Chapter 47

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"Bullshit, fucking bullshit" he was ballistic and he has a right to be


"Do not, I am fucking angry right now and I need you to not talk to me, not until I am calm enough to have a civil conversation" he states opening my door

I got inside and placed out coffee in the cup holder, our food sat in my lap. he didn't say anything, not a single word as we drove home. When we got home, he opened my door and as I got out with our food he shut it behind us.

He walked straight to his room and shut the door with a bang making me sigh a little.

I knew I had a lot to make up for with him, a lot I know and I also know he needs some time to figure out his thoughts but he needs to eat.

I grabbed a plate and put his salad in it, I grilled a couple chicken breast too seasoning it since he does have a game tomorrow so he cannot have unhealthy things.

I grabbed him his coffee putting it into a clear cup, mhm like the pink one I have but his is clear. I also got him some water and put it in a tray for him.

I kicked the door with my foot and walked inside to see his room a mess, pillows, blankets, notebooks all on the floor, I couldn't help but notice the teddy bears of ours still on the bed untouched

He sat there with his head in his hands, his soft curls were a mess, he was upset and angry, he was thinking a lot too.

"Boy you sure make a mess" I joke walking inside

His head shot up, his eyes blood shot red.

"Nandini please leave me alone" he says

I knew he was trying to calm down but nothing was helping him clearly.

I place the tray on his study table and picked up the things he threw

"Don't, ill pick it up, just leave please" he said

"You know when you don't see a way out of your thoughts you should let your girlfriend help" I mumble continuing to pick up the few notebooks that were tortured haha

he didn't say anything as I finish picking everything else up placing it where it belongs, I place the pillows back on the bed and grabbed the tray placing it beside him

"So like I was saying, when you can't seem to be able to figure things out you should let your girlfriend help" I stated again

"The same girlfriend that believes a bitch over me right" he taunts

"Ouch, right on the dot. You can taunt all you want but lets get some food in your tummy. It'll give you more energy" I chuckle trying not to show that it hurt

Even though it hurt, he wasn't wrong because I did believe her, but can you blame me? I tried so hard not to let it affect me but as soon as his career, his passion came in the conversation I wasn't playing anymore.

"Can you please jsut leave me alone nandini" he asks

"No, just eat and I promise ill go out"

"Leave me alone, I don't want this shitty food, leave me alone" he says

He made sure he doesn't raise his voice but the hate or the anger, im note sure if it was both or one but it scares me a little

"You haven't eaten at all manik, please eat" I said getting up from beside him

I stood up and held his face in my hand, but he pulled back. I wasn't giving up, I know I hurt him a lot more than this so im gonna be a big girl and just take it

i grabbed onto his face again and leaned down placing my lips on his forehead.

"I know you are angry, you are upset but lets not take it out on food. You have a big game tommorow" I whisper pulling back from him

"I don't give two shits abut the game" he says

"Yes you do because if you didn't you wouldn't be sitting here contemplating everything"

"Nandini leave me alone, im going to ask again" he states harshly

I move my hand back from his face stepping back

"I love you, remember that"

"Ya you have a very nice way of showing it too, thanks" he mumbles

"Im sorry but I do love you" I whisper

he scoffs as I walk out of his room and into mine. I mhm I had to make it up to him. usually when I am not thinking about something so hard, good ideas come to mind so I grabbed my notebooks whihc I kinda forgot about the past 3 days.

I worked on homework for a while, for a few hours actually and it was evening now and I also had a plan. See its a win win, I finished my homework and I also have the idea to make up to him.

I put my notebooks away and walked outside to see alia di sitting there on the couch, I walk towards maniks room kinda ignoring her

"He has a game tomorrow, now do you want him to lose?" She asked making me stop in my tracks

"He won't di, he knows how to win and he will"

"Not after knowing his ex is carrying his child" she smirks

"She isn't di, she is lying and even if she was, he still knows how to win, he is a winner and no matter what happens he wins" I whisper walking to manik's room

I pushed the door open to see his headphones in as he worked on something on his laptop. I shut the door behind me and notice the food wasn't there anymore but some of his coffee was

I walk up tp him and wrap my arms around his shoulders kissing his cheek from behind.

"What?" He asks not taking his headphones off

I sigh as I move his headphones taking them off



i walk around and turned his chair a little. I moved his arm and sat on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck

"I'm not feeling all lovey doves right now" he whispered

"I understand you are upset"

"I am not, I am pissed off"

"Because she lied?" I ask

"No" he says, eyes on the laptop

"Then whats wrong?"

"You believes her, you thought I could be the father and you lied to me saying you trust me because it sure as hell didn't look like you did. Nor does it seem like it bothers you"

"Manik thats not true"

"Then why the hell are you being like this? Why the hell would you not trust me then. Because right now I am starting to think that you are faking this shit with me"

"What" I ask pulling my arms back

"When you tell me something I trust you blindly. I don't care if god comes down on earth and tells me you are wrong because if I trust you then I believe you"

"Manik but I"

"No, I am trying so hard not to think about this but I can't seem to forget it. If a year from now someone comes up from my past and tells you I did something you will believe them over me and then you will cry about it because you know I will melt"

As soon as he said that last line, I knew he wasn't himself right now because the manik I love, the one I fell in love with, the one I am in love with would never think I am using my tears to get something from him.

I got up from his arms and stepped back from him, as far as I could get without leaving the room

"Thank you manik" I whisper before I walked out of his room closing it slowly

There was one thing that I told him when I told him some of my past, I told him how when I cry I hate my tears becasue rocky would always threaten me and so for him to use that and say I might be using my tears to get him to not be upset with him was not something I expected

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