Part 12

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The restaurant was about a ten minute drive away so they took Lia's car. The restaurant itself was rather rustic, containing only a few guests, a perfect place for someone who's had a long day. The waiter, who knew Lia from before, seated the two, giving them water and a menu.

"So what do you recommend?" Ryujin asked Lia.
"Are you craving pizza or pasta?"
"Pizza sounds good."
"You should try their grilled chicken pizza. It's like one of my favourite foods ever. It's also big enough for two people so we can share."
"Alright, sounds great! I'm excited to try." Ryujin responded to Lia's enthusiasm.
Lia called the waiter and placed the order.

"Now we relax and wait. So Ryujin, what other food do you like?"
"I pretty much like anything that's edible and has good texture. But my favourite cuisines are probably Korean, Chinese and Italian. You can never get bored of them."
"Same! I know an amazing Chinese restaurant too, so we should go there one day."
"You're a food connoisseur then. Do you often go alone or?"
"Yeah, always alone. This is my first time going with someone." Lia smiled at Ryujin, resting her chin on her hand.
"Well, I'm honored. I hope we go out more often."
"Yeah, I'll make a list of places we should definitely visit while you're in Seoul."
"Good idea."
"How long are you in Seoul for?"
"Well, it's almost been a month, meaning I have four months left."
"That's not a lot of time if you think about it." Lia frowned.
"I know, but let's not think about that. We still have four entire months, so let's enjoy it!"
"You're right. But I can't help think, when you leave, how lonely I'll be all over again."
"Hey, don't think about that right now. Please?"
"If you say so. Besides, I'm getting engaged next month, so I probably won't have time to do anything because of wedding planning."
"Oh right." Ryujin looked down. "I forgot about that part."
"It's okay. I won't think of it right now. For now, what's important is you and the pizza that's on its way!"
"Exactly." Ryujin smiled, also realizing how much she enjoyed being around Lia.

The two enjoyed the grilled chicken pizza, which Ryujin confirmed was brilliant and one of the best pizzas she's ever eaten, thanking Lia for her amazing choice. Ryujin offered to pay though Lia insisted it should be her treat as it was their first time going out together. At the end, Lia came out as victorious to Ryujin's dismay. They took a stroll around the beautiful streets surrounding the restaurant as there were some scenic trees and greenery. The breeze was gentle, the temperature was of a cozy warmth, and the sun was slowly setting, creating an orange like sky.

"Beautiful." Ryujin said as she looked up at the sky.
"I know right. Nature is so pure."
"It makes you wonder how nature stays so beautiful despite all the seasons changing, time changing, despite going through so much."
"Kind of like you." Ryujin walked closer to Lia.
"What do you mean?"
"Despite going through so much for all this time, you're still here, standing strong, with a beautiful smile."
"Ryujin, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever told me." The words touched her heart.
"It's the truth."
"But even nature needs help to bloom and show its true colours. That's why I need you."
"And I'm always here for you." Ryujin smiled. "You know that, right?"
"I know. You're sweetest person ever."
"I know." Ryujin smirked making Lia laugh. "But I'm second."
"Second? Then who's first?"
"You of course."
"Damn, I should have seen that coming." Lia laughed. "It'll get dark soon, so we should head back."
Ryujin agreed and followed Lia back to her car.

Over the next few days, one month was finally complete, making Ryujin that a lot of progress was made: both with her patient and Lia. The patient seemed to be getting better, and Lia seemed a little happier everyday. However, it did make her wonder how long the happiness would last and if Lia would be the same once she left for New York. They had already developed the relationship of best friends.

It was a Saturday and the entire family was in the living room, finalizing Lia and Kevin's outfits for the engagement. Though Ryujin had no business, Lia had asked her to join.

"No no, try that dress! You look too fat in this one." Lia's mother shouted, ordering her to try the other.
"I think this is the best one though? It looks perfect for an engagement."
"Nah, your mother's right, you don't look that great." Kevin said giving a disapproving look.
"So try the next dress Lia. Stop complaining so much." Her father started fuming.
"Fine. I'll need help getting into this one though. It's got so many zips and I doubt I'll be able to bend. Mom, can you help me?"
"Nonsense, it's not my work." Her mother looked around to see anyone who could help and targeted Ryujin. "Ryujin, go help Lia change."
"W-what me?" Ryujin flinched, Lia was a little embarrassment.
"Yes you. Come on, stop wasting time. Hurry up."
"Let's go then." Lia sighed and took Ryujin to her bedroom to change dress for the fifteenth time that day. She locked the door.

Ryujin helped Lia get out of current dress, unzipping the back, trying her best not to touch Lia's skin.
"Sorry Ryu, it's a little embarrassing for me too."
"Don't worry." Ryujin reassured her.
"This dress was my favourite one so far though." Lia was clearly upset by their comments.
"Mine too. You looked beautiful in it."
"Thank you." Lia said as she took off her dress, making Ryujin turn around in redness.

"Hey, you need to help me remember? I promise it'll be quick. Besides, it's not like I'm not wearing anything." Lia laughed at Ryujin panicking.
"Y-yeah o-okay." Ryujin gave in and helped Lia in the next outfit which was a rather difficult process.

"Alright, all done." Ryujin said in awe of the other girl's beauty.
"Hm, this dress is nice too." Lia said as she looked into the full length mirror, while also noticing Ryujin's blushing.
"You make every dress look beautiful."
"Let's hope they think the same."

"Hm this one is better. I guess this one could work." Lia's mother said while squinting her eyes to look at the intricate details better.
"I guess it will do." Kevin rolled his eyes.
"I don't know." Her father said.
"I think it looks stunning on her." Ryujin spoke up for the first time in their family matter. "I really think it suits her." Her comment made Lia go red which even her parents and Kevin noticed, earning a glaring look from them.
"Ok but Ryujin, who asked?" Kevin laughed, acting like it was the joke of the century.
Ryujin ignored him and looked at Lia who was a little uncomfortable by their judgement.

"Fine, we've ran out of options anyway. I guess this dress will work." Lia's mother gave in. Lia took Ryujin back to her room to get out of her dress.

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