Chapter 51

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The team starts coming out, I noticed manik, his shoulders tense, that hard glare on his face as he puts the helmet thing on. No gloves on his hands as usual, he hates them, though the coach keeps forcing him to wear it, he doesn't

His eyes search the crowd landing on me, I smiled at him earning a small smile too. i open and close my fists three times at him, our sign for I love you as I mouthed it too. I could feel him chuckling under that helmet as he did it back.

I grin seeing how he did the sign back, I love him so much. Its hard to see him like this but gosh he is perfect and I know we will get through this, we will.

As they did some weird team things, I was just talking to navya, her and I are such talkative humans, like there are times where Manik and bhai are either doing homework together or not home cause they are in the gym, her and I lay down on the bed and just chat

"Is it me or the team is a bit I don't know shook" she asked making me look at Manik

"Mhm a little, but why?" I ask as I notice Manik and bhai taking their helmets off to chat to their coach

"Not sure but lets hope its nothing"

I nod nervously, but soon after the game began, most of the time I can't watch because it is stressful when they get hurt, but regardless, the game was going strong.

The first half both the teams were tied, the second half began with our college doing better but slowly I noticed Manik losing his focus, he wasn't going for goals, he was slowing down

"time out" the referee calls, I'm assuming because of the coach

A couple minutes went by until navya's phone rang.

"Yeah" she says on the phone and cut the call

"We gotta go over there, back room" she said getting up

"Wait why? Is bhai okay?" I ask

"Oh he is swell, but your boyfriend is throwing shit around"

"hey be nice to him"

she chuckles kissing my head as we ran to the back room

"Okay no, I don't give a single shit dude. Get the fuck away from me. Take aryaman, he is great, he can play" Manik's voice was so harsh and full of anger

"Malhotra I am not fuckign playing around here, you are one of the best we have and last 20 minutes, you were shit. You didn't make a single goal, not because the other team is good, but because you didn't try. What the fuck is going on with you" the coach yells

"Fuck off man, I am not going out there, might as well kick me out now" he said

Oh no no, this isn't good.

"Malhotra seriously man, I am not kicking you out. I don't believe a single word that came out of her mouth. Don't through this away man"


"Someone get me the little girl" the couch says

"What little girl" one of the team members asked


"She is here" navya says pulling me with her

"Hey I am not little" I whine

"thank god, the little girl"

"I am not little" I whine to the coach

"Listen I will get you all the candy int he world, get this man to get out there and win" he says

I walked to Manik to see him sitting there, eyes closed, his face in his hands.

"Hey" I whisper squatting in front of him

"Nandini" he whispers moving his hands from his face

"What's wrong?" I asked caressing his cheeks

"You were right, she told him about this fake ass baby and the officials don't want me playing"

"Calm down" I whisper seeing him so hyped up

"I am not going out there" he states

"Why?" I asked

"There is no fucking point, I win or lose im still getting fucking kicked out"


"Okay hey, you calm down too. Someone get him some cold water and pout it down his t shirt" I chuckle at my words

"Little girl"

"I am not a little girl" I tell him

"Help" he pouts

Okay ya, this whole team is filled with kids, and I thought I was a kid

"Manik come on, up up and out there. You gotta win this"

"For what? To be kicked off the next second, ya no thanks"

"Manik come on dude" bhai says


"Manik do it for me, do it for you, for your team. Come on get up and show her she can't ruin this for you and the res we worry about later" I tell him

"Everyone out" he screams and I kid you not everyone, every single person runs out of there leaving him and I

"I love you Manik" I whisper kissing his cheeks

"I love you more"

"Come on, go get em tiger" I giggle making him chuckle

"I am doing this because I can't say no to you but I swear if"

"Shhh talk later, go out there and oh tell your coach not to call me little. Mani I am average height" I whine complaining to him

"Oh you are sweetheart" he cooes pecking my lips

I grabbed his hand placing a soft kiss on his bruised knuckles, I swear he always ends up hurting his knuckles

"Ill see you in a few" he says kissing my head as he goes outside to his team

I make my way back to bleachers to see navya giving me a smirk

"Hi" I whisper

"So did he ask for a kiss to make it better and stuff, maybe more than a kiss"

"Shhh navya no, stop. I mhm no" I could tell I was burning up, I was blushing

"Oh whatever, maybe in a couple days here ill see hickeys on you" she teased


"Okay ill stop miss innocent"

"I will complain to bhai" I said

"Oh do so, he would be very happy to see you happy" I smiled at her response

A couple minutes later, the game began again and i swear the coach was pulling his hair out for a few minutes until they started making scores. The last few minutes were left but there was no way the other team would win so I wasn't even nervous anymore

The bell/ringer rings and the whole bleachers jump up yelling and screaming. I am so proud of, he won, yes team effort but he did so good especially when his head is filled with other things.

"I suppose the kiss worked" navya jokes making me chuckle a bit as I blush

"Mhm no he, stop"

"Okay okay ms blushing queen, lets get to the back and see whats going on with veebha"


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