Chapter 10

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She frowned as we walked to the living room, her holding my arm tightly as she stood behind me

"Apologize" he said to his mother

"Oh fuck that, Nandini listen to me, if you stay here with cabir, I am not responsible for you. I will not pay for any of your things and just so you know he is all happy and shit to keep you here but till when huh? You don't work, actually you can't work because you are ungrateful" she said

I could feel the anger running in my veins

"It's mhm it's not that I don't want to Mumma" she whispered from behind me

"Then why don't you huh? Nadnini stop being so stubborn and lets go home. This was supposed to be a trip to get your sister settled in her dorms and here we find out you are here. How the hell did you even get here"

"I walked" she replied

"Fucks sake nandini"

"Im sorry, I I just needed to see bhai" she mumbles

"Why wouldn't you jsut tell me?"

"As if you would let me see him" she whispers quietly but I heard it

"Mom get out now please and she is staying with me, there is no need for her to work or anything okay. I earn enough actually more than enough for us"

"And not to forget aunty so do I, hockey pays really well so you don't have to worry about it"

"If you are keeping her in this house then keep alia here too"

"No" cabir replied

"Yes, its either I call the police and force her to come back home with me or you keep alia here too, she is your sister as well cabir"

"Ya well she doesn't give a shit about me"

"Pick one cabir"

"She can stay here too" I replied before chair could

"great she will move in, in the next hour and you nadnini, we are done. You don't mean anything to me, you are not my daughter anymore" she said walking away

I felt Nandini's grip losses on my arm, and then her little feet making noise as she ran into her room shutting the door, she locked her door making me look at cabir who threw his phone

"FUCK MAN" he screamed

"Not now cabir, hold it the fuck in and go talk to her" I said

"She isn't gonna open the door I know"

"Fucking try man, she is crying, I can hear her out here. Cabir go" I said

he walked over to her door standing there

"Nandini please open the door" he whispered

there was no reply but her crying got louder

"Pumpkin please open the door"

i walked to the door too because her crying was scaring me, I have seen people cry but her crying made my heart hurt for some reason

"Shortcake open the door baby, I told you no one would take you and see you are still here right, please open the door so we can talk" I whispered caressing the door

I didn't wanna bang on the door but if she didn't answer in the next 10 minutes I am breaking the door down with no hesitation

"Go away" she replied

"Nandini open the door please" cabir's voice chocked

I knew he was about to cry too and I am not about to deal with two crying babies

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