if you are done entertaining your bitch" we heard

Manik's jaw hardened, his hand gripped my thigh tighter letting me know he is angry.

I look up to see a woman and a man standing there, I immediately get up, not cause of fear but just to show respect.

"We do not need to chat" Manik says getting up

He buttons the button on his coat, his demeanour had changed, his softness wasn't there, his face turned from soft to harsh real quick.

"Yes we do, drop the arm candy and up to the room" the woman said

Her eyes resembled maniks, well some of it and the man he looked exactly like Manik so I'm assuming they are his parents.

"My girlfriend, not arm candy and if I hear you call her any names that isn't her actual name, consider me walking out of here and I guarantee a god damn scene" he warns

"Do not disrespect me or threaten me Manik" she said

"mother you know very well how well I can threaten you and this isn't it so lose the attitude you are carrying" he spoke

"Nandini right?" She says turning to me

"Hi aunty" I whisper

"Don't, you are a menace, you are distracting my son"

"Oh no, hell no. upstairs in the room in a minute if you don't want a fucking scene here" manik said grabbing my hand as we walk upstairs

"Manik calm down" I whisper seeing him so angry

He turned around as we reach the room, his eyes spitting fire. He took a huge breath and grabbed onto my face.

"Nandini im fucking ballistic right now, I can't calm down and I know you are trying love but please for now lets not. Let me be for a few minutes while I talk to them. Please" he said as softly as he could

"Okay" I whisper

His parents come in shutting the door behind them aggressively

"you need to be respectful manik. Why are you being so rude and like this when you know this is for your brother" his mother says

"First of all, no I did not. I don't know why I am here and I don't fucking care. You do not ever and I mean ever disrespect my girlfriend and I am very rigid about that. I don't care why I am here or why you thought it was a great idea to invite me but we both know It's because you wanna save your asses. So fuck off, adn go be the goody shoes somewhere else. We all know how you fucking raised me so I am done, I am done with this" he screamed

I stood back a little seeing them all go at it



"MANIK" He screamed

"OR WHAT DAD, OR WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU WILL DO" He screamed louder whihc I didn't think was possible

I could see his dad getting angrier, to the point where he stepped forward and was about to raise his hands on manik so I stepped in-between.

My cheek stung as his palm makes contact with my cheek, I could feel tears forming in my eyes because of the pain stinging.

"Shit" I heard manik's voice as he turns me to him

His eyes teared up as he looks at me, I try smiling at him so he wouldn't cry but that was a fail as tears fell from his eyes down his cheeks just like mine did

"Shh don't cry" I whisper reaching up to his cheek wiping his tears as more rushed down his cheeks

his hands were shivering as he tries to reach up to my cheeks but his hands were terribly shaking

"No" I say shaking my head at him

His eyes were so red.

He looks up behind me and was about to charge at his father when I grabbed his arm pushing him back a little

"No mani, please for me, don't" I whispered ignoring my cheek stinging still


"Manik you cannot do this for a wanna be one night stand" his mother says

I turned around to face them still holding onto manik's hand because this man was ready to jump over and maybe hurt his father.

"I understand you guys don't like me and thats fine but you have no right to bring my character in this, no right to question my character. I love your son and I always will. You want to keep brining me down, that's okay. Just know I am not weak, not weak at all that I will hear these things and walk away from manik because I will not. I will be here today, tomorrow and forever" I tell them

They seemed to be taken a back.

"So you are the reason for his behaviour" his mother says

"No, I don't think I am. Seeing you behaving like this with him, I know it's definitely a you problem and not a me problem. Thank you for inviting him and thank you for having me here" I said

i grab onto manik pulling him with me out of the room, I was not going to have him extremely angry and he was already pissed so it was better to leave

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