Part 15

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Lia and Ryujin finished their dinner rather quickly, eating a variety of foods like chicken, duck, prawns. Ryujin confirmed that it indeed was an excellent restaurant and dinner couldn't have gone smoother than that. As they were feeling a little bloated, they settled on walking around the riverside for a bit which was not too far from the restaurant, only a few minutes of walking. The breeze was a little strong tonight, making the two a little cold however the beauty of the moonlight was enough to keep them going.

"The moon is so beautiful tonight." Ryujin pointed out.
"It sure is. And it's a full one too."
"The sound of the river is also really pleasing."
"It really is." Lia agreed, however telling herself that there was nothing more beautiful than the girl next to her right in this very moment.
"When is your family getting home from dinner?"
"I think at around midnight."
"What time is it now?"
"It's ten forty, we have plenty of time." Lia said as she put her phone away. The wind slowly grew stronger sending chills down her spine so she could barely walk.
"If you want you can.." Ryujin offered Lia to hold her arm for support. Lia accepted, making a heart beat a tad bit quicker. "Do you feel like singing?" She asked innocently.
"I'll gladly sing for you. Tell me a song."
"Do you know Jonghyun?"
"Kim Jonghyun? Oh, he used to be my idol. I aspired to become as impactful as him." Lia said with sadness in her voice.
"He was my favourite singer. Is it okay if you sing one of his songs?"
"Do you have a favourite?"
"Blinking game." Ryujin said. (Please search the song up if you don't know it, it's so beautiful, thank you for your music Jonghyun)

And of course, Lia opened her mouth and the most beautiful melody imaginable came out, that's what Ryujin felt at least. To have so much depth in your voice was more than just mastering techniques. It was pure passion that she poured out, and maybe it had to do with some of the influence Ryujin had on her.

"I really can't believe you're not a professional." Once again, Ryujin was in awe.
"Thank you Ryu." Lia chuckled at her cuteness.
"You have an incredible voice."
"Thank you Ryujin."
"I hope the world knows how beautiful you are one day."
"Thank you Ryujin." Lia couldn't respond in any other way, she was just thankful there was someone with her in this moment and she could share her feelings with.

They walked and talked for another few minutes before deciding it was a good idea to get back home before the rest of the family came back.

Right as the clock hit midnight, there was a furious knock on the door. It was Mr Choi and the family. Luckily, Ryujin and Lia had already came back plenty of minutes before. Lia opened the door.

"Took you long enough." He scoffed as he placed his coat on the hanger.
"Sorry dad."
"Were you just home?"
"Er- no, I went out to eat."
"You went out!? Why are you wasting money on stupid restaurants. You know they overprice everything."
"But dad, you literally go out every week with everyone. It's the same thing."
"It's different Lia! I'm spending money on myself because I deserve it."
"Whatever." Lia couldn't handle any stupidity at this hour. "Besides, it was Ryujin's treat."
"You.. went with her?" Her father spoke in a low tone, clearly vexed by his daughter's actions.
"She would be alone, so of course I went with her."
"Lia, I know you're not the brightest person in the room, but are you serious? You know how bad it makes me look if you with Ryujin to restaurants?"
"I don't understand dad."
"You are about to get engaged for crying out loud! If you go out with a girl, how do you think people will take it as huh? They'll think why isn't she going out with Kevin, instead of some girl."
"People take things those way."
"Oh really? You think you know better."
"No.. that's not what I meant. Sorry."
"That's it. You're not allowed to go out with Ryujin anymore."
"No buts." Mr Choi pointed his finger at her.
"Dad, she's my only friend. Nobody talks to me. And if you don't want me going out with her then why don't you ever invite me to these so called 'family' dinners? I'm still your daughter after all."
"Who do you think you are arguing with me right now? Are you trying to get sympathy? Are you making excuses? Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?"
"No. You know what. Everyone! Let's gather in the living room. Lia thinks she is smarter than all of us here. Ryujin, you come too." Mr Choi shouted loudly, gathering all the members of the family in one area.

"So Lia, you think you're better than me? Better than the owner, founder and CEO of one the largest tech companies in the world?" Mr Choi spoke arrogantly.
"Dad, you know very well that is not what I meant." Lia said avoiding contact with him. She was also intimidated by Kevin and her mother's scrutinizing looks.
"Oh then tell us. I want to hear it."
"I just wanted to know why you never invite me to these family dinners. You know it hurts being left out all the time. It feels like my own family don't want me anymore!" Lia cried in a soft manner earning an empathetic look from Ryujin.
"Oh Lia, what made you doubt that?"
"Huh?" Lia asked thinking her father was going to say something nice for once in his life.
"Of course we don't want you!" Mr Choi laughed menacingly. His words just stabbed Lia's heart, piercing and crushing it. "But you do the job at the end of the day, so we keep you."
"The truth always hurts Lia." Her mother butted in.

Lia felt her eyes sting and grow heavier with tears. The unimaginable way her parents and boyfriend have been treating her for all this time, she knew she had endured too much.

"Besides, if it weren't for us, God knows what failure you'd become." Her mother added.
"I wouldn't have failed." Lia said sternly.
"Oh yes you would. You think you're going anywhere with that stupid little dream of yours and that voice? You think being a singer is successful or respectable?"
"I know I would have succeeded." Lia said knowing that the only reassurance she needed was of Ryujin. But the damage was done to her heart, she couldn't help but feel tears gush.

Everyone left the living room, going to their rooms to call it a day, and Kevin went to stay in his house for the night.

The silence buzzed in Lia's mind as she tried to fall asleep on this particularly cold night.

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