Chapter 52

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We both waited for the bleachers to clear up and as we got to the backroom/ their changing room, I notice veebha there and a man

"Who is that?" I ask looking at the man

"Oh no, this is serious. Mhm that's the team official, like higher ups"

"Crap" I Mumble

"Manik malhotra we cannot have this, not on this team" the official person says

"Excuse me?" Manik wasn't calm

"Watch your tone mr malhotra"

"Okay no, this is so obnoxious, I bring in wins and you are okay but as soon as someone turns up and brings this stupid rumour in and you are kicking me off"

"Yes, becasue I am not having bad publicity for my team. We pay you enough, more than enough actually to get these wins, so until this 'rumour' isn't handled, we cannot have you play for our team"

"Im not coaching this team if you kick him off" the coach says sitting beside Manik

"This isn't"

"Im not playing for this team if he isn't there" bhai says

"Neither am I" aryaman, yes the one I never expect to say got up and said that

"Yup, none of us play if Manik is kicked off the team" the whole team gets up

"Fine, I will bring in new players" the official person said

"Sure, go ahead. Boys lets go play for the opposite team ya?" The coach said making me giggle out loud

All eyes turned to me making me jump back a little, oh no, I am so bad at these things

"Get out" the person said to navya and I

"Yes, you should get out mr gupta, because we aren't your team anymore" the coach said

"You realize I pay you"

"And you realize that you are nothing without us" the coach says

"How dare you?"

"No dude, how dare you come in here and blame my star player based on a god damn rumour. You know I can bring you to the streets by letting everyone know that you are kicking off a player even though he has a contract with you that bounds him and all of us for 3 more years"

Oh I like the coach but he calls me little

"Do you know who you are seeking to?" The person asked

"Okay I have had enough of this bullshit. you listen to me. You believe the rumour ya?" Manik asked getting up

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked

"Bring me official documents, show me where it says she is pregnant, show me the paternity test, show me the god damn reports. You need proof to kick me off. Boards require it right mr gupta so shows me the proof and I walk out now"

There is one thing I realize about Manik, he is so so soft with me but when he is here or talking to anyone else he has this harshness, not rudeness but this 'be careful of what you speak' in his voice

"She said she is pregnant" mr gupta says

"Okay and im the fucking president, but there is no fucking proof, so do not come waltzing in here and tell me im off the team. This team is mine, this is family for me, you are just the money and not to say that you aren't making money off of us, more than what you pay us. So mr gupta, the day you get a doctors report saying I am the father of her child then come here and tell me im off the team"

"mr malhotra you are crossing the line" mr gupta says

"And im about to cross another one because I am going to call the boards, higher ups letting them know what you just said to me, to the team. Oh and in the 15 page contract, it doesn't state I can't marry someone, have kids, or do anything else. So shove these threats up your ass and get out of here, unless you want me to make that call. And let me remind you, half of this glorious world you live in is owned by malhotra companies, just because I am grounded and don't show off doesn't mean I can't. Mr gupta, never and I mean it, never threaten my team and I ever again, or we go and play against your team to bring you down" his words held so much power

He wasn't just defending himself, but the whole team, the coach, the whole family.

mr Gupta's face turned red

"Be careful malhotra" he said

"Be wise of your words and don't try stepping on others to move forward, because a motherfucker like me will always pull you by those legs and bring you where you belong. Treat us like family and you become family, treat us like your little project and we will show you what an actual project is"

Holly crap, this man's words

mr gupta left from there and the coach chuckled making everyone look at him

"And you get the fuck out before I announce to the world you are a liar and get this fake pregnant belly off you. You are disrespecting all the mothers out there and mocking once who have a hard time getting pregnant" he says to navya who snickers

"This is your child" she screamed

"Ya! Okay, coach call our on scene doc and ask him to do this blood test on a quick notice" he said and that seemed to drain her face of any blood

"No" she said

" that's what I thought. Get the fuck out of here and don't ever fucking lie to me again about a child"

"It was worth a try but also she would never satisfy you like I did" she says taking jab at me

"Yup, that's exactly why he is with me and not you. We got it veebha" I say causing everyone to laugh

She stomps out of ther and finally Manik sighs. He isn't the father hell she isn't even pregnant, so stupid and annoying that she did it just to get him back.

"Now that the girl is gone, we should get drinks. Im exhausted man plus honestly he sounds squeaky like a dog toy" he says

I laughed hearing him causing him to look at me

"Little girl you are nice, I like you"

"Heyyy I am not little and you said you would get me candy" I whisper

"Right, yes, next meet I will promise' he said

"Okay" I mumble

"Now can we all get out of these sweet clothes, you don't wanna know where the sweat is dripping" bhai said making me gag a little

"Eww grosss" I whisper

"Gross indeed little girl, everyone see you guys later, manik ice those god damn knuckles, cabir watch that shoulder, Arya keep an eye on that footwork, don't get too good, dev man thank you for wearing gloves, these boys are messed up, Ryan you did great dude"

And he goes on complementing every player before dismissing them all. Bhai kissed my head before he left with navy knowing I am going with manik to our surprise.

Manik was the last one in the change room, and I was waiting for him against his car, im lying hehe, I was sitting on the bonnet of his car playing games on his phone

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