Chapter 32

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"Thank you bhai" her voice is so soft

"For what?"

"For not being upset at manik and i. i love you bhai and I love you navya but when I wake up from a nightmare, I need manik. I like waking up next to him. Bhai, he makes me happy and thank you so much for not yelling or being angry because mhm"

"Because what?" He asked her

"When I mhm I hated every touch, when I hated every single presence around me I though I would never have feelings for someone, I thought I would always be alone but I was wrong bhai. I have never felt uncomfortable or disgusted at manik's touch, when I am in his presence, I feel like no one can hurt me. And I don't wanna make you feel bad bhai but when I woke up scared this morning he was the first person I called. I mhm bhai I don't get nightmares around him" she whispered

I didn't know how cabir would react becasue obviously he loves her so much and for a brother to hear that his sister looked for someone she likes when she was scared may hurt him

Instead cabir smiled and held onto navya's hand leaning back on the couch

"You know nandini, I get what you are saying"

"You do?" She asked

"I do, and I am happy to hear that because manik will always keep you safe I know that for a fact" he said

"I thought I would get tackled" I joke

"If you don't shut your damn trap you might" he warns making me roll my eyes at him

"Dude shut up" I said

"Quit interrupting me okay, I forget my good lines" I laugh hearing him

"Okay what were you saying" I ask

"Fuck you, I forgot my line and honestly it was the best line. Like it could have won oscars and awards you know" he said

Nandini giggles in my chest making me smile

"Bhai eat almonds" nandini says making his jaw drop

"Hey almonds are for losers" he said

"But you made me eat them because you ate them too"

She is so adorable and innocent

Navya and I both laugh making cabir glare at us

"Nandu, I am your brother" he says to her pouting

"Yes, mhm hey no laugh at bhai. See how handsome he is" she complements him

"See, god. I knew it. They just don't value good looking people these days" he is such a drama queen

"Yes you right bhai. You beautiful" she siad in flow and then bit her lip when cabir looked at her

"Beautiful? You mean hot, handsome dashing and god so so sexy" he asked with a smirk

"Oh mygodddd nandini im naming him beautiful in my phone" navya yells grabbing her phone

"No no come on man" cabir said grabbing her phone

"Hey give it back"

"take it babe" he mumbles with a smirk whihc only meant one thing

"Yup, im taking nandini out on a date, officially since now ya'll approve too" I siad picking her up in my arms

"Have fun kids" they both yelled as I carry her to my room

"What are they doing? Why we going outside?" My sweet innocent little baby

"Mhm well don't you wanna go on a date with me?" I asked

"I have never been on one, whats it like?" She asks as I shut my door locking it

"Before that do you wanna stay in or go out?" I ask

"Mhm I want to go on a date but I don't feel too well" she says

"All good, how about a movie date in?"

"What does that mean? We go to movie theather?" She asks

"Mhm something like it but here in the room" I say laying her down on the bed as I hover over her

her hands lifted form beside her to my face as she caressed softly, almost very carefully

"This morning when I woke up, I mhm I had a panic attack" she mumbles

"I know" I whisper

"I couldn't breath, I couldn't find you, I couldn't mhm hear anything but his voice in my head"

"I am here" I assure her

"I thought relationships are what he taught me"

"What did he teach you?" I ask

"When you laugh because of something I said, I feel the happiness radiating off you. is this what a relationship is?" She asks

"Honestly shortcake, mhm I had a relationship with this girl before and I though I loved her. I thought that she and I would be together for a while, a long long time but then one morning she broke everything off because she said I cheated on her and slept with a lot of other girls whihc wasn't true. She said it becasue she saw me drunk but I know I didn't do that, I couldn't. I tried talking to her but she didn't want anything to do with me"

"You loved her?" She asks curiously

Her eyes full of questions

"I didn't, it was mhm more of a friendship that I thought was love"

"How are you sure it wasn't love? Is there a book that explains?" She asked making me chuckle

"No baby, here is no book that explains love"

'then how did you know?"

"My heart never skipped a beat looking at her, I never hated her tears. When her and I were together it was more of friends hanging out and not to get gross but her kisses never felt like kisses" I said

"Eww gross" she mumbles

"Acha ji, gross so kissing is gross" I asked tickling her

"Herheh no, hahah manik" she giggles moving around as I tickle her

"No you jsut said eww"

"Eww ahahaha eww to her" she giggles

i stopped and placed a small kiss on her forehead

"Your kisses aren't eww" she says

"They aren't" I ask

She shook her head gently as she eyes my lips making me smile

seeing me smile she looked in my eyes, I nodded in response. Slowly she brings my face to hers closing her eyes placing her lips on mine

I pull back after a short peck, her cheeks tinted red making me smile. I love how sweet she is, how cute and adorable she is and the best part is she never has to try.

as I press her cheeks gently, she leaned into my touch, I knew her head was still processing the nightmare she had.

I got off from hovering over her and sat up on the end of the bed, before I could get up she grabbed my arm.

"Mani no, please don't leave" she whispered

"Im not baby, but you need to eat so I am going to cook for us so would you wanna come and help" I ask

"Yes please, up up" she said standing on the bed forwarding her hands to me

I smile picking her up in my arms bridal style, she giggled when I rocked her a bit on the way to the kitchen until we heard more giggling

I looked down to see if Nandini heard and she did because she rested her face agsint my chest looking towards cabin's room, I swear to god, this idiot never turns on the settings in the room


I wasn't intending to but nandini jumped a little in my arms, I placed her on the kitchen counter kissing her forehead a couple times

"Im sorry love, I didn't realize that my voice would scare you?" I whispered

"No mhm its, mhm the nightmare its still seems like it might be real" she says shaking her head

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