Part 4

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Moments later, Lia's grandfather, Yesung, came from his room and sit in the same area as Ryujin. Ryujin stood up to bow.

"Good afternoon sir, I'm Shin Ryujin, your doctor."
"I'm well aware, nice to meet you Ryujin. I really hope you can help take away all this pain. It's been killing me."
"Of course sir, I will try my very best and just know you're in very capable hands." Ryujin smiled. As soon as she was about to start, there was a knock on the door. Lia's grandmother went to open it only to see that it was Lia herself.

"Ah Jisu dear! You're back." She said giving Lia a warm embrace.
"Yes granny, I'm so exhausted."
"I know, go sit down, I'll make you some tea."
"Thank you, you're the best." Lia smiled sweetly at her grandmother.

"Hey Ryujin! Hi grandpa!" Both of them greeted her nicely.
"Hi Lia, I was just about to start our session."
"Ok brilliant. I'll just sit here and watch. If you need anything, let me know." Lia said to which Ryujin nodded.

"Ok sir, so first, I'm just going to check the overall functionality of your limbs and muscles, this will help me understand what kind of issues you're facing which will help me build a five month plan, alright?" Ryujin said in a sensitive manner, ensuring every word was understood.
"Got it doctor."

Ryujin started right away, carefully checking each tendon to not miss out on any tiny detail that most people overlook. As she was working, Lia couldn't help but watch in awe, how swiftly and calmly Ryujin did her job.

"You seem to be very skilled Ryujin." Lia complimented, earning a smile from Ryujin.
"Well, I have been doing this job for years now."
"Mhm, it shows. You really like your job right?"
"Yes, I couldn't imagine doing anything else."
"It.. must feel nice." Lia chuckled hesitantly. Ryujin understood what she was talking about and couldn't help but feel upset.

It was already eight in the evening and the entire family was getting ready for dinner. The dining table was large, as it had to seat many people: Lia's father, Lia's mother, Lia's boyfriend, Lia's grandmother, Lia's grandfather, Lia herself, and Ryujin. You'd imagine with a family this big, the evening would go by smoothly, with everyone laughing and having fun, as all families should be.

This family was certainly different.

Lia's father sat at the end of the table, which made it seem like he was some king who prepared a feast for his followers. To his right was Lia's mother, and to his left, which Ryujin guessed should have been Lia, was actually Kevin. Lia sat next to Kevin. The grandmother sat next to the mother, and Ryujin sat next to her. Her grandfather sat at the opposite end of the table.

"Okay, it's time for our daily discussion. I would like to start off with Ryujin. Please tell me the progress you've made with my father." Mr Choi said firmly in a deep, overwhelming tone. Ryujin was caught off guard so she abruptly swallowed her food and washed it down with water.

"Sorry sir. Alright, so today I checked his overall functionality, ensuring I didn't overlook anything. By the looks of it, it just seems to be something caused of old age, however, I found a lump on one of his knees, which I believe can grow into a bigger issue. I've pinpointed other places that need careful checking. I believe most of these issues will be eliminated by regular physiotherapy but that lump does concern me a bit. It's too early to decide on anything yet, so after a few more sessions, I believe I will have a stronger answer for you." Ryujin said confidently, in her doctor like tone, which certainly impressed Mr Choi and the rest of the family.

"Okay, brilliant! This is a very promising start. Next, Kevin. Tell me what work you've done today."
"Alright, so I joined the summit meeting today that was discussing the new uses of the Snapdragon chips, you know the stuff Android flagships have been using?"
"I love to hear it son! You make me proud as your father in law." Mr Choi said, causing Kevin to nonchalantly smirk.
"And you Lia? Did you get anything done today?" He said in a condescending tone, almost sounding like he was trying to put Lia down. Ryujin clearly noticed that his mannerism of speaking hurt Lia a lot.
"I did. I created meetings with potential investors of the CatLaw project. I met Mr Jeon and informed him about the upcoming turns for the launch next week AND I gave the go for the new building construction. I have double checked and ensured that there will be no more delay." Lia listed all her work for the day. It was certainly a heftier amount than what Kevin had done.

"That's it?!" Mr Choi was furious.
"What do you mean 'that's it?'" Lia was clearly mad.
"That's all the work you did?"
"Um, dad? All Kevin did today was sit in some meeting for an hour and you praised him so much whereas I did work that will solidify the company's future for the next three months and you're mad at me?"
"Lia, don't argue with your father!" Mr Choi slammed his wrist on the table. Lia sat in silence, taking the slander.
"You know what, for this inappropriate behavior, you will have to work over time today. You have read through every funding file till you're done with all them." Mr Choi said as a means of punishment.
"But dad.. I worked for like 10 hours today! Do you not realize how tired I am."
"All you know what to do is complain. Ungrateful brat."

Ryujin noticed that Lia was trying her best to hold in the tears. She knew she couldn't say anything because it was family business.

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