Chapter 20

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"Hi can I please get a large vanilla iced coffee, a large hazelnut iced coffee, a small Nutella milkshake, and two breakfast wraps with chicken please"

"Of course, ill have it on the next window in a. Second"

"Sounds good, thanks" I said driving up where we waited

"You didn't get bhai anything" she asked

"He said navya got him coffee"

"Navya" she asked

"Yup, its a surprise shh" I said kissing her cheeks

"But I already know" she whispered grinning

"But your bhai doesn't know I spilled the secret so act surprised okay"

"Okay boom I didn't hear anything you said, did you even order me a drink?" She asked making me laugh

"Yes ma'am, a large vanilla coffee, iced and maybe a Nutella milkshake" I said

"I might be a magician because I think it's a small isn't it?" She asked

"Mhm you are my little magician" I mumble

"Here is your order sorry for the wait, we have tossed in a couple muffins for that" the lady siad

"Thank you"

"Your girlfriend is adorable, she is so pretty" the girl said making me smile

I wasn't sure if Nandini heard but oh my god the feeling of someone referring to her as my girlfriend is so sweet

"Thank you" I smiled

I paid and handed the food to Nandini who was red, and I mean bright fucking red which only meant she heard the lady on the window

"What's wrong?" I ask hiding a smile

"She mhm she called me your griflreind" she whispered

"And you are, aren't you doll?" I ask turning her redder which I didn't think was possible but it is

"Apnai kabhi pucha hi ni"

(You never asked)

"Agar mai puchu toh tum han kar dogi?" I ask

(If I ask will you say yes)

"I won't lie and say I don't feel anything for you" she whispered

"You do?"

i was kinda shook because I didn't know she had feelings for me, i mhm I don't know how to contain this happiness

"I have felt like this with anyone, I wont say I haven't feelings for someone before because I have but it wasn't this. What I feel for you is new, its fresh, it's raw almost" she told me

"I understand" I said

"I feel safe with you and no not like I feel with bhai, but its different. What I feel for you is weird"

"Weird" I ask

"Weird not bad, weird as in physical touch is hard for me, even navya I can't hug or hold for long, but when I am with you I want to be holding your hand, your arm. Manik feelings are hard for me, not just to have feelings for someone but everyone's feelings towards me" she said

"Nandini is there something that happened in your past that"

"I don't want to talk about it please, not today please"

"Its okay"

She laid her head back a little closing her eyes as I drove to this shop

"Just so you know, I feel the same way"

"Wait you do? Like you don't think I'm a child and all that stuff you talk about with bhai"

"Doll how do you know what I talk about with cabir?" I ask

"Mhm well you aren't too quiet anyways. The other day you said I was a child"

I did say that but the context was how we were buying balloons and stuff for her birthday instead of alcohol whihc is what parties usually are

"So im not a child"

"Not in that sense"

"You confusing me, my coffee" she mumbles grabbing her coffee from the compartment and sipping on it

"This is not the way home" she says

"I know"

"Are you kidnapping me? And that too on my birthday after getting me food?" She asked

"Yup, finally you know" I said

"Should I put a blindfold on or something, you know just s I don't see where you are taking me" she asked sipping on my coffee now which is literally the same as hers

"Now that you have mentioned it maybe"

"You know what ill make it easier for ya, ill just close my eyes but take me somewhere nice okay" I said

"Nice? doll I'm kidnaping you not taking you on a trip remember" I tease

"Ya but you see its my birthday so take me to someplace nice"

"How about an abandoned house in the middle of the woods" I ask

"Sounds romantic"

"Romantic" I ask

"Yes you know tv shows have this boy kidnap a girl then they move to an abandoned house in the middle of the woods with a lake. They hate each other but then they fall involve and have cute little babies and boom love story" she said smiling as she finished the milkshake

"So what you are saying is you want to fall in love with me?" I ask

"Oh no no that's not the hard part, I think the hard part is asking bhai because he will say he wants to come with"

"What?" I ask

"This kidnapping isn't going good mani, you see you are Bhai's best friend whihc means he will know that you kidnapped me and then he will be like yo Manik I am gonna come to lets be kidnapped together. Like hello this is my love story but no" she rambled on mocking cabir's voice

"Your love story" I ask again

"Yes mine and yours, hellooo keep up Manik. You are kidnapping me"

"Okay ya enough of this little doll" I said grabbing the coffee from her

"Hey my birthday remember" she siad

"You are rambling love, come on eat the wrap" I said

"No im not hungry" she said pouting

"Hey" I said stopping the car looking at her

"Hiii" she giggled

Yup definitely the coffee

"You are so cute" I mumble leaning down to kiss her forehead

"Thank you, where are we?" she asked

"Hold on" I said grabbing my phone from her lap because she was playing with it and no not any games, she was playing with the cover

"Hello, ya come out with it please" I siad

"Of course sir" I heard

"Oh my god you are kidnapping me, id like to make a call to my brother" she said making me laugh

"From where" I ask

"I watched this tv show" she grinned making me chuckle

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