Part 11

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"Sir, can you please move just a little forward. Perfect! And now to the other side. Great! Alright, we're all done." Ryujin said as she finished up another session with Lia's grandfather.
"It's like magic! My back doesn't hurt anymore."
"Shin Ryujin at your service." Ryujin gave a bow and a laugh.
"More like magician Ryujin. Thank you."
"Of course sir, it's my pleasure."
"Great! You two are done, I just made some snacks." Lia's grandmother came in holding a tray of food to which both Ryujin and the grandfather were delighted to enjoy.

"I have a meeting to join any minute now so I'll go to my room. See you!" Ryujin took the last bite and went up to her room. She had an online meeting with Yeji and Chaeryeong, discussing about schedules required for the department they work in at the hospital. Ryujin set up her laptop and webcam on her desk and quickly tidied her bed, as much as she could anyway.

"Hi guys!" Ryujin excitedly waved at the screen.
"Ryujin! Long time no see!" Both Chaeryeong and Yeji spoke in harmony.
"I know. Just few months left to go."
"I know. I want to ask you so many things but let's get work done first, because you know we can get sidetracked." Yeji laughed. And it took them about an hour to get all the work related tasks done.
"Alright, now that that's over, tell us Ryujin. How is Seoul, how is the patient, how is the family."
"Seoul is different to how I remembered it last. Like it's not as lively as last time, but it might just be me. The patient is doing pretty well, we're making good progress. I'm updating his file later this evening. And the family.. well they're an interesting lot. Definitely a lot of discipline is required." Ryujin tried her best to not mention anything about the way Lia was treated as she would stepping over her boundaries, and it's generally not a good idea to talk about someone else's life without their permission.
"I see. Sounds like you're always busy then."
"Yeah, but tell me, how are you doing? How is Yuna?"
"Yuna is good. Oh oh! She recently got into a relationship." Chaeryeong squealed making Yeji laugh.
"Yuna? In a relationship?? Damn, maybe there's hope for me too." Ryujin laughed thinking Yuna would be the last to get a partner from the four of them.
"I know right. C'mon Ryujin, you better find yourself a girlfriend too."
"I know, I know. But tell me, who is she dating?"
"She didn't tell us who but she said it's someone from the hospital." Yeji said.
"I'm trying to think of the people she talks to... nope can't think of anyone. Damn, she's pretty secretive." Ryujin frowned.
"She'll tell us when the time's right." Chaeryeong said, everyone agreeing with her.
"Yeah, Yuna is a careful girl. I'm sure she chose someone who's just right for her!"
"So Ryujin, made any new friends?" Yeji asked her.
"I made one. Her name's Lia."
"Oh, she's the daughter of the family right?"
"Mhm. She's a very sweet girl."
"Sweet?" Chaeryeong smirked at Ryujin.
"Jeez, Chae, no! Besides, she's getting married soon."
"Well that's a bummer." Yeji said.
"Mhm, sure is." Ryujin said remembering how awful Kevin is. However, Yeji and Chaeryeong didn't know that, so to them, it came off as something else.
"Someone has a crush." Chaeryeong jokingly gasped and covered her mouth.
"Oh you wish, it's nothing like that. We've only just become friends."
"Whatever floats your boat." Yeji shrugged, noticing Ryujin slowly turning red.

The three talked for another few minutes before saying bye and disconnecting. Ryujin continued typing on her computer till she heard a small knock on her door. Lia carefully entered the room after Ryujin gave her the signal to enter.

"Hey Ryujin." Lia said closing the door behind her.
"Hey Lia. How are you?" Ryujin took her eyes off of the screen and faced Lia.
"Not bad. You?" She said as she sat on her bed.
"Same. I just finished up a meeting."
"Ohh, how was it?"
"It was good, it also gave me a chance to talk to my friends after a while."
"That's good." Lia said a little awkwardly, not knowing why she even came in the first place.
"So, did you come to ask me something or?"
"Not really. I just came from work, my grandparents are having their nap, there's nobody else, so I just wanted to be with someone." Lia said as she sighed.
"Well, you've come to the right person. I'm almost done with my work, so give me five minutes max." Ryujin said as smiled and went back to her computer.
"Take your time." Lia said as she laid down on Ryujin's bed, propping her head with one of her hand, slowly realizing how much she loved being in the same atmosphere as the other. Before, whenever she was lonely, she would just curl up in bed and drown herself with endless scrolling on her phone, with no sense of awareness whatsoever. But Ryujin changed that.

"Alright, done!" Ryujin said as she stood up from her chair and stretched her hands.
"Great. So what do you plan on doing now?" Lia asked as she too got up.
"I don't know, I was going to ask you that." She laughed.
"I always choose, so it's your turn."
"I want to do what you want to do."
"Hmm, are you hungry?"
"I am actually. I've been craving Italian food for a while."
"Oh perfect! I know a great great spot. You'll love it." Lia jumped excitedly, almost as if she were a kid on Christmas morning.
"Lead the way!"

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