Chapter 42

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"Nandini you didn't have to be scared of them" I whisper

"I wouldn't have been, not if she was threatening something of mine because I have nothing I haven't lost already but when it comes to you or bhai and navya I have things to lose. I cannot lose you guys, and manik you know what you mean to me. Yes I know that I shouldn't have siad that I'm not girlfriend because honestly I am, I know I am. Well I know I was until the moment I saw you tear up but"

"Shh relax, just breath for a second" I whisper caressing her thighs

I got up and grabbed from water from the kitchen for her, I came to see her holding my pillow in her hands as her head laid back on the head rest.

"Drink up" I whisper

Her eyes open as she grabbed the glass sipping on some of the water placing it not he side table

"Manik please tell me that I didn't mess up really bad, that I haven't completely lost you, I promise I will make up for it" she blabbers on

"There will never be a time where you lose me, you did mess up but not bad enough that I can't clean it up" I told her

"So you still love me" she asked holding onto my arm

"I do" I whisper remember when I first blurt it out by accident and she completely ignored it

"I love you too manik" she whispered inching closer

My ears perked up hearing her and I wondered if I heard it right.

"You what?"

"That night on the homecoming dance, you said you love me and I wanted to say it back, but mhm I saw di there and if I said it back she wouldn't have kept it to herself and veebha would tell your coach maybe even the whole college and I can't afford that Manik. You can't afford that"

"So you do love me and I'm not just an option" I ask

"No ways, who said you were an option and if you were the option, you would be the only option in the whole world"

"So mhm this all, you saying that im jsut a friend, and all that was a lie"

"I did say it in anger but it wasn't right. I do love you and no not as a friend"

"I love you Nandini, I love you so so much" I pick her up in my arms as I twirl her around causing her to giggle

"I love you too, I love you so much" she whispered as I stop spinning her around

Her beautiful once saddened eyes were now shinning bright, and no not because of the tears, but because she was happy

"I love you" I whisper as I place her on her feet

I lean closer to her lips and she leaned up meeting me half way as I place my lips on hers. Her arms immediately wrap around my neck and mine rested on her hips as I pull her forward

i took a huge breath in, my lips still on hers, I was trying so hard to make myself believe that she was here and I wasn't just hallucinating. I missed her so fucking much that last few days.

As she pulled back she pecked my lower lip gently before completely pulling away from me.

"I love you and im sorry that I didn't tell you how much I love you when you told me" she whispered playing with her hands nervously

"You are here and you told me how much you love me. You being here is what matters" I whisper back kissing her forehead

i pick her up hooking my arm around her waist as I take her to the balcony, I shut the balcony door and sat her on the railing, she was safe, I would never let her fall ever.

"I missed you so much Nandini, these few days were horrible for me"

"Likewise, it was horrible. I missed you every second and I don't care what you find out or what others have to say, you are going to tell me. No keeping such secrets from and no going to homecoming dances with anyone but me"

"I mhm I wouldn't have said anything at all even today but I can't live without you. These 3 days were hell and I couldn't not see you. I thought I could steal a few glances but you left so I used navy's phone to call you"

"What do you mean" I ask

She rested her forehead against mine holding onto my t shirt

"I want you to know I love you but I mhm we still need to stay away until we can figure things out" she says

"So you do think it is my child" I ask

"Mhm is it not" she asks

"Nandini, the last time her and I had intercourse was almost 5 or 6 months ago and unless she has been hiding that bump for that long, I am not her baby daddy"

"Eww don't call it that" her nose scrunches a bit

I lean forward and kissed her cheeks

"I am 99% sure that I am not the father"

"That 1% manik, what if you are" she asked

"Im going to be honest with you, if I am then im not leaving the child. Yes I love you and I would want you to be in my life to be in the little kid's life too but im not going to force you. I know you have your whole life ahead of you so no I will not take that away from you" I said

"Would you still be in love with me?"

"Yes" I replied with no thought to it because I don't need to think about the love I have for her

"Would you still be able to love me when the mother of your child is there?"

"Nandini I don't love her, and not an ounce of words, guilt, or anything else can make me love her. If she has my kid, I would love to coparent with her but the only relationship her and I would share would be the custody of our child and nothing else"

She nods sighing

"We don't need to think about any of that yet because I will figure out what's going on okay, till then I need you to hang tight and not doubt me"

"I didn't doubt you, I jsut didn't know if I should tell you anything but if it is your baby then you have a right to know"

"I understand shortcake but the way you reacted to It all could have been better" I said kissing her forehead as I carry her to bed

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