Part 2

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"Ahh Ryujin! We're going to miss you so much!" Yeji said as she tightly hugged Ryujin, who was ready to board her flight to Seoul.
"I know, but I hope these months will pass by quickly." She laughed as she tried breathe from Yeji's tight embrace.
"I wish you could be here for my birthday though." Chaeryeong pouted as she too gave Ryujin hug.
"I know Chae, but someone here decided to send me off asap." Ryujin said as teased Yeji.
"You'll thank me later, I know you will." Yeji responded.
"Well, you shouldn't delay anymore! Otherwise the plane will go without you." Yuna warned her after giving Ryujin a hug too.
"You're right. I guess I'm off then! Bye guys, see you in roughly half a year. I'll miss you a lot." Ryujin waved at them while going to the boarding gate. Her friends continued waving back till she was no longer in sight.

"5 months is a lot of time, damn, things will be pretty boring without her." They all agreed.

Ryujin quickly made on board as she had a first class ticket. Yeji insisted she pay more for a first class ticket due to the long flight hours and maximum comfort. Ryujin soon realized it was a pretty good idea as she was given everything from snacks to entertainment sources. The 16 hour flight was comfortable, despite her persistent fear of flying. First class made it seem as if she was in a bedroom, but in the sky. Her trip from New York to Seoul went by quickly and she already found herself at the taxi stand waiting to be picked up.

"Hey Yej, did the family say they'd pick me up or should I get a taxi of my own? But I don't know their address either? What do I do?" Ryujin scratched her head in confusion.
"Oh, uh, if I remember correctly, they're sending someone to pick you up. I think their daughter or someone is picking you up. Check around."

Ryujin circled the parking area for anyone that seemed to looking for her but failed. Seoul's airport seemed to be extremely busy and people just kept on coming. Due to the hustling, pushing and squeezing, she bumped into someone which led them dropping their belongings everywhere.

(NOTE: whenever I use italics, it's to show that they are speaking in Korean. For example: Hello, I'm Ryujin is Ryujin introducing herself in Korean)

"Ah, I'm so sorry!" Ryujin said apologetically as she saw the girl struggle to get up. She offered a hand, to which the girl accepted, and picked up the items she dropped.
"Thank you for helping me. It's not a problem. I should have been more aware." The girl bowed.
"Are you alright? That seemed like a bad fall." Ryujin asked with concern. The girl just nodded.
"I'm alright, I'm looking for someone so I was in a rush." The girl replied.
"Same, I'm also looking for someone, or at least I think I am." Ryujin scratched her head in embarrassment.
"Oh, imagine we're looking for the same person." The girl chuckled.
"It's possible."
"Anyway, I should get going. It was nice meeting you. My name is Jisu by the way."
"Same here, my name is Ryujin." She bowed.
"Wait, Shin Ryujin?"
"Y-yes? Do you know me?"
"Oh great! You're the doctor that's going to help my grandfather! I'm his granddaughter and was sent by my father to pick you up!"
"Oh perfect! This works really well! I was looking for you too."
"Sorry for the delay and all this confusion. You see, I'm a very disorganized person. So shall we go?" Jisu said as she led Ryujin to her car.

She placed all her luggage in the back and sat in the front seat next to Jisu.

"So you've come from New York right?" Jisu suddenly shifted from Korean to English which caught Ryujin off guard.
"I have! Sorry, do you prefer speaking in English?"
"I don't mind either way. I actually use to study in Canada so I find myself naturally speaking English more."
"I see. English is perfectly fine by me too."
"Great! So where in Korea are you from?" Jisu asked as she carefully kept her eye on the road.
"I'm from Chuncheon. What about you?"
"I'm from Bucheon but I live in Seoul with my family."
"I see." Ryujin said as she looked out of the window, trying her best to remember Seoul.
"Have you been to Seoul before?" Jisu asked.
"Yes actually, my family moved here when I was around seven but after my grandmother got sick, we had to move back. It's my first time coming here since then."
"How is she doing now?"
"She passed away a few years ago while I was in doing my residency." Ryujin said with some pain in her voice.
"I'm sorry to hear that, and sorry for bringing it up.. I didn't mean to."
"No don't worry! It's fine. After her passing, I started specializing with elderly patients to make sure their grandchildren will never go through the same pain."
"That's really noble of you." Jisu smiled with appreciation.
"Of course I haven't done anything significant yet, but thank you for saying that."
"We're nearly here." Jisu said as she noticed that they were only one turn away from the house.

She pulled the car into the parking area while Ryujin was stunned over how big the house really was. It was clear that Jisu's family was quite wealthy, to afford this size of a house in the middle of Seoul was nothing cheap. She took her luggage from the trunk and entered the mansion.

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