Chapter 41

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It had been 3 days, I was back home in my older room. I hadn't gotten up from my bed, I couldn't breath half the time and the other half I was trying to sleep whihc I also couldn't

My phone ran as I was watching the moon, hoping she was watching the same moon. I look at my phone and saw it was an unknown number so I let it ring until there were a few more calls from the same unknown number.

It rang again, and this time something in my heart told me to pick it up so I did. I picked it up and put it to my ear

"Hello" I say not he phone

"Mani" my eyes filled with tears hearing her voice after 3 days

"Nandini" I whisper

"Please come home mani, please" she was crying

"Whats wrong?" I ask trying not to break

"Please come home mani" she repeats

"Mhm I just have some work here" I lie

"Please, please mani. Please come back" she cried louder


"Please come home, I promise I will explain everything just please come home. I can't do this anymore" she cries

"Shh stop crying, ill be there" I whispered

"Please come soon" she says

"Ill be there in a few hours, stop crying" I say as I grab my car keys and her t shirt that I brought here with me

"Manik" she cries

"Shhh shhh don't cry, I will be right. go lay down with cabir and once you get up ill be there"

"Okay" she whispered

"Be safe" I whispered

"No no don't say that, just say you'll be back soon"

"I will be back soon, ill see you in the morning" I say

"Okay" she says cutting the call

It made no sense but she was crying so hard, she said she wants me back, was I dreaming?

I check my phone to see if I talked to her and I did but it was an unknown number whihc was so weird. Something wasn't right.

I drove back home thinking about her, how can she love me now when she told me she didn't a few days ago. What was going on?

It was around 4 in the morning when I reached home, I parked and walked inside the house to see it pitck black and quiet. I went to shower before I go to talk to nandini but when I came out of the shower there she was

She was sitting on my bed wearing a t shirt of mine and some shorts. Her eyes lift up from the bed as she ran into my arms.

"Im so sorry" she cried

"Shhh relax, whats wrong?" I ask without wrapping my arms around her

I didn't know what was going on

"Please please, just hold me mani, I need you to hold me please"

I wrap my arms around her, she stepped on her tippy toes wrapping her arms around my neck so I lifted her up, her legs wrapping around my back

"Shhh shhh breath, don't cry so much" I whisper placing her on the bed as I squat a little in front of the bed

"You can't go away like that" she whispered wiping her face

"I couldn't stay" I whispered back

"I know, I made you angry and I upset you and hurt you  but why couldn't you jsut stay and wait"

"Because nandini, I can't watch you dance with someone else, I can't watch you around any other guy"

"Manik that mhm it was something I had to do"

"You had to go dance with someone else, you had to tell me I am just a friend to you"

"Manik" she cries holding onto my hands in hers resting them on her thighs

"Nandini none of this makes sense to me, I know I shouldn't have forced you to tell me about the bruise but I swear I was just worried, it was concern not being controlling. And I get that it may have lead to a misunderstanding but"

"Shh no please just let me explain" she says wiping her tears

"Explain what?" I ask

"That afternoon when I went to my room, I mhm I showered to calm down a little and I was going to come to you to tell you what was going on but veebha called me"


There is no way veebha has her number and even if she found it why the hell is she calling Nandini

"She called me and said that she loves you"

"Nandini I told you I don't love her she was in my past"

"I know, I know and it doesn't matter that she said that she loves you but it does matter when she threatens your career manik, it does matter when she tells me she is carrying your child in her and will tell everyone to get you kicked off the team. It does matter when she can ruin your career if I don't back off from you" she says sniffling

Her grip on my hadn't had doubled, she was scared of losing me. So this, all of this wasn't because she didn't love me, or she didn't like. This was all because of veebha

"She said if I don't leave you alone she will tell your coach and they will have to kick you out. I don't want that, especially when I know what that ice ring means to you. I mhm I wanted to ask you if she was telling the truth, so I could shove these feelings in a corner and lock it up. I wanted to yell at you for not telling me that you could be the father of her child but at that point all I could do was act like this so you will distance yourself but you left me"

I sigh hearing her

I wasn't worried about the shit veeebha was pulling because I fucking know she is lying, there is no way in hell she would be pregnant because the last time I had sex with her or anyone was lets see almost 5 or 6 months ago.

She is making this shit up to create a rift between nandini and I, she knew Nandini is smart and would figure it out so she threatened her with my passion, with ice hockey

"I know that I made very bad decision and my words were horrible but you can't just leave like that manik. I didn't even let aryaman drop me or pick me up, I mhm I didn't eat or drink anything he gave me plus I knew bhai had his eyes on me the whole time. I even shared my location with you but you, you left so far away" she complains

"Im sorry" I whisper caressing her thighs

"I tried manik but di was watching me like a hawk, I was going to tell you that night when you pulled me aside during the dance but di was watching"

"What does alia have to do with this?" I ask

"She is the one who took my phone to check if I had texted you the past 3 days that's why I used navya's phone to call you"

Thats why it was an unknown number

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